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This is a must try workout that’ll advance your level of fitness and total CONFIDENCE!!!


LeonFuego says:

Am a martial artist and Florida Man. Can confirm, this is the best workout for self-defense MINDSET and GAINZ.

Leet_Collectables says:

the double hands spinning attack for the kill

Eric Garcia says:

Guile’s theme really does go with everything 😂

Brezlik says:

This guy is so fucking cool omg


Eric Thiccenhagen

Finye says:

Watching this for the 6th or 7th time, and I even sent to my crush. Now, she thinks I'm weirdo, but she didn't judged me when I sent her Ronnie Coleman's "Yeah Buddy", compilation. So, why now?

Guppy NibNob says:

1:34 how i hug my dog when i get home

Killer456912 says:

When you’re at the gym and someone gets closer than 2 metres.

Iron Body Martial Arts says:

He brings the 80s with him. And that’s what knocks you out.

Iron Body Martial Arts says:

Again. A lifetime of martial arts training and this terrifies me. This guy come at me and I’m just running.

Аким Акимов says:

Весёлый дядька. А манекен жалко , убить ненароком так можно.

ignition07 says:

Go home, and be a Mindset man!

Dis is Truth says:

We regret to inform you that we are going with another Bruce Lee impersonator

sebastian homister says:

I would like to formally ask, what in the fuck am I watching.

Chim Richalds says:

If garlic was a person

Gojira says:

You are a tough man Eric

Aman Prajapati says:

yo I think he's dead

Almighty Lag says:

I've never felt more motivated in life!

Neil Jaqua says:

This is who Dom Mazetti wishes he could be

stoneeh says:

Now this only needs a 16 hour version.

Thomas Monahan says:

Needs more kettlebell.

Daniel Cooper says:

Is this his final form or is he still evolving?

Rigen Mehilli says:

He never stood a chance

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