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Social Justice Warriors Attack – Self Defense Or Nah

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Eivindiriath says:

This is the reason why I support abortion…

Jonathon “Tank50us” Davonger says:

So… let me get this straight… This woman gets in this guys face, threatens him, and then physically attacks him… he fights back and he is to blame for all of this? Now, I'll admit, we don't know what started all of this, but I still saw her take a swing first, and yeah, I think he was well within his right to fight back.

Ape Army says:

this world disgusts me. the worst part of all this is that they honestly believe they're in the right. what horrible people.

maggoli67 says:

This guy in court?

Jack Vonraot says:

Oh , that would be very different if it was me in the black doods shoes

OneCrazyBritish Lady says:

This bat-shit crazy bitch gives the rest of the female population a bad name!  Yeah, he hit her but she hit him first. It's called THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS!

kromulous says:

There used to be a white wagon with really nice people inside who would give you a warm white coat with long hugging sleeves that wrapped all the way around to the back. Those two women need to take a ride in it. They will take them to a nice soft white room and give them an arm full of happy dreams.

I disagree with you though. I don't think they are SJW's. I think they are hormonal feminists who can't control themselves. The guy was in the right to clip her simply because she was harassing and attack him.


how many times she gotta be told to leave him alone? and how many times us she gonna call him a nigger? he should've knocked her out right then.

EdgyTeenagerHD says:

how the fuck do you only 89k subs.
underrated as hell smfh

Lance White says:

And some people why I carry pepper spray and a stun gun. sigh

Foerdi94 says:

Just say "I would not even rape you".

Alex Everett-last says:

Why isn't she wearing shoes…?

Duncan Fenwick says:

I'm pretty sure that sjw is fabricating evidence.

MrGuido562 says:

100% justified. I've been in this situation a couple times and I have reacted the same exact way that he did.

Fuzzy Whale Games says:

That bitch deserves to be introduced to Mr. Fist.

Jeffrey Arrington says:

Goddamn, fucking Bitch. that man deserves a beer.

Jeffrey Arrington says:

my nigga my nigga my nigga,

Mr Foxy Fox says:

on a scale of one to then what is your favourite color in the alphatbet, styly boi

Jeffrey Arrington says:

my nigga

The Sanitarium says:

Poor guy trying to get away from her.

Tin Samuel says:

She attacked him twice, and she's proud of having a video where he hits her back? He spent the whole thing warning her to get away from him. WTF?

Basik123456 says:

What a cunt. She's lucky as fuck he didn't knock her ass out.

And what was that jumping shit? He should have pushed her while she was in the air. Would have been hilarious to see her tumble to the ground.

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