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Self defense karate

po box #320 painesville ohio 44077 christine lowe.


Christine Gellar says:

No knees? when they fold over thats the perfect time to finish them of with
a knee to the face

TheSteetsMan says:

Please do a bicep and ab flexing video please 

ProKarate says:

Good to see you are working out in Karate some again.

Joe .c says:

You’re pretty good you should upload more karate videos (:

theresa mitchem says:

Thank you from those who have no training. It really helps and easy to

judokarateboy says:

Hi Christine, what a superb Self Defense video using Ur Karate Skills. I
look forward to ur next Karate Kicks video. U may still need to build up ur
strength for that as it will ne more energetic. U really dhould teach Self
Defense classes, ur that good. would U please make a Ground Fighting video,
teaching Ur Armbars and Wristlocks etc, when U get fully fit. Please.

judokarateboy says:

Hi Christine, watched video again. U really are superb at Karate and I love
this Self Defense video. U are so good with Ur hands and elbows. I love how
U teach the Karate Chop to the neck. Do U teach Self Defense classes? U
should do. There seem to be so many people enjoy ur Karate videos. I could
watch U in action every day.

judokarateboy says:

Hi Christine. Oh yes, great to see U making Karate videos again. Ur so good
at explaining Ur moves and doing them. Great Self Defense. Of course I
enjoyed video and yes please make another Karate Self Defense video using
ur wonderful Kicks. I know how much U love showing off Ur Superb Kicks. I
could watch U all day long making these videos. Ur a brilliant Karate and
Taekwondo Black Belt Lady and a lovely looking girl also. Cud U demonstate
Ur Kicks on another person please.

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