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Self-defense forces, Ukrainian troops reach agreement in Crimea

Geopolitical tensions continue to rise between the West and Russia over Ukraine. For much of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, life went back to business-as…


Maynard says:

Hahaha self defense troops?? What blatant propaganda by RT THEY ARE Russian
Troops without their insignias. They have been ordered to invade by your
beloved dictator Putin. Fucking god awful journalism to even think that
they weren’t Putins army.

Myaucat says:

This is all about the EU & IMF extorting and raping ukraine of all its
resources, and establishing a greater western imperial strategic presence
in the region to isolate and intimidate russia more with NATO.

Genuine UK says:

This is all about Russia not wanting Ukraine to enter the EU

Lada Ray says:

Read new article on FuturisTrendcast – #Ukraine Part 7: #Russia’s
Geopolitics, #USA’s Bluff and #EU’s Big Mistake of whether the threat of sanctions against Russia by US and EU
will work and Russia’s position. 

jamali hamilton says:

No one is denying the fact that Crimea was once russia butt russia gave the
territory to Ukraine 

Maynard says:

Putin has already lost. He has no friends in the world he is George Bush
someone to be mocked and ridiculed. He will leave Crimea not because of
sanctions but because of the self inflicted damage it is doing to his
country and it’s dollar.

Dicio says:

The moment you support a politician who sends troops to starve other human
beings by not allowing food/water/electricity to their bases is the moment
you should realize you are supporting a bad politician.

The moment you trust a news source that declares Russian troops with their
gear, guns, gun mounts, clothes riding Russian military vehicles with
Russian military number plates minus the army badges as “self defense
forces” is the moment you realize the news source ain’t that honest either.

Yusei Shimura says:

Russian soldiers invaded Ukraine not self defense forces 

Y0UT00B3R1 says:

It’s pretty funny that those big, scary-ass, sorry Russian fucks rockin’
tha георгиевская ленточка, also feel the need to hide their ugly ass
Russian mugs under those Ski masks, and a fuckin’ $0.50 medical
mask…lulz!!? Nigga, please.

Norman Markowitz says:

The “journalism” here is cheerleading for a “revolution” which is an
attempt, to use the old Nazi term at a “machergreifung” or seizure of
power. If anything, RT, whose work I respect has been very moderate in its
accounts. The elements that are playing a major role in these events and
hope to gain power are not merely “ordinary fascists” but Nazi fascists,
openly proclaiming their advocacy of destroying all Communists, Jews, and
Russians to purify the Ukraine. The key to all of this is of course the
destruction of the Soviet Union and everything that followed from it. 

Adrian Gove says:

Yusei Shimura says:

self defense troops?? hahaha what a lie 

mdsoulionline says:

I want a ukrainian girl

MangaV2 says:

She’s hot! 

Anonymous says:

MY only question is;is it true that those in the population that want
Ukraine to enter EU are right wing “swastika party“?

Earchiel Johnson says:

The “journalism” here is cheerleading for a “revolution” which is an
attempt, to use the old Nazi term at a “machergreifung” or seizure of
power. If anything, RT, whose work I respect has been very moderate in its
accounts. The elements that are playing a major role in these events and
hope to gain power are not merely “ordinary fascists” but Nazi fascists,
openly proclaiming their advocacy of destroying all Communists, Jews, and
Russians to purify the Ukraine. The key to all of this is of course the
destruction of the Soviet Union and everything that followed from it. 

jamali hamilton says:

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