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Self Defense Against Perverts

Ray Amsley T Shirt Pervert: Dominic Monaghan, Girl 1: Alexis Quasarano, Girl 2: Laura Gerow, Girl 3: Erika Rankin, Girl 4: Meghan …


originalSiiiN says:


Aaron Reed says:


Chad N says:

He’s not.. Charlie Pace is 😛

NeonfOxa says:

*Diggs out an old pair of 3D glasses*…Amsley in 3D is scary (and AWESOME)

Zoga Kayski says:


Anapaola Rodriguez says:

Why is Merry Brandybuck touching the girl’s butt?

xdjbrandonx says:

It is!

xdjbrandonx says:

Was the perfect the light bulb xmen in origins??

jkl140 says:

Congrats. you get the joke.

BluTrilobite says:

Old VHS recorder not tracking right, due to obsolescence!

danielamin says:

0:55 Meriadoc Brandybuck.

ChrisTheSheriff says:

63 people are PERVERTS

panzerfaulst12345 says:


Magiziri says:

Fernando…is that you?

Swack Attack says:

Didn’t they meet at the VGA’s?

LooSoliter says:

did i drink too much or is the video “flou” (out of focus) ?

Lysander Foster says:

1:50 was that barbra with black hair?

TDOTTDON111293 says:

how does he do the missing leg thing

Jonathon Scofield says:
Jaime Quintanilla says:

This was taped in my neighborhood. This explains everything! 🙁

Christophe Lefevre says:

Attention aux pervers !

Daniel Perez says:

XD same guy from the dance video

The JackBoyz Beats says:


Ahmed Karam says:

Self Defense against Perverts

Trevor Mehalik says:

Has Charlie from LOST.

PaddLuke says:

AAAACTUALLY….he’s the bass guitarist.

UnitedDiscord says:

Poor charlie.

Livy Gerhardt says:

my fav video of his

Angela Rayan says:


onlycicala says:

it took me the length of the whole video to get this :/

gheefop says:


Ruben Manssens says:

How did he do the leg thing?

Brun Rodriguez says:

1:10 lmfao

xpsychxloverx96 says:

I wouldn’t mind if the pervert was Dominic Monaghan 😉

vincent during says:

so i ain’t the only one who thought it

kaekaeswift18 says:

Anybody have cool ranchh doritos?

rocklegends t(-_-)t says:

The music made it scary, and will nathan ever get married…

nerihofthedeathcompa says:

Charlie from lost!

RetroHellspawn says:

The upper lip is a tad darker, though I suppose you’re right. 😛

Vincent Alster says:

I have cool ranch Doritos


Im buying those videos

Areyouserious says:

Merda = French world for shit.

DAmore117 says:

Girl 1 seems DTF with the hobbits

Nathaniel Young says:

Nathan J Barnatt, you rock. Come back to Ames!

Tim Gordon says:

wanna come in my van, i have so many perfume mmmmmmm

Tif Tryner says:

that’s so funny and true! I had a pervert friend that used a South African
Brit accent to get the ladies…there was this time that he forgot to put
his accent on and I called him out on it…he got so mad! it was funny
though…he was my dad’s age….”Hey mannnnn! where is your bloody accent!
you sound like you’re from Ohio!”…ooopsies!!!!

TheHF says:

Is Nathan Barnett missing a leg?

skymoo1927 says:

Just hide me under ur smooth and soft skin.. Now youll never get perverated

JakeScorcha says:

perverts drive vans….hes standing in front of a van

abc1DiLy says:

Dom makes the BEST pervert XD

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