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Self Defense. Sorry the camera work is shaky I dont know why the hell my mum thinks its funny

To help with bulied or if you are attacked from behind


MrFluffyRABBBIT says:

You should of put the name in the description

Earth Earth says:

Your mum is staring at your bulge

Jessica Dickinson says:

Now i know how to wrestle the floor In shorts and a Mr men shirt with a tic tac face thanks Callum 😋😎😀😂😝😜

Clayton Wilkes says:

Nonce alert

Ed Lucertola says:

i like tall men

Merson says:

I've learned so much from what is a truly inspirational video.

xXPossessedJDXx says:

what a unit

Cheyne Poole says:

I’m always getting taken from behind in the showers of the changing rooms

Archie Parsons says:

Callum knows about taking ppl from behind

NKS_Beauty says:

Callum the 6ft5 beast

xSinxster says:


Our Planet says:

You're so tall wtf

Rsav Loose says:

This man needs to get chinged up

David Kavanagh says:

Absolute unit

Pure _kxnt_ says:

1:43 comes from behind probably trying to get him on the ground then Tik tak said I’m not standing for this

Pure _kxnt_ says:

Give ur 4 year old sisters shorts back

Djoker Productions says:

Is he joking or autistic ?

loqti zentify says:

callums rape tactics

Dggfhfhn Dvdhtjhh says:

Your a legend

Roisin Thompson says:

I know what are those

yvrcjdCY54ng f says:

Watch out lads he’ll kick your ass in his sisters shorts and Mr.Lazy t-shirt

Iron Gaming says:

Sodding tic taccery

Slime Factory says:

So that must of been ur best thing u have ever done

OllyBob Productions says:


0-0 says:

This is my favourite wwe episode

Lukman Amjid says:

Oh, another video of Callum showing his sex positions😒😂😂

impalemewithaspork says:

Thanks Cally

Gregor Paul says:

Fucking nonce

oh yee yee says:

Crush me with those thighs daddy

HaleyPlays says:

I cant heaR youuuuuu! Also, what is you wearing?

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