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Self Defense is RAPE CULTURE!1!1!

Some are outraged that Miss Nevada dared to suggest that women can “learn to protect themselves” against sexual assault. “VICTIM BLAMING!!!” How about let’s teach people not to rape AND teach…


Rachel Palmer says:

Julie Borowski
1 hr · Edited ·
Another thought on: “Just teach men not to rape.”
(See my new video on “rape culture” for clarification: Self Defense is RAPE
This statement implies that people are not being taught that they shouldn’t
rape– or not sufficiently enough. Following that logic, people who rape
others are unaware of why their actions are bad. To me, that sounds like
excusing the behavior of rapists or even possibly sympathizing with them
because of their supposed ignorance. Can you imagine? “Aw, they just didn’t
know that forcing someone to have sex against their will is a bad thing.”
I’m going to call malarkey on that one. Of course, everyone should be
taught not to rape. Some people, though, are frankly just bad people who
won’t listen or care. That’s why self defense is important.

Draigo Luther says:

“Excuse me, but what world do you live in?” Ha ha ha, Classic!!! Great
Video Julie!!!

Kyle Tilley says:


You are a ray of sunshine… on a cloudy day. Your vids are awesome,
informative, and full of common sense reason and logic.

Stay cool!

Felicia Cravens says:

It’s so sad Julie had to even make this video. Self defense is the only
real deterrent you can be sure will be there.

Timothy Krahmer says:

Great video! On a side note, your cadence and tone of voice reminds me of
Allison Hannigan in American Pie, which makes you easy to listen to.

Meijin Ryudrakan says:

I suggest the following quote (I intentionally use it not just because
Jean-Paul Sartre was an existentialist but also ironically because he was a

“When we say that man chooses for himself, we do mean that every one of us
must choose himself; but by that we also mean that in choosing for himself
he chooses for all men. For in effect, of all the actions a man may take in
order to create himself as he wills to be, there is not one which is not
creative, at the same time, of an image of man such as he believes he ought
to be. To choose between this or that is at the same time to affirm the
value of that which is chosen; for we are unable ever to choose the worse.
What we choose is always the better; and nothing can be better for us
unless it is better for all.” – Jean-Paul Sartre

By this logic, the will to defend one’s self is to value life. If you’re
able to defend yourself and yet you refuse, whatever the reason may be,
then you clearly do not value the life of your fellow humans but instead
value violating both themselves and more importantly the right of other
people. We also know this as “treat others the way you would treat
yourself” & “evil wins when good does nothing” as well, but I think that
particular quote says it best, and I’ve been saying it for a long time
since before.

Furthermore, it also shows that only through the willingness of defending
one’s self that we can prove to value the life of another human being. If
anyone so much as claims to wanting to help the defenseless they must too
help and defend themselves; certainly you cannot help another if you don’t
help yourself, and defending others is not at all different.

In fact, maybe I’m just a guy but I remember feminism being about
empowering women, not about weakening them. Teaching women to defend
themselves, how to and to arm themselves by any means necessary… I don’t
know of anything more empowering than that.

Josh O'Brien says:

These women clearly do not want accountability. To suggest that they have
any possible way of avoiding anything negative happening to them is to give
them responsibility for things that happen. The last thing these women want
to be called is independent, responsible, adults. They want to be coddled
like children and have big daddy state protect them rather than take any
responsibility for themselves. If they thought they could get away with it,
they wouldn’t install fire alarms, burglary alarms or lock their doors.
That is the curse of patriarchy theory upon all feminists. It tells them
that they are necessarily always oppressed and can never everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ever manage to avoid it. Failed a college class? Don’t blame yourself for
not studying, it’s patriarchy. Didn’t get the job? Don’t blame yourself for
fucking up the interview, it’s patriarchy. Didn’t get promoted? Don’t blame
yourself for taking too much sick leave, it’s patriarchy. Of course rape is
different as it is a crime being done to someone, but to suggest that there
is anything wrong with recommending self defense classes clearly shows a
deep rooted hatred for personal responsibility in any shape or form.

bisquik3006 says:

The communist mentality. Why work hard, and better yourself? Why not have
everyone else come down to your level.

I think learning to defend one’s self is just a bit easier than figuring
out how to remove evil from people. You figure out the latter, and you
might be one rich s.o.b. 

SDOutdoors says:

Just stop listening to liberals and especially, feminists. They are
absolutely, completely fucking stupid.

Aaron Day says:

I read about this nonsense yesterday and couldn’t believe it. The
suggestion that empowering women (which was the whole idea of feminism) to
protect themselves in bad situations is somehow supporting ‘rape culture’.
Julie here just nails the amount of contempt I have for those who think
self defense is morally reprehensible.

