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Self Defense, Weapons and Mexican Prisons – a Q&A with Stephan Kesting

Self Defense Q&A from Here’s what we covered… 0:05 – Can You Grapple with Multiple Opponents? 4:40 – Best First Takedown for Non Wrestlers 7:17 – Any Upcoming Self Defense Instructionals? 8:24 – Guard Passing vs a Strong Opponent 10:54 – Do Wristlocks and Anklelocks Really Work in Self Defense? 14:30 – Double Leg Takedowns on Pavement 15:05 – Do You Advocate Striking in Self Defense? 20:00 – Biting and Eye Gouging vs a Skilled Grappler 23:00 – Self Defense vs Sport BJJ 27:35 – Grapplearts Silver Dragon Shirts 28:00 – Are All Self Defense Oriented BJJ Schools Equal? 29:50 – Rolling with Slaps and Punches 30:52 – Sizing Up a Potential Attacker in the Street 34:26 – What Percentage Do You Roll Gi vs No Gi? 36:00 – Standup vs Grappling vs Weapons Training 43:39 – Mexican Jails and the Legal Consequences of Self Defense 46:00 – Should You Strike First in an Inevitable Fight? 46:53 – Any Judo Apps Coming Up? 47:30 – Self Defense Advice for Senior Citizens 53:30 – Getting Threatened with Family Members Present 58:45 – Hoodie and T Shirt Chokes 59:36 – What Should You Yell if Attacked? 1:01:19 – Wrapup


Dutchy R says:

Stephan over here.. over here

Vaklin Petkov says:

Amazing work as always, Stephan. Much appreciated !

ShowdownPlease says:

I was close to unsubscribing from this channel, and then this video came out and changed my mind. I guess I'm gonna stick around. Very great job discussing topics with simple, direct points. Can't wait for the next one!

kenoz28 says:

Great vid Stephan. I agree on fighting fitness but re beer guts…. Erik Paulson is a chunky monkey these days but I'm sure he can still rip your limbs off!! :)

Chris Frank says:

Thanks Kesting, I'd love to see more real streetable SD. added the SDT site!

Danlows1 says:

Stephan, I noticed that when you throw your elbows, you have clenched/nearly clenched fists. When your fist is clenched, the striking area of you elbows/forearms has a lot of muscle in the way to cushion your blows. Have you thought about blading your hands? It separates those muscle groups so you are striking almost bone on bone, with greater impact because of it. Just a thought.

Danlows1 says:

Also punching to the face is a good way to have your knuckles cut open on someone's teeth. So if you have to, by all means, just get your cuts dealt with at a doctors/hospital asap. You don't know what diseases the other fighter had that you may now have.

Danlows1 says:

The difference between police wristlocking someone and using it in self defence is massive. The police aren't trying to cause damage, they are using it as pain compliance. In self defence it's "grab, wrench/snap, release, retreat".

karamelizesogan says:

Awesome video. Thank you Stephan! I'm spreading the word to my BJJ mates about your e-mailing list and videos, they love it as well! Greetings from Spain.

Udgrasil13 says:

54:36 … Hilarious and a very good advice. You should avoid people in their underwear with swords XD.

Demian 'The Backpack' Maia says:

I was hoping you were going to give some examples of good judo instructionals

anonymous one says:

always love your video. THX!

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