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Taekwondo Knife Self Defense #1

A clip taken from the Real World Taekwondo online training community. Gain instant access to over an hours worth of 100% free taekwondo video tuition from a …


Sindre Eide says:

I thougth Taekwondo was close to only kicks.

manbad1234 says:

to bad he took this technique from BJJ

JamesMMcCann says:

Mo Teague and the guys at S.T.A.B. are the guys to search for knife
defence, in my little humble opinion.

abstar57 says:

fuck that i say bring it on bitch

Kevin Joseph says:

this is the problem I have is with your heading “taekwondo knife self
defence” it totally depends on the school some teachers are also hapkido or
some other martial masters and they include non taekwondo techniques in
their training others are nothing more than Olympic factories that teach
nothing but kicking I find these videos deceitful in the fact these things
are not usually taught in majority of taekwondo schools so people actually
believe that knife defence and joint locks are part of the mandatory wtf
curriculum they are not it totally depends on the school

androidRS says:

link doesn’t work.

Togar Railingga says:

obviously this “instructor ” has never had a real knife fight experience

happysimon118 says:

didnt know anthony hopkins taught self defense! 😛

DamienNeverwinter says:

In my experience a determined stabber usually wont present his weapon,
he’ll keep it out of sight and try to get in close

Gambit3896 says:

what if my attacker isnt compliant and is letting me grab his wrist? what
do i do then?

tigerkaispectrum says:

Would not work, grab wrist then control it while other hand strikes throat
or nose , or both . Hapkido is not effective unless attacker is stunned
with a strike then it works well.

kempobrad says:

it’s just a training scenario for a DVD. don’t take it too literally

countsmyth says:

@BillyLo1995 This is more korean hapkido, which is similar in some ways to
aikido. I study hapkido in Seoul and there is a huge emphasis on knife
tecniques, arm and joint locks!

k9m42 says:

I wouldn’t do that.

ratonL says:

I was taught to, if necessary, block with the outer parts of the
forearm…with the radius bone. I say if necesary, because I was taught to
either create distance with any object around me to run away, or to dissarm
& have that as my alpha priority. The dissarm involves either a swift mean
tap or a palm sweeping motion to the back of the knife-holding hand while
simultaneously sweeping the wrist with the other hand in the opposite
direction. When harshly bent, the hand loses grip… strength.

androidRS says:

i wouldn’t hold a knife like that. nobody would.

Manuel MORENO-LOPEZ says:

Pour ce qui connaissent bien les clés de l’HAPKIDO ou de L’AIKIDO, on
s’aperçoit danser des vidéos que les professeurs de TAEKWONDO qui veulent
enseigner ce genre de clés, ne la maîtrise absolument pas. L’idée est
bonne, mais l’enseignement de la clé est carrément nulle.

raysetiger285 says:

I do TKD and this does remind me more of hapkido and aikido then tkd as
well, TKD is much more for unarmed combat. Although we do have techniques
for weapons defence, we dont really have anything specifically for knife or
gun defence – although im still lerning. chances are there’ll be something
in one of our patterns i havent picked up on yet to deal with thoes sorts
of situations

bigcartoonyIIV says:

How did he hold his wrist? What pressure point was it?

Elvis Guerra says:

Once I saw a real to-the-death fight beetwen a TKD expert and two knife
armed gangsters. The TKD guy uses a kick to block the knife jab and then
atack with a kick to the face. After the third attemp, the gangsters run
away. I saw two things: the TKD guy keep the distance and the knife guys
concentrate all his attack in their weapon. One of the most extraordinary
thing I saw in my life. Good for the TKD guy who survives to tell the story

BillyLo1995 says:

This is aikido, not tae kwon do !

1streetboy1992 says:

guys that talk too much in defensive teqhuniques are the worst…

uxbridge1815 says:

knife and edged weapon defence is always hard. You dont have to be good
with a knife to kill someone

bobby6577 says:

One reason why a knife fighter will not hold a knife like a fencer. He will
hold it like a boxer going to throw a jab. He will also crouch a little the
same way a cobra coils before striking. In arnis/kali/eskrima, it is not
always a good idea to grab or block the hand holding the knife. As much as
possible, you want to tap it away from you.

YG8322 says:

He is exposing his veins I was taught to block with the back of the hand

grlCycling101 says:

lame ko te gashei(sp) aikido is better

ch bu says:

Looked pretty effective to me. If you grab with both hands and the attacker
is less likely to be able to break free from your grip and you can still
kick him. Grabbing with one hand and striking is a good option though.

patowc says:

Vaya barriga tiene el colega…

Manuel MORENO-LOPEZ says:

Ne serait-ce que par exemple, lorsque vous pivoter, et que le poignet de
l’adversaire et en clé, il faut abaisser le poignet et rentrer le coude de
l’adversaire dans ses côtes, en continuant à pivoter le poignet … Les
vrais pratiquants de HAPKIDO comprennent ce que je veux dire. Dommage, mais
je ne parle pas la langue anglaise.

Technical Striker says:

Hapkido can be effective without the distracting strike, but you do need
something to shift the focus away from the area of the body you are
striking/manipulating. Sometimes just a change in momentum or direction is
all you need, though the strike can definitely help.

Gambit3896 says:

tae kwon d’oh!

Bladevampirek says:

He’s exposing the Veins on his Wrist to be cut when he retreats at the
beggining – could be a quick game over. – NOT THAT I COULD DO ANY BETTER
Just exposing a common mistake I see in knife disarming. you have no idea
how fast some1 can be with a knfie they can cut u before u have a chance to
move at that distance.

myarecio says:

Wrong. A navy seal would.

Elvis Guerra says:

I remember another one! Once I suffered an assault attemp of a vandal armed
with a kitchen knife. Surprisingly he placed next to me and threatened me
with the knife in my side. I take his wrist with both hands and did a
frontal kick him directly to his stomach. I push more than impact. Once I
have the distance and with the vandal surprice, escape from the situation.
Again the key was distance and block the knife to leave the opponent
without resources

DreamTeamKiller1 says:

This shit will get you killed!!!

Todays Taekwondo says:

Hi dparisi, I agree that there are many variations of knife self defence. I
did a few months in Krav Maga and noticed slight variations in techniques
which could be said are extremely similar in parts. Hopefully you can take
something away from the video anyway. Thanks for the comment.

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