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Self Defense Guy… FAKE or GENIUS?!!

Is Detroit Urban Survival Training the WORLD’S GREATEST MEME? This week we look at how Dale Brown has broken the internet with MEMES, complaints, and protests. Should he be taken seriously and does he do anything positive for the self defense community? Tell us what you think. Leave your comment below. Shoutout to @hard2hurt who we referenced in the take away. Checkout Mike’s reaction: Your hands were NOT made to hold anything very well | Detroit Urban Survival Training DUST Reaction #selfdefense #martialarts – Self Defense Guy… FAKE or GENIUS?!! [Detroit Urban Survival Training] About Us ELEVATING YOUR FIGHT IQ: Videos blending Martial Arts, Crime Science, and Psychology. Presented by Dr Mark Phillips Criminal Psychologist, Security Consultant, Martial Arts and Defensive Skills Instructor. An expert in Organised Crime, Hostage Taking, and Offender Profiling. Martial arts experience includes Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling, Boxing, San Da Kickboxing, and MMA. Weekly Self Defence and Martial Arts video releases every Wednesday. Topics Covered: Coping with Criminal Behaviour, Self Defence Techniques, Street Fighting Tips, Mindset Preparation, as well as general tips on how to defend yourself. CONNECT WITH US! Instagram ► Facebook ► VISIT OUR ACADEMY LWCA ► OUR BLOG ►


Fight SCIENCE says:

Does DUST do anything positive for the self defense community? Tell us what you think. Shoutout to @hard2hurt who we referenced in the take away. Checkout Mike's reaction: Your hands were NOT made to hold anything very well | Detroit Urban Survival Training DUST Reaction

13paul13 says:

To be fair you can be shot and still be very alive and dangerous look at police shootings a lot of them take multiple shots before they go down, so he does have a point get the gun kill the bad guy and get medical assistance is probably more survivable than just letting the guy empty the gun of bullets into you

John Mortimore says:

I was wondering what everyone’s thoughts were on this dude hahah – good morale though😂😂😂

Sifu Martin’s Ip man Wing Chun says:

II’m glad you’re video was a better review of his channel than some others that just take the piss out of him , some of his stuff is usable, but not everything he shows

Malikul Amin says:

At least he had a security company

Sebastian Mac Donald says:

I’ve seen some clips. I don’t think he’s legit. More of what I get on this channel is much more legit.

James Allen says:

The way YouTube is taking down clips of real life street fights, this crap will soon be all we are left with. May I suggest Fight Science open a Bit Chute account where we can get back to real life situations and hardcore self defence.

sirpibble says:

Empowering people with bullshit will absolutely get them hurt

Thinking you know how to defend yourself when you dont is absolutely more harmful than knowing that you dont know how to

Citizen762 says:

This dude and master wong should have a death match.

Rudolfo GAR says:

So, to react to the internet, he decides to copy key and peeled anger translator. That. Is. Garbage.

Rudolfo GAR says:

He deflected that knife with his bicep, a move only possible if you have the pythons for it.
Him: The hand is not meant to hold anything.
So, if I'm being attacked by a group, just bunny hop away. He was doing good when he grabbed the individual to use a shield, but then he just let's him go right away.

A902L says:

Self defense guy looks like Joe Jackson 😅

Matt Nobrega says:

Make your attacker laugh so hard he has a heart attack. Boom! Threat resolved 🤣🤣🤣🤣

OldSchool Jeremy says:

It's another Master Ken…

Howard Kaemerer says:

That guy is absolutely hilarious. Thank you sifu for these valuable lessons. My favorite of all of his moves was pulling the mask over the assailant's eyes. That was the funniest thing I've ever seen. Great sense of humor!

Anmol Martial Arts says:

It is not very easy to moved out, Especially when the group of people encircling you and come for attack…

Richard Mcginnis says:

i was raised watching boxing taking karate lessons at the y then in juvenile detention by our cook fred a phillipino guy who had his own school then we=hen i moved from phoenix back to connecticut the y again all between 1977 and 1984, and the best defense i have found in life is to stay out of the bars and walk away, when you can't walk away do what you must as hard and fast as possible. i see all these martial arts guys and movies where fights last for a few minutes or 10 minutes but it shouldn't last anymore than 30 seconds and that's long, the last fight i was in lasted 4 seconds and all i had to do was block once and lean back and the guy fell on his ass i told him don't get up and walked away some guy and his girl were walking by and he said nice block. that was 2007 14 years ago now nobody is interested in fighting anymore everyone just wants to pull out a gun and stay 20 feet from you

ferndogy1 says:

I think if you are criticizing this person is because he is famous and has a lot of views and of course you use his face so you can have same amount of views too of course you dummy

Richard Mcginnis says:

that's a fake mustache

Hyronomus Price says:

The problem with DUST is the drive by shootings.

David Francis says:

I have always assumed this guy's satirical. like he's The Onion of self defense technique.

Street Smart Taekwondo says:

In all honesty, this is really not a laughing matter. This guy is showing things, that are going to get people hurt, or even killed. If they are crazy enough to believe it and try it out. As martial artist, we may know enough not to try this stuff. But your average Joe, may think this stuff is actually applyable on the streets. There are certain ways to deal with guns if you must. But his way, is most definitely not the way! And the way he tries to get out of a group attack, is laughable at best. I'll tell you how to survive a group attack. Avoid getting yourself in that kind of situation at all cost.

ahhh says:

Can you please do a Video on Wrist escapes?

Johnny1angry says:

Well, he's an internet sensation, most the great martial artists are too busy training to make videos, the more time they spend talking the less time they have to work on their technique. Knowing how to defend yourself is not a high school diploma, you don't get it once and have it for life, you have to work at it every day. If someone wants to be a great fighter and still be on the internet it's probably best done from a tablet attached to a treadmill or a stationery bike.

Carlos Crespo-Motolese says:

Did you guys see his picture with master Ken? Then they told a story. I laughed A LOT. Now it all makes sense!

Oscar Shen says:

Most of his stuffs are straight from military or security training, just over simplified of course, if you think he is an idolt, then most military trainers are idolts. Nowdays people have the habit to dismiss any self defense, weapon disarm, defense against multipel attackers. So I'm curious what's their mindset? When somebody attack you, you should just lie down and die? Because in their minds no self defense technic will work "in real life"? And what's most people's qulification to know how "real life" works? You gona try something bro, any action is better than inaction. His stuff MIGHT get you killed, but not trying anything with 100% get you killed. Thank you for shine some light on it Mark!

Made At 5.56 says:

The first time I saw this guy, I thought it was a joke

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