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The Most Important Jiu-Jitsu Move for Self Defense

Most important offensive jiu-jitsu move for self defense. Get our best self defense tips by email (and get access to our self defense library) at


Awie Xp says:

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Louis Avellino says:

i love all your videos

Lonnie Scott says:

This exact setup has helped me more than once. Nice presentation. Simple and clear.

Andy Heap says:

Hadaka jime Feldenkrais

Chris DerInsider says:

Looks easy 🥋

JohnVideos says:

Have you ever met Scooby? You'd make a power couples!

tie oneon says:


Especially b/c this is a self defense channel

MANY OF THOSE "SKATBOARDERS" use that as an excuse to carry around a skate board

NOT saying they dont know how to skateboard BUT 100% AM SAYING, for many its just a cover to have a weapon at their disposal

stay safe!!

Deepak Khundrakpam says:

u r just a mouth person

Dr Sivad says:

Nice, simple. Thanks!

P M says:

I like the way you describe that an arm drag may be the opponent moving toward you or if they are "bigger/stronger" you enter toward them to complete the technique. Many systems make an assumption that when you do "this" the opponent will always do "that." Adaptation is key.

Panspermia Hunter says:

How about, grab their right wrist with your left hand, and as you pull them towards you, you push their left shoulder with your right hand as you step to your left so they are now spinning round, your right arm is now in the position across their upper chest, slide it up to their throat while sliding your left arm to complete the naked choke!
I have seen this done on the street and it works a treat.

Lawrence Bousquet says:

Fantastic description with the Italian hammer it puts a clear image in your heat which is what you need when you are in a reaction scenario. Off to check out your defence website. thanks

Gene Goodman says:

No need for what if's.. In all self Defense moves and Jiu- Jitsu techniques there is always a what if! However, this is a good arm drag and choke..

frogguts1000 says:

Great stuff… love your vids!!

Robert says:

You try that on anybody that isn't a fat uncoordinated retard your gonna get put on your ass

Kevin Morley says:

Great tips!

Kxe says:

What's stopping him from hitting you with a left hook when you grab his tricep?

Dreaming Nebula says:

for most cases this would be a better option than punching, knocking out and letting the opponents head crack on the pavement.

Joe Andrews says:

Just found that you made this new channel. Awesome! Thanks Stephan.

mladen77777 says:

And looks good in the eye of law:)

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