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Self-Defense in Stilettos

Bethenny spoke to an expert about fending off an attack while wearing high heels! Learn the moves you can use to protect yourself next time you’re walking ho…


Phillip Smith says:

I am a 180lb fit dude, if I want your phone, purse, or anything else there
is little the expert can do to stop me. She will be on her back and to
humiliate her I will remove her stilettos and suck her toes. If she pulls
out mace/ pepper spray I will be disabled. If she pulls a gun, it is yes
Maam. Anyone in the audience thinks that martial arts is the way, or using
a gun, GET training.

taifhamid1 says:

so basically hit him in the balls…. i don’t think anybody needs class for
that lol

mattaddison19 says:

LOL Sorry girls, in a real life situation the attacker won’t play, you’ll
get knocked the fuck out with the first punch before you even know what’s
happening! This here is a power fantasy, you can bully your obedient pet
husband but not a hardened criminal..

cervezadog says:

I wonder how many holes she’s stomped in men? The heel through the spine
was a killer, but she could help stomped on her neck or stomped her
stiletto heels into his brain, splattering it everywhere.

Zuckerschneckel says:

sexy clip

ron zavala says:

So sorry but most any man would over power a woman, but it doesnt hurt to
be totaly unprepared.

mostafa karazoon says:

LOOOOL girl you will get killed with one punch :/

TheStab127 says:

All of her moves were realistic. No move is 100%, that’s the only real
argument with any defense move. There are a lot of people out there with
low self-esteems and that’s clear in these comments. 

lordnate2000 says:

This video is pretty poor in terms of self defense. “So sometimes if you
aren’t paying attention an attacker is going to come up.” This is the
problem. Self defense 101, don’t be a target. The first mistake is not
failing to block the punch, its texting on your cell phone while walking
down the street alone not paying attention. Muggers pick easy targets.
Don’t be an easy target.

Martial arts is nice, but there comes a point where someone is just so much
bigger and stronger than the victim, that technique doesn’t really matter.
And if you aren’t paying attention, what good is technique anyway? Also,
the attacker might know some form of martial arts too. Another possibility,
is that the attack is armed, maybe carrying a knife.

Avoiding conflict is normally easy and if you find yourself in a situation
where it is not, you might be wondering into the wrong neighborhood. The
main thing is to pay attention to your surroundings and use discretion.

ViewerGhost says:

I’d love for her to step on me like that with her heel..

LarryGB1 says:

This posing crap is all over the internet. The so called instructors know
nothing of real life street attacks or they would not do this posing crap.
Try it all free style and it will all fall apart.
The sad part is that audiences that watch this crap walk out thinking
they can take more risks if they wear heels?!! “not good.”

Draghici Cristyan says:

none of them would work…but..i’ll let them try on me.

ROBERT h says:

lol none of that would work in real life…but id let them try it on me id
enjoy it!

aa brown says:

A loud cheer for the guys nuts….love it!

Joshua Fenton says:

Andy? What Andy? Ellen’s Andy?

Maddi W says:

I know and he was so shy and cute haha, and did you see she accidently
elbows him!

Joey C says:

Oh big argument. But there’s other pressure points then a guys nuts you can

germanicelt says:

@1:53 – WTF , once he’s already down, drive your stilleto into his spine
and make him a quad. I can feel a lawsuit coming on.

topovskiudar13 says:

i copied your picture 😛

xonimi24 says:

I normally don’t approve of kicking men in the groin but this video wasn’t
about men in general. It was about ATTACKERS. Attackers will rape and/or
kill..Both of which obviously destroy women’s lives. So if a man has the
intention of destroying your life by rape/murder then there’s no reason for
you to be concerned about his.

Qwoptheplop says:

Hitting a guy in the balls isn’t affective its a very difficult area to hit
and if you don’t get a very good hit in your in deep trouble

Joey C says:

@iluvhawknelson88 no crap it hurts but it also destroys mens lives…
there’s many other ways to hurt a man other then crushing his nuts into

puppetmasterblaster says:

Really what are all those females worried about with their ugly looks?
being attacked by blind men? LOL

choclatesundae01 says:

that’s my friend kaitlyn’s older brother! He’s super sweet 🙂

Eiz A says:

“Attack with your cuteness.” HAHAHA I can’t even… XD


Sexy patent leather pumps

MsHoneybooboochild says:

i bet you that guy loves the classes

germanicelt says:

In alot of cases it is an excuse for them just being feminists. I mean
seriously, the knee is a much better target, lower down, and if you’ve ever
bumped your knee you know how agonizing it can be and how immobile it makes

emluv28 says:

oh my lord that man was beautiful!!!!!!!!!! 😉

firewing911 says:

Stilettos are also knife shaped at the heels. Aim for the eyes.

aa brown says:

Because is the very center of their masculinity. Always aim for what counts
the most.

iChrisBeauty says:

greetings from germany hamburg ♥

MyJakeDaivds says:

Lol shes actually beating him up thats not demonstrating

melvin ho yk says:

Stilettos fetish.

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