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TEAS AND KIKIS: street harassment, appropriation, Self Defense

Teas and Kikis has a NEW time! Teas and Kikis will start at 12:00pm PST time and 3pm EST time!


Hanan Hakimi says:

The girls was non-muslim, chinese/hungarian I think. In the video of the
girl walking 5 hours in a cardigan/ jeans and then 5 hours in hijab. She
also said that she got just as many stares when she was in Hijab, but
suspicious/ dirty looks compared to the cat calling. 

Pretty Gabrielle says:

Why do bitches want to wait to get on cam to start feeling there pussy and
start doing there makeup…

DJ Doc's Videos says:

Repeat after me “Nice ass” isn’t the same thing as “Hiiee. You’re
beautiful. Have a nice day.”

Pêche Lapin says:

I had a dream that AJ was actually 44 years old and yet still looked
exactly the same…

highrise says:

What are your thoughts about the Hollaback street harassment video, editing
out the white guys? Can we also mention with a name like “Hollaback” you
can almost bet it’ll be somewhat problematic. 

Snow Mystique says:

What do people really mean when they say “Back in my day” ? I mean, you’re
still alive aren’t you? It’s still your day. 

Fyrscha says:


Aussie Queer says:

using age as an excuse is super prominent here in aus at the moment, and
has been for a while. especially due to the influx of asian people to
australia (HUGE negative attitudes towards our asian population in our
older european population from my experience), but also our whole “boat
people” problem (what a fucking atrocious term, but that’s been a major
catchphrase here for a couple of years) that has been fuelled by not
wanting “brown people” from “non-australian” countries here.

Hanan Hakimi says:

So it all contradicts peoples statements like “she was harassed because she
wore too little” and then in the 10 hours videos they said that the girls
clothing were “form fitting” but when we do wear modest clothing everyone
sort of judges you and think you’re either being oppressed or suspicious???

DJ Doc's Videos says:

You keep a role of coins in your bag. That’s what my sister does. Almost as
good as knuckle dusters.

Hanan Hakimi says:

I’m on mobile, so commenting is a bit difficult. But I am a fan of this
youtuber and I love his videos, I feel like if I showed this video to
relatives they’d probably diss the women that don’t cover and say that what
the women decide to wear is the core problem. With my own experiences I
haven’t been assaulted or approached by guys after putting on Hijab but
everyone will stare me down. 

DJ Doc's Videos says:

+Fyrscha that “oh” was everything.

Rae Briane says:

exCUSE ME but REMI IS A BABE hey hi hello
ok bye

T Vause says:

Everybody’s faces are across Kat’s chest and I’m just like, “KAT PUT A

DJ Doc's Videos says:

Dakota says healthy and all I hear is carbs :p

DJ Doc's Videos says:

Poor Tori but this is sooo good.

DJ Doc's Videos says:

Cat needs a little judges hammer

DJ Doc's Videos says:

AJ you’re killing me today :-)

DJ Doc's Videos says:

Die Antwoord, looks like they need some free press.

DJ Doc's Videos says:

Looks like Teas & Kikis just got 2 new fans.

FiFi Famous says:

this was Ask A Transsexual’s comment

DJ Doc's Videos says:

It’s alive!

FiFi Famous says:

Ask A Transsexual’s videos are usually very well thought out and
intelligent. It was weird seeing her say things like that. Gonna

FiFi Famous says:

I would have loved to see Ask A Transsexual do a guest appearance on Teas
and KiKis but I doubt that will ever happen now after her comments on that

FiFi Famous says:

About the “Walking in New York” video, can you talk about how a lot of the
men featured were black or hispanic? Do you think that was done
intentionally? and Kat, did it surprise you that Ask A Transsexual’s
comments on the video received so many thumbs up?

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