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The Armed Citizen II: Public Defense

Self defense, mass shootings, gun free zones, and concealed carry stories. Check us out on facebook – This is …


Melting Sky says:

I am all for the 2nd amendment. The right to bear arms should not be
infringed upon but it has absolutely nothing to do with safety reasons. The
data is irrefutable. Owning gun makes you more likely to get killed by a
firearm rather than less so simple because it is comparatively rare for a
person to be shot to death by some stranger. When you get shot it is most
often by a loved one or yourself and owning a gun makes that far more
likely. People think that shootings happen like in the movies where the bad
guys and the good guys line up behind cover and fire back and forth but
they are nothing like that. I have been there at a public shooting and
basically what happens is that you are walking along like any other day and
then there are a couple of rapid loud cracks out of nowhere. Nobody sees or
knows what the hell is going on and eventually you figure out that there is
some guy on the floor leaking out his insides somewhere nearby. One of the
people who was there at that shooting had a pistol on him. It didn’t make
one lick of difference. If somebody decides to kill you and they have a
fire arm there is nothing you can do to prevent it. You will be just
walking along like any other day and then before you even know what is
going on you will be on the floor dying after some dude who was in the
crowd behind you decided to put a couple of holes in you. Guns are
extremely poor defensive weapons. They are purely offensive in nature.
Victory goes to the person who shoots first and that is always the guy on
the offensive. The bad guys don’t walk up and announce themselves like on
TV and give some monologue. If you are targeted to be shot by somebody,
that gun of yours will be of no use 95% of the time simply because the only
way you are going to realize you were the target is because your insides
are now leaking out. It all happens in the blink of an eye without warning.

GlocKittyXe says:

gun free zones (designated by LIEberals) are made to deliberately get law
abiding citizens KILLED

carrera931 says:

Lets not forget that we can always count on the cops to pick up the bodies
after everything is done and everyone is dead

wilmount thompson says:

in the first video I wished the old lady had an assault rifle and just
shoot all of them when they bundled at the door.

whiteboy7thst24 says:

I know that the robbers are in the wrong in all these situations, but as
you see from the video none of the robbers fired back, I know people who
are in prison armed robbery maybe it’s because I had bad friends or maybe
it was my area but I grew up around guns and crime, but also I know that
all those robbers were poor and needed the money, sure you could say make
money other ways but where I’m at the only other way they could make money
is drugs and I can tell you almost all robbery’s don’t end up in murder.
That’s just my take I could be dead wrong, hey I’m just a 20 year old
Canadian who’s been in and out of prison.

Wolver ine says:

Very interesting and very true to listen to the girl giving evidence and
the guy in the grey T-shirt. Well said.

StalkingRainbow says:

“An armed society is a polite society”- Robert A. Heinlein

Etienne D says:

I just love it when PIGS, who kill and rob and rape get shot to death. one
way to enforce the death penalty

Brian Curry says:

Wow, that first clip needs to be accompanied by “Yakkity Sax” the way the
perps piled onto that door running lol. Way to go lady defending herself
and her business.

attheready says:

Funny how the perps hardly know which way a door opens.

David Walker says:

All sane people should carry guns. Crime would be way down and people would
treat each other with a little more respect

Wc3ProElimZ says:

lol I love that in the first clip the door had a big ass “push” sign on it
but he still pulls it twice.

vibratorification says:

majority are dark skin race

nick sweet says:

0:38 was there really a dog on the counter? please tell me I’m not the only
one that sees this

jcarroll0154 says:

We’ll guess what quietsoul go shove it , people are lunatics they might not
be robbing anything just taking life’s away from people that love them so
go shove your anti gun talk straight up your ass:)

fdxnaoseinomes says:

Too bad she didnt kill them all while they are stuck in door, stupid
monkeys cant open a door properly

iroczluvr says:

The door says push and the dumb fuck pulls not just once, lol.

Quietsoul180 says:

I am ANTI GUN, but me personally I see people with guns as people to avoid
and its their personal choice or whatever………. If I got robbed, I will
give them my money and car or anything I have and do as they command. My
life is worth more and im all about peace. If I got robbed and some open
carry guy shoots the robber that robbed me. I be mad at that open carry
person. and not thank him or her. and avoid being around those people and
go to church to pray for that robber who got shot.

thegreatODEN1 says:

I love the guy at the end. Now that’s how you draw and fire your weapon.

Matthew Jozefiak says:

Them more guns in good people s hands means less crime. Dumb ass
antigunners and anti gun laws only make criminals stronger. Guns don’t pull
triggers criminals pull triggers. Laws dont work anyway, think about it!

Kathleen Berger says:

The wild west! You never know who has a gun…the more gun owners the more
gun violence!

Phil Richey says:

yes…where you live..evil is progressive…GOOD MUST BE AGGRESSIVE!!!

Shawn Hinzman says:

Love the clips where the bad guys don’t make it out the door….

imp872 says:

Great video, well put together, people should link this in messages to your
legislators. Seriously.

asmordi13 says:

How to own robbers 101

believenthe1133 says:

It’s clear why this man had to resort to stealing, he can’t read. 0:07-0:09

cofside says:

When 1 old lady made 9 or so armed thugs run away like little bitches,
because she had a gun too should be the end to the gun debate. She owned
those bastards, well done!!!

yusofa herlambang says:

They all noobs

Redmow51 says:

Old strategy? I saw restricted emotion. An attempt not to become
emotional. What the heck are you on about?

Gordon Yates says:

Ha, nice.

Gordon Yates says:

You do realize that spouting off a simple correlation is exactly what you
did. It does not prove that any person commits crime because of their race.
When you account for MAOA and social disadvantage combined your race
correlation becomes spurious, just like how the example I gave you is

DLJeeves says:

Because more ice cream is sold in the summer. But ice cream isn’t raping
people, the people making the decision to rape people are the ones raping
people. If a Black person murders someone, he directly contributes to the
statistic. Someone buying an ice cream cone doesn’t directly contribute to
the rape statistic. Next time you should use an example that isn’t parroted
in community colleges.

1stab says:

Oh…causation. I thought you said, “Caucasian.”

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