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Should Women Learn Self-Defense?

Preventing rape with self-defense, and the reaction to Miss Nevada’s comment. Subscribe to save a kitten! Follow me: http://Fac…


DeanLeysen says:

The only thing that really doesn’t make sense about the Miss Nevada thing
is that she’s talking about realistic self-defense, while she trains
Taekwondo. (Oh snap!)

Polydopamine says:

“We should teach men how to act like normal human beings”. Are you
seriously implying that raping is something normal people may end up doing
if they lack proper guidance?
Raping, killing, attacking other people with the intent to kill/maim are
degenerate acts that people that are mentally compromised commit. No sane,
functional male ends up raping a woman because he wasnt made more aware
that it is wrong. Normal, functional, empathetic human beings know that
raping is wrong and never get the urge to do it or even given the urge they
dont act on it, like you wouldnt hit a judge that’s falsely sentenced you
when you know you are innocent. People can assess and evaluate their
emotional responses/urges. We have an evolved prefrontal cortex that is
more than capable of doing so.
Moreover, rape is more prevalent within the family dynamic and furthermore
males are the victims of rape too, even if less often. Instead of “teaching
men how to act like normal human beings” we should raise awareness on
mental health in general and help more victims come forward and not feel
ashamed. The informercials should be about demonizing
fathers/mothers/uncles that abuse their children/family members, given that
that is the bulk of rape in our society, not demonizing the whole male
population with “Dont be that guy” ads.
I am extremelly disappointed in how you decided you construe your argument,
even if it was just poor phraseology.
Why is everyone out to demonize men as a gender just because it sits well
with women, or rather highly influential feminists? It’s not men that rape,
it’s rapists. It’s not men that kill, it’s murderers. How can you fail to
grasp such a basic notion.

I’ve always enjoyed your videos, as politically correct as they had to be,
but this video was so full of ignorance that I was just stunned. Just come
out and say you are a “male-feminist” next. You will lose a lot of
subscribers, like me, but you will gain the favor of the feminazi horde.
You can’t have it both ways.

jiberish001 says:

You don’t buy into the whole “rape culture” thing, do you, Dean? :(

Moi Moimême says:

You look like Alexander Gustafsson. A Ligh Heavyweigh Fighter at UFC.

Cylom Dashti says:

Finally someone who understands and actually speaks about it
Saying that we should teach men not to rape will not stop rapists.

UnrealZmeu says:

these men would be more motivated to learn not to rape once they get their
face smashed in by a chick

Lucas Hudson says:

Where ya been baby cakes?

Matan Levi says:

Assuming there is no punishment and reward (no god and no way that your
actions will come bite you in the ass) why be a good person ?

Wiki says:

Welcome back.
I missed your videos.

Mads-Johan Carron Markussen says:

I don’t think that women should be the only one to learn selfdefense, or
that only males should be told not to rape. Rape can happen to anyone,
male, female, young, old, attractive or unattractive. The focus should be
on not to rap in general, regardless of gender.

PandaBier says:

This topic should be clear to any sane person. But it’s interisting how
long you have to talk about it, just to avoid any missunderstandings. And
I’m sure, some people will still find something in this jumble of words
which will offend them in some way.
I think, thats’s why discussions about feminism are so difficult, because
most of the time you’ll have only a few seconds to give your opinion.

ninjabrickmaster234 says:

Teaching men not to rape is good and I think even reinforcing the fact that
rape is bad will reduce the number of rapists out there. However I think
that there is only so much we can teach people so my suggestion is, teach
men as much as is needed, not more, and teach women as much as is needed.

PwntsRocksU says:

Where have you been? No uploads for a few months/?? story behind this?

