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Self Defense for Kids

Personal safety self defense tips for kids.


King of Foxes says:


Emily Burdick says:

If someone did that to me I would scream for help and kick him in the balls

CarlyDaCookie Animations says:

if you are attacked by a female punch her in the boobs and the male punch the groin area there that's all you need to know ok theres a lot more

Jksbbydoll아가 says:

*Tries to do it on a pillow*

Mom: girl what is you doin

Me:*throws pillow at her* AHHHHH!!!!!

Games Fan says:

i have sharp teeth and i will bite him 😈😈😈😈😈😱


If u kidnap me and cover my mouth with your hand i will bite your 🤚

iiZuixx says:

This will never work, i tried it i couldn't bite the mouth. . .

Self-Defense Innovations Inc. INC says:

well this was adorable.

R. Hussain says:

Thanks a million for this video

SpxritGamerGurl 325 says:

Here's a tip:

if you don't have
pepper spray for your defense, use perfume instead. That will sting the attacker's eyes

Jessica says:

For y’all males out there who ever is about to get beaten up……

Take of your pants and chase them (pretend to be gay)

Christopher Matthews says:

That's not going to work you need to twist and elbow them

Marra rose says:

so bacilly someones in my house we think were not sure but we hear boys and our dad and uncle are gon and our mom so all we have our aunt and we dont wanna open the door if someones in our house so my baby bro is talking and idk what to do

random_horse_ girl_kylie says:

Me learning self defense: so how much can I hurt you, cause I don't want you to sue. Actually I would feel much better if you would sign this slip on camera saying you won't sue if I hurt you.

Fred Wheat Fill says:

Screw it I will just get my grandpas ww2 ak 47 and shoot thoose guys

Mystery Life says:

1 year later- I accidentally punched my brother in the “Private” remember, I was younger then! I didn’t know better 😂 but that taught me a self defense move 😂

Ariel Summer says:

Every girl/child should be thought this.

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