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Top 10 Street Assaults You Will Encounter – Jiu Jitsu Self Defence Techniques – Discover the TOP 10 BJJ Self Defense Techniques against common attacks you will encounter on the street. Learn from Mil…


StreetCombatTraining says:

Bad as in Bad-Ass! haha

gavin begg says:

if u are going to do a training film you really should do it in a blazer
that fits dude. this thing looks like a goodwill shop handout.its a size,at
least too big,a bug bear of mine.why do men haven no cue about dress
styling basics. can you defend yourself against style ttacks. I would waste
your time tryig to stop me physicaly as im a bcxer ripped and 6 5″,but hey
ho,who gives a fuck. u win some u lose some. you really should know
guessing u r a bullshitter

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