HarryIsTheGamingGeek says:

Self defense, to me, is much like getting a fire alarm and a burglar alarm;
why wouldn’t you want to protect yourself from harm? People shouldn’t
attack others, beat others, rape others and so on, yet they do because
humans are still emotional animals and they always will do bad shit they
shouldn’t be doing, either because they want to do bad or because they
simply don’t give a fuck about the consequences and how their actions will
affect others. Not learning how to defend yourself is foolish and could
result in a lot of harm. There’s a reason why people don’t like walking
down shady, ill-lit, threatening walkways in dark hours; because people
don’t want to get fuckin’ stabbed, beaten, abused and, god forbid, raped.

faheeta says:

You’re losing your accent.

Maria Cruz says:

Welcome back!! :))

SugarGodMC says:


Gabriel Rangel says:

I agree with almost everything you’ve said. However, “teach men not to
rape” is a very sexist thing to say, it reinforces the stereotype that men
are rapist and women solely victims.
I understand it’s a coined expression and/or you probably didn’t mean in
that sense and I’m being too pedantic, though using these feminist dogmas
won’t help in anyway towards reducing rape nor in achieving gender

kassh says:

I missed you Dean. I really did. Welcome back bro :)

Katherine says:

I shouldn’t have to lock my doors, people should just learn not burglarise

But seriously, women rape men too. Women should learn how to treat men as
well. I wish I knew self defence, there aren’t any classes around me :(

Nikolai Azerbaijan says:


davy jones says:

Feminists are on the whole morons they don’t want equality, just to push
there poorly thought out agenda 

Jaxeed says:

Nobody should ever need to have fire extinguishers, as obviously one should
not set ones house on fire. If only people were taught properly not to
start fires, then nobody would need to live in fear of a firey death. Fires
are agents of the patriarchy! Joking aside, being upset by somebody
recommending self-defense and perceiving such as victim blaming certainly
is blowing feminist rhetoric way out of proportion. By the way the
statistical likelyhood of being a victim of violent crime is way higher for
men then for women, so self-defense is smart to learn for everyone no
matter gender. Getting upset by that makes no logical sense.

pissd chris says:

its kind of like saying don’t wear a condom but teach people with STI not
to pass it to other people…. all protection is good…. safety first
….training myself in kung fu for the last 16 years… if I seen doggy
people I will cross the street…one might say you should be able to walk
down the street with out being attacked… but better to be safe than
sorry… the greatest fighter can be taken down by a random stranger… but
if you don’t fight then you can’t be beaten…………also culture change
is good but avoid being a victim is also good through common sense 

Flame says:

Good to see you back, I enjoy watching your videos, they always challenge
the way I think. :)

Daniel Elias Ferreira says:

Glad to see you back ^^… 

MilkySandwich says:

Of course it makes sense for a woman to learn self-defense : often times
the only advantage a male has is his physique , but if a woman knows
self-defense techniques, then her advantage can outweigh the advantage of a
man who has only raw strength, but zero technique.

KyleLFC says:

Hard to believe you and OGFurious are the same person

Cuythulu says:

I think people should teach their kids not to steal cars, therefore I´ll
stop locking my car whenever I park.

George Popchev says:

Great video,we missed you Dean !,but we missed furious more.Sorry.

MitchFrom Mgm says:

So i kinda thought you were dead.

Jack Bandit says:

Wait a minute… Dean Leysen and OGFurious both came back to youtube after
a very long absence…. Hmmmmmm.

Gary Zake says:

Better safe than sorry isn’t sexist or anti-feminist……
It’s just safe.
As long as there’s freewill, both good and bad will come to anyone. I think
it’s just wiser to be ready for anything.
Note: I did not say this because I’m going to rape someone…..

MoreStraws says:

(women can rape men & women too)

Trisha S says:

@polydopamine- Really? Dean still has his nuts. What happened to yours?

Atashi Bosco says:

You make it sound like only women get raped and that all rapists are men…

FroztDrake says:

HES BACK <3 finally

Aaron Rosenberg says:

Nice to see you again, baby cakes.

TheZenaMan says:


David Santana says:

Where’s his accent from? Does anybody know?

The Toson says:

im glad your back long time no see :)

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