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Self Defense for Girls and Women

This video teaches teenage girls and women practical Tae Kwon Do self-defense techniques and also imparts useful personal safety tips recommended by the loca…


Margo Red says:

awesome!!! :)

Paul Ramnora says:

I think, the topic of self-defence is really a very large one, indeed; it
includes the defender having to go face all different types of
attacks…directions: forwards/backwards/sideways…high/middle/low
attacks…standing up/sitting/lying down/when picked up…empty hand/armed
attack…single attack/multiple attack/-etc. It concerns having situation
awareness/dressing sensibly/having good poise/use of distraction/voice.
Also, the effect of using light attack/medium/hard(not every situation you
wish to ‘kill’ the attacker who might be just merely drunk/or, a
friend/family member/-etc). Furthermore, seeing just one video, alone; is
not likely to teach you too much; I would recommend viewing as many videos
as is possible. Certainly, I think, that having some knowledge is far
better than having none; but, on the other hand, if that knowledge is
applied wrongly; then, many of the techniques might not actually work?!
That’s why it’s best to apply your skills in a gym under a supervised
properly qualified teacher; where there are many pupils to work with; there
you will quickly discover a technique that works well on one person;
doesn’t work at all on a next?! I cannot emphasize enough that it’s only
through working with others that you discover whether your techniques do
actually work or not…??? Thus, it’s very hard to learn self-defence from
watching videos all on your own; most probably, you’ll watch it; and, then,
immediately forget? To recall techniques well you need to have practiced
them, again and again, regularly.

Nicole Hirsch says:

I think every girl should learn these techniques! Awesome video!

sam darck says:


jmazzitelli says:

excellent video! keep it up thanks

Dirt Poor says:

Why didnt you yell on video?! You encourage people step out of their
comfort zone yet dont yell yourself. I wanted to see how ferociously you
could scream, lol.

Aish Singh says:

This is a must..

arglefumphfan31 says:

To me it seemed like it was a little too brutal. Like for the push. If
soneones going to push you at the shoulder, it’s not a huge threat to you,
so you should just try to stop it and bend the fingers back and walk away,
try to block it, or if you’re at school, it’s probaby just bullying, so it
won’t hurt you just to get pushed.

Xindy Mindy says:

Really helpful and detailed! Thanks!

batgirlsucks says:

love you both keep up the good work

Cordez26 says:

Very good, but it must also be stressed that the techniques that you
demonstrated should be practiced regularly, so as to create muscle memory.
And I especially like the last statement about watching your surroundings.

Radhika Pennepalli says:

Very useful and practical techniques Alekya. Thank you! I will show it to
my girls and ask them to practice those techniques.

Steve Dogan says:

Oh puhleeeeeaaaaze! This works just as well for guys too! Quit the
liberationist stuff.

meandMJ4likeeva says:

Yeeea girl power!

Rebecca Herbert says:

This woman seems very nice but she trains to fight. If you dont train to
fight I say kick him between the legs and run. I do like all the tips at
the end but the fighting techniques (as with any martial art) are things
you will probably not be able to do in a live attack without practice. This
is not a negative comment Im just saying she is a black belt and can make
these moves work but an untrained woman is better off screaming and running
after a good kick to the groin so he doesnt catch you.

Fearless nikki Briemode says:

really good and thanks by the way

nadiya1is1here says:


ywrc ch says:

Great video! I’m 2nd black too 🙂 are you ITF..?

Jill Phillips says:

That was a great video!! I just showed my 9 year old daughters. Self
defense is so important! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Well done. 🙂

Monty Toby says:

Good Job! Keep it up.

starsolohan says:

Anymore tkd upload

sayed6606 says:

Nice tricks

IBA KOR says:

good job~ 🙂

Debra Steven says:

Hay if you liked this look up ‘ Debi steven’ too – she is doing loads of
work in India 🙂

SmileFishylee says:

Thank you for posting it 🙂

kimhhx says:

Thks 4 uploading 😉

Nicholas Kiefer says:

You seem like a really cool person. And a strong martial artist. Keep up
the good work!

Turkish Delight says:

even though this is for girls and women, im a guy and i find it really
helpful. thanks!

John Gavin says:


KwanKwan Katzuca says:

OMG thanj you soo much! These tips were really simple!

ChickRollercoaster says:

Thanks alot!! 🙂 I tried raising an awareness in my skool that girls should
be taught these self-defensive skills. But they never listened. So I just
left it since nobody were interested. But after hearing the news about the
Delhi Rape Case this December, I was shocked and I immediately went through
all the defensive skill that I could teach myself. And I make sure that my
13-year old sister learns it too. Bcus one day or another, we have to face
the world all by ourself. 😀

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