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Self defense: woman with a gun shoots stalker as he kicks in her door

A Las Vegas woman shot her stalker in the chest early last Friday morning after he kicked down her back door. The woman had been living in fear for over six months and started carrying a gun…


telepusik says:

After watching tomo for few days, i realised how fucked up america really

BeautyHealthZoneBlog says:

Some people have no regards for the boundaries of others. They will walk in
and out of your home as they please in the night and when you go out and
about. They shot shot and suddenly we are supposed to feel pity and cry
over a criminal that would harm you without thinking twice. Whatever, I
would do the same if I was armed and I would’t feel bad either, the things
that I have had to put up with.

I’m not a criminal, so why should I have to put up with

NightWolfXVI says:

She needs to stop dating weak mindless men and start doing background check
on people she wants to date before starting a relationship than.

TheRedCapitalist says:

American trash

Ultimatevapor918 says:

Once they are in your house it’s game over. 

fernando guevara says:

How the fuck did he survive a bullet to the chest

MsSunhappy says:

the fuck the police doing, that she feel the need to do things on her own?
why didnt they catch the mofo before that?

BattlefieldAmerica says:

My stalker would be dead as well

G_A_B_O_S says:

Thnx gun

HireDeLune says:

+50 points

TakahashiMisaki5 says:

well, knowing the legal system ,nothing can be done until a stalker
actually DOES something, and by then it’s usually too late…
this woman did good by defending herself!

Owen Carroll says:

Good for her

Signumm says:

Lol this is why people don’t stalk cus anything could happen to u xD

SuperDeluxe80 says:

reason you need a gun. loose your guns watch rapes & robberies sky rocket.

Jesse Darren says:

This is why I think we should ban guns. Clearly only cops should have

Paulette Readus says:

You go girl !!!!”with your bad self : )

malcolma oneill says:

I hope that dude gets some help….maybe a bullet in the chest is the right
kind of therapy for that jackass. 

Cums Trollsworth says:

Really? What does she need a gun for? 

Angus Mclean says:

Nice shot lady

Gamehead9000 UHD says:

Stories like this make me happy.

NuclearGrizzly says:

Harry Reid is not going to like this.

Adrian Villagomez says:

Then he hide in some bushes really you couldn’t find any where else 

Nick L says:

Liberal Warning – Don’t watch contains weapons!

BarloG2009 says:

love is a funny shit

d1driftman says:


420DankSmokin says:

Oh snap that’s like 10 minutes from my house. We might have even graduated
from the same school wtf? (Im22)

mellowreads says:


Daniel Perez says:


Adrian Villagomez says:

Then he hide in some bushes really you couldn’t find any where else 

Daniel Perez says:


Lazy SoFa says:

Good for her. He should be dead tho.

Howard Johnson says:

Good for her

Shame the BASTARD didn’t die

grrrindz says:

she should of of shot him on the dick.

silverss onyoutube says:

is he DIEDED lol

Daniel Perez says:


Daniel Perez says:


Daniel Perez says:


Daniel Perez says:


Daniel Perez says:


Daniel Perez says:


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