Like so many ideas espoused on the Left, this sort of belief will create
more victims. Rather than empowering women with the ability to protect
themselves they want to strip those defenses. Violent attackers are
stopped by violent defenses. And while it might be preferred that defense
is not necessary, the fallen world we live in requires that we are capable
or we will fall victim to that violence.

winmine0327 says:

How long did it take you to decide on the exact punctuation in the title.

Karozans says:

No one ever taught me not to rape women, so I’m going to continue raping
every woman I see.

It’s not my fault, it’s society’s fault.

Calvin Smith says:

Julie, don’t minimize the dangers of rape culture just because it doesn’t
apply to you. Some girls have a heard of horny guys that follow them
around. I know it’s not your fault you don’t but don’t minimize the
dangers for beautiful women.

MERICA says:

You people really cant see she is nothing but a disinformation shill? She
has you all focused on irrelevant topics all the time. She will never speak
about the Israeli lobby that really controls our politicians. She just
keeps you all worked up over stupid shit. If you are really looking for
truth stop watching these mainstream activist and start researching the
history of zionisim. Look into our so called representatives pledging their
loyalty to israel. just look at all the nations we are at war with and
consider “the bad guys” they are all Israels neighbors. The Zionist think
that all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates belong to them. Start
using your brains and stop following these disinfo fake activist…

AWResistance says:

Feminists want to teach the criminals not to do bad things……errr good
luck with that.

Jim S says:

Spot on!

Sadly, feminism today is a profitable business so they need to tell women
to avoid learning how to defend themselves, because without victims they
have no business model for all of this “victim blaming” and “rape culture”

Yonn Lopez says:

So she`s down 4 female UFC, lmao

Bryan Wither says:

If a professional fighter and gun owner like Christy Martin can still be
raped by their husband (shot with her won gun too in the process), how
confident do you feel about your Take Your Dough black belt protecting you?

Offering up self defense as a solution misses the point. A culture that is
permissive about rape will encourage and dismiss rape. Implementing self
defense tactics and protection gimmicks only lasts for a short time before
it encourages a rapist to become more violent.

mrsparex says:

A deadly black snake slithered behind you at 2:12 (right side) oooh!

John Beam says:

Hmmm…just teach people to not do ANY bad things, and then we wouldn’t
need to have guns, which encourages the CRIME CULTURE!

That made sense, didn’t it?

Katy Khaos says:

that whole twitter outcry made me realize how dumb people really are 🙁
zero logic. great video!

AMReed8 says:

1) Don’t rape.
2) Protect yourself.
Okay. Got it.

IamCancer624 says:

It’s like saying the Jews in the holocaust should’ve done something about
the Nazis…or the slaves in early America should have revolted like the
AWESOME Haiti Slave Revolt…FACT

cocojenise says:

I really can’t believe this is even an issue

Barack Smith says:

I have to agree with Julie and highly support women (men too) taking self
defense classes. I disagree about carrying a gun. Women are usually raped
by somebody they know and because of the closeness of the crime and the
fact that most men are significantly stronger than most women, women often
end up getting shot with their own gun.

Thomas Graham says:

Is that your cat at 2:10?


mickeyshrugged says:

2:11 Your tail is showing! I always knew you were a cat.

Spencer Zweber says:

2:12 there’s that cat.

Joe A Merican says:

Don’t teach people to lock their doors, teach burglars not to steal!


Elijah Fire says:

I could never understand how men ever want to be with (have sex with) a
woman who doesn’t love him, I will never understand.

That said, I have no problem with a woman shooting a man dead that tries to
force sex on her. I’d do the same if someone tried to rape me.

KikeLifestyleAndMore says:

haha Oh God i love you girl. Absolutely right lady. XOXO

apburner1 says:

Is it even possible to teach someone not to rape? Are rapists, potential
rapists, or future rapists among the class of people that can learn the
concept that they shouldn’t rape?

Rapists: I think I’m going to rape.
Teacher: You shouldn’t rape because…..
Rapists: That was a coherent, well thought out, and concise lesson on why
rape is bad on so many levels. Now, are you going to call the cops when I’m
done with you or should I just kill you?

IchbinX says:

I think I kinda get it…
I put it in a male perspective, like physical bullying. Instead of just
letting a bully beat you up, why dont you beat him back up! This would have
been accepted 50 years ago, but apparently we’re all supposed to be little
weaklings singing kum ba yah, while holding hands.
It’s just this fantasy notion, that we shouldnt have to solve our own
problems, the world should just bend to our needs.

hey12358y says:

Hear, Hear!

Antropovich says:

I split this topic in 2:
1. Prevention
2. If raped, the aftermath.

1. To prevent something from happening, there arent any victims yet – so
any activity that prevents, isnt blaming the victim.
2. It’s pointless to lecture a person who just broke his/her leg, that
he/she should have been more careful. A person in shock is the least
attentive. The aftermath should probably handled by a close friend and/or a

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