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The World’s Best Self Defense Knife!

Emerson Super Karambit.


skylixx005 says:

Yeah… Some knives are illegal, so this won’t work… 

Bluedanger64 says:

You should get the nice it is like only $300

Jay Heartz says:

Where can i get one ? 

Nigel Lau says:

$300 on ebay ouch

Toophless1 says:

This has to be one of the best examples of the worse videos presented on
YouTube. Why you say?
1) Get the camera off of your crotch
2) Make your bed
3) Are you making this garbage up or do you have ANY experience in defense
4) Put some shoes on, or again, I defer to #1
5) Why is your right leg dancing? Its because YOU are not in control

This is one of the lamest videos posted to YouTube in a long time. Oh
wait…2011…maybe this guy has cleaned up his ways

Ádám Kegye says:

u know why this video is useless? u can talk all day long, how good is it,
and how good u are with it, how is it part of your body, WHEN u can even
hold the damn knife properly. I dont wnana mention the reverse grip(thats
bullshit too) but the way your fingers are wraped around the handle is not
just not sufficienf, but dangerous. Do some real training with actual
military personel or martial artists with real degrees, not internet
willies, then do a video, not when u have close to no knowledge. And u can
replay all the way u want, u cant deny the fact u cant hold the freaking
weapon u adverties properly.

Ponderances of life says:

Wow, what a load of inexperienced assumptions and assertions that have
little basis in reality. Do yourself a favor and go find a GOOD kali, or
escrima instructor. I’m sure learning, practicing and getting your skill
up will change most of your assumptions and assertions. Let me give you
one example, karambit’s and reverse grip’s shortcomings and how to take
advantage of them. Reverse grip no matter which knife you use, will lose
several inches of reach. This is because the bend in your arm, wrist and
placement if the blade in your hand. Second weakness is ease of pointing
and maneuverability, meaning you have to twist your entire arm 180 degrees
to bring the point to where you want it when your back pedaling. So, use
those weaknesses. Karambit and reverse grip are inside fighting or short
range strengths, it would be stupid to try to counter it where it is
strong, short range, up close. Use it’s weakness, range and wrist
position. Those few inches of lost reach means you can cut him before he
can cut you. The positional awkwardness with pointing means you can bring
blade to bear before he can. This is how…. Karambit users will want to
rush straight in to use their strength, short range, but lots of power and
naturally defensive. As they rush towards you to close the gap, fade
back (back pedal or go backwards) or back and to the side, stay outside
their maximum arc. (where the blade can strike). Forget their body, focus
on the hand holding the knife. As it comes in fade back and cut their
knuckles. From the front and top the fist is vulnerable because the knife
is below their fist (reverse grip) This is where the positional and ease
of pointing advantage of the standard grip (fencing grip) comes in, you
have much finer and faster control of your knife point and can use more
angles also. If the opportunity presents itself, cut at their wrist, arm,
etc, do more damage. So, to simplify, karambit user comes in, fade
back and cut the fist/fingers holding the knife using angles where their
knife can’t cut you. Keep your distance so your always outside their
arc, this is ranging. At some point one of two things will happen.
They will either notice that they are getting cut and stop their attack or
you will cut their hand/arm so much from repeated attacks that they can’t
hold the karambit with any effectiveness even if they wanted to. That’s
when you come in and finish the fight, after you’ve chipped away at the
karambit’s weakness while saying away from it’s strength, after that you
come in to finish it. If YOU have the karambit and someone has a
standard grip/knife you do the same, use your karambit’s strength against
the standard grip’s weakness. Sounds like chess no ? That’s just it,
it comes down to skill and the person with more skill, more familiarity
wins. That’s why I said assumptions and assertions and also why I
suggested to go find a good instructor and practice. It’s great though
that you are willing to defend yourself if you have to. Too many sheeple
out there that are professional victims, unwilling and unable to defend
themselves. Good luck man. 

Andrew Hellsing says:

you paid way to much for that shit. karambits are very good knives however
the best self defense knife is the one on you when it happens. also if they
have a gun your ass is gone i use all kinds of knives and each knife works
better in different jobs and in some states and across the world they have
their own weapon laws and since you made this video some time ago i hope
your information on knives has gone up because hell do i have to say espada
XL lol and its less 1/3 less

Orthrus says:

Worst self defense weapon ever.

Know why? Because if you ever use it, you go to prison.

The only legal exception is when faced with a deadly weapon and imminent
threat of grave bodily harm or death, I.E: a gun or another knife.

You face a guy with a gun with that knife, you die.
You face a guy with a knife, then either you both pound on your chests for
a bit showing off your knives until one of you walks away, or you both get
cut to pieces.

The knife is one of the most limited, if not the most limited defensive
weapon around.

TwistedAngel58 says:

you don’t seem to know much about knives however I do agree with karambit
being a top notch self defense pocket knife because if it is in such close
quarters that will cut very deep very easily its basicly like a ongoing
stab that turns into a slash (well sorta) though I donnt go around stabbing
people so hard to exactly sure huh? 😛

also id like to add the knife itself (though im not sure how good it is
otherwise) the handle looks cheap theres no kind of grip to hold it with if
you aren’t using the ring wich is expecialy odd since the handle is plenty
big enough for that and also theres no way youre going to decapitate
someone with it… you can hardly do that with a sword (and shouldn’t)

Kurby Schneider says:

can someone recommend a good fixed karambit?

TNPmarksman says:

The only things better about the Emerson are that it’s slightly larger with
slightly better steel, but not $200 better than the Fox.

