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Self Defense Lessons From Cat Fights

We watch some hilariously epic cats trying to fight each other. What other lessons can you find from these cat brawls? What do you guys want to see next? Let us know in the comments. Please subscribe for more!


Tom Joad says:

About 6 months ago I had to take our cat to the vet and pay a small fortune in care and medication, a few weeks of house bound all because she was attacked by another cat on our property, a farm.. I saw this attack and the cat.

2 weeks ago I saw this other cat come across the paddocks into our house yard. I shot that son of a bitch and killed it with the first round. I tell ya what it was so satisfying then unloading the whole mag into that prick, blood and shit going everywhere, my girlfriend was so happy I finally got the bastard!

Reel Deel says:

glad i found this channel keep it up bud

Snow White says:

Gotta give you a Like. Too many whiny PETAs…

some guy says:

this video would have been interesting if you would shut your yapper

William Worthington says:

Love It……..HA HA.

fullstrutn says:

hind legs are MUCH stronger and a leopard fights the same way disembowling one another

BOGY33 says:

I like pussy

Paul Murrell says:

This is how I learned to fight… lol

Ken ibn Anak says:

The only indicator of the pending Serval attack lasts less than an eigth of a second. The repositioning of the head. That is unlike the house cat which repeatedly warned it was ready to attacck. Serval orwners should be aware and alert for that very brief warning.

Great White Rabbit says:

a cat fight is the equivalent of two humans fighting with box cutters.They are fierce little fuckers,My cat lost a fight and I could see the bone of his skull from the cut,Truley brutal.

Quetzalcoatl says:

I think it is Savannah cat (domestic cat and serval mix) not a pure breed Serval, which uncontrollable and dangerous.

Hello says:

My cat fights my hand all the time. When i stop moving my hand, he mounts it and tries to fuck it. wtf

Beemer says:

STFU !! I want to hear the cats!

Little Fish says:

This video made me

alahatim says:

2:11 right into north-south

T Orsti says:

striped tail leamer vs black tail leamer. Haha thats Hilarious with a big H!

Veldtian1 says:

Ahhhh, so that's where "the fur was flying' saying comes from..
Seriously hilarious breakdowns man..

WalkingOnSunshineMan says:

the last cat was just playing

John B says:

dont mess with a cat fight , i did and still got the scars after 20 years trying to separate them.

allothernamesbutthis says:

great vid, a lot of them were just playing, no bushy tails. little russian kid got owned and that cat looked like it was playing too 🙂


nice video.

Bryce Proulx says:

we don't have the jaw strength to bite and tear but we Mike Tyson taking people's ears off

Bernardo 80 says:

3:05 Fight Club

Ranga Nanayakkara says:

how much is a Savannah cat ?

DavorBa says:

I would like to have a cat like the last one in the video. Cats can damage dogs with their current size, but cat of that size would be a champ.

unlockthepower says:

Cat video? This will be your highest views!

Soldier Of Life says:

I will remember that next time I get in a street fight. Hey can we move to the grass, this concrete looks dangerous!! ow I have Def did damage in fights with bitting. I once had a guys thumb hanging. true story!!

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