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Self Defense Leather Jack Sap Review

A review of a leather sap from, and my thoughts on laws regulating self defense.


thebossoftheswamp says:

Well said my friend. Everything’s a damn felony these days. We’re losing
all the freedom our fathers fought for. It’s an Obamanation I tell ya.

ckingclosur says:

Oh and by the way it will be a good idea to make a cast like a mold so you
pore the melting lead to get the shape that when it is cooled down you
start cutting from ….I would say the third part of it, then you drill
holes across then you insert brass bolsters tubes to reconnect so you can
have the waving motion .They should fit one into the other.There should be
two cuts and that will give you three parts in total ,each one connected to
the other with that big chunky one to do the job
That goes very well with the stretched pear shape.
I love your channel so I have just subscribed to it ;)

mike horan says:

I am a beliver…in my right to defend myself.
Liked the video…and yes the Chinese saps are junk.

eqlzr2 says:

It would pay anyone interested in such items to do some serious shopping
around. There are several products like this out there of equal and higher

ckingclosur says:

I don’t see today an actual beavertail jack sap !
I am in my late 50s and I remember seeing them when I was a young lad ; I
remember seeing pear shaped jack sap also made from actual beavertail !
Not any more ….

MrOldclunker says:

Highly illegal, and deadly. It’s the same as getting hit with a one pound
hammer up beside the head. I would never reccomend anyone carrying or
using one. If you caught with on it can carry up to a year in prison.
That is some serious down time. If you need to use a sap, you sure as hell
could use pepper spray or other means. Police do not carry saps because of
the deaths that have occured when used. To each their own, but they are
not nonlethal as you stated. 

chuckinvt says:

I too choose a sap as my primary defensive tool.
I carry a folding knife daily, a sap when I plan on entering a situation
where violence is more possible.
This is completely legal in my state.
While I enjoy most of your thoughts, I disagree on one.
I would not carry something I knew to be illegal. That plays into their
hands. That then makes me a criminal.
My job as a free citizen, is to know all laws that may pertain to me. That
way, I know the second my freedoms are violated.
I only break the law when I believe I have a high chance of successful
escape! 🙂

Generally, the least offensive weapon to the GDP (general dumb public) is
pepper spray. This is the least likely to get you in hot water if you
needed to use it.
The best weapon to carry on a daily basis is a pen!

chuckinvt says:

A pen is a weapon of opportunity. Most attackers, if shown their own blood,
lose interest fast!
Police believe everyone who carries a weapon, is looking for trouble. They
will treat the carrier with more hostility.
A pen makes you appear more the citizen who had to defend themselves.
Take a look at yawara techniques and practice a few practical ones.
Pain, and brutality in a small package!

Wallace Vivian says:

true words.i have seen saps around but did not know what they were till
now. take care

BravoDelta1018 says:

Good vid bro. Keep them coming. Have you seen the saps with the round
spring loaded handle?

caleb Na says:

thanks for the information .salute .

MrPoppabear255 says:


The Meat Trapper says:
BadBrainPrepp says:

Thanks…Nice vid man.

Joseph Bramblett says:


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