Sam Jackson says:

Oh and you state “best weapon ever” over and over again lol for 200 less I
can buy a small 22 cal pistol and bury you with that 400$ knife …..
Though if say it’s fun to sit at home with your toys and daydream about how
bad ass you and your Kermit knife are 

Barry Smith says:

the K is def THE baddest knife for its size; a super concept; wave-opener
also great; good blade design–but that K needs a few more degrees of angle
into the meat, & needs a back-edge for hammer-like cuts, difficult on
folder; just go WAY inside w/ a K, & power-slice away…

Nao Aodfn says:

nice intro about chatroulette :)


Hey Gus the only problem with your whole argument is cuz when your wrist
fucken breaks it means hand doesn’t work anymore ur knife is stuck on ur
finger and ur fucked I personally think its an awesome blade to play with
and for home defense but I’ll tell you what I would rather have a spring
assisted knife for open like a Columbia River or really good EDC that a
hold up for everything I’m going to do at work and if i get into a fight
and decide that shit i gotta use this I guarantee that a 50-100$’blade will
slice your ass up the same way that 300$ one willthat’s just the way it is
you have a good edc on u

TNPmarksman says:

Fox karambit is cheaper, has a manueverable steel ring, has a flipper and a
slight assist to open for secondary measures of deployment.

Joseph Meko says:

Two Thing’s #1. $300.00 They saw you coming, way to much for the Knife.
#2. Have you ever been in a REAL Knife Fight, when some one else had a
Money dose not make a Good Knife, or a great fighting knife, only the
person holding the blade makes the knife good. I hope you never have to
find that out.

Nelson rodriguez says:

Why do need a knife for protection, just call the police they’ll save you

Mankey See says:

Please if you in a position send me one 🙂
It’s not nessesery to be a “emerson” but you can take a cheep one and send
me one becouse I cant find anny in my country of ex Yugoslavia ,
R.Macedonia …please make a one guy happyest in the world … I’m deadly
serious friend ! 

bill smith says:

While I agree with being able to defend oneself, restraint should be used
when talking about disembowling someone or cutting their head off in this
video.if all else fails, use your knife, but remember, a human heart is
only a few inches under the skin, along with other organs.punturing them
ckuld mean the person ckuld die, which opens up a big can of worms for you.

Ricardo Nogueira says:

$300.00 for a knife… not a bazooka but a knife… really bro? knives are
made of steel/iron/”some fancy metal”… other knives will do the same
thing. :)

gmako74 says:

Just picked up the fox Karambit as my EDC knife and its the best knife I
have ever owned. Deploys crazy fast, and is razor sharp. I previously
carried a SOG which is nice but it takes significantly longer to deploy. I
recommend this to everyone! Great review!

Patrick Kem says:

I agree with you on that. Karambits! The absolute perfect tactical /stealth
take you out quick knife. Great video. Thanks for sharing! 

Sam Jackson says:

FYI your world view is quite hilarious as you state even 3 rd world people
need one of these !!! LMFAO yeah first off a thug from the 3 rd world would
split your ass open with a 4 dollar machete and not to mention if a 3 rd
world person could afford a knife that costs that much they would buy good
not an overpriced knife . 

J Backlund says:

Dude, now we know why there is no girlfriend in your life………

ScrappedTreasures60 says:

Everyone should own one. 

P Hab says:

Haha thanks buddy I think its sweet you want everyone armed so do I. I
don’t want to knock Emerson I LOVE there knifes iv had a commander like
yours for almost 10 years no other knife could withstand the abuse I put
them threw. I personally think the fox is better it has a more aggressive
wave feature on it and the loop is much more comfortable but the biggest
for me was the knife and the trainer for less than one from Emerson. Take a
look I would love more opinions thanks for the video.

Roberto Miranda says:

Lol. Fox karambit better than emerson? Yea right i own both and the emerson
shits on the fox in every way

Iamthedudeman00 says:

You were pretty fast deploying that knife!

Ben Hayat says:

awesome review!

John Trudeau says:

Is there anything you recommend for someone jogging not wearing jeans?

whatwehidebehind says:

oh my god, hahahahaha……maybe I wanted a chat roulette type video;) lol

Iamthedudeman00 says:

Hahahaha funny beginning!

Mareșalul Alexandru Averescu. says:

Gotta love these ‘Merikan internet commandos, they buy a gun, and a knife,
then live their lives in a state of cat like alertness.

Dagger 323 says:

In my opinion the Fox Knives Karambit is superior to the Emerson

hubble gotchoo says:

my benchmade osbourne worked just fine for me when a fuckhead tried to rob
me. he tried to knock it out of my hand and it didnt work because i had a
tight grip on it. i slashed him on the chest a few times and that was the
end of it. no sense in spending 300 dollars on a cool looking knife when
you can throw 100 at a nice benchmade or something and do the same exact
thing. 100 bucks will get you a well made knife that holds a nice sharp

bae313 says:

Maybe you are queer for Sam Fisher because you have little to no clue about
what you are talking about in this video.

If you want to actually learn something about knife fighting, learn from
someone who has been in a real knife fight. Read “Put’em Down, Take’em Out”
or “Prison Bloody Iron” or watch my “Slasher Course” videos.

Don’t be fooled by “dojo experts” showing intricate movements. There isn’t
time… In a real fight, the guy you are fighting is going to be too busy
doing his own thing rather than being a good training partner.

Mareșalul Alexandru Averescu. says:

So you recommend the karambit to all humans? You’d reckon it wouldn’t make
a good self defense knife for dogs?

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