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Self-Defense Against Idiots!

Surviving in an environment when you’re completely surrounded by idiots… Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription…


AdamKokesh says:

That’s not true! I’m the best spoon you’ve ever had! Seriously though, we
need to get a handle on all of these offspring!

GMOMCG says:

6:30…never thought of this.ever. mindblown

Beau H says:

Did anyone hear Stefan say he supported the Iraq invasion?? I would like to
hear the story of how he got from there to here. 

Thiago Ferreira says:

your worldview is so full of shit. It is just darwinism applied to society.


I hope he shows this video to his classmates.

Stevan Lohja says:

21:00 The rape talk was hilarious lol 

Marc Thomas says:

When I was in public schools I would openly say yes please privatize
schools. I’m confident in my abilities and would love some competition.” I
got some interesting looks to say the least and usually a joke to lighten
the mood. Fact is that most teachers can’t say that and they know it. They
WISH they could but they know they can’t without being a liar. They are not
confident and they would not love competition.

Phagocyte161 says:

I can’t even get statists to admit that Taxation requires the threat of
violence and a gun. If you manage to get them to even admit THAT then you
are like… jesus

Seanizle The Astral Walker says:

Most people can’t think. Let’s privatize education. Let’s give a bunch of
people who can’t think the ability to defund any free thinking teacher who
preaches reality to their kids. Miley Cyrus teacher gets hired instead;
back to square one.

tdubduders says:

“Most people can’t think and don’t know that they can’t think”

Another great quote to tuck in my memory banks for later.

Gordon Garvey says:

How many people here are 18 or under here?

rose smith says:

is idiot the same as willful ignorant? I know stupid people are not lacking
information or knowledge but who willfully do not accept logical and
reasonable ideas and value who do not recognize they are wrong on something
unwilling to change. people who are delusional and willfully stupid od not
want the truth, hence they will attack those who show them up as stupid.
they do not want their lives disrupted they like the life of lies it is
easier and more comfortable.

alienzen says:

I think the big problem with privatising education is the right of children
to access education. It is a similar problem to the health insurance thing.
How can you privatise it, but then give people no choice whether they pay
for their kids education or not?
Either you have to abandon the right of children to be educated or have a
quasi-private system.
In all honesty I think it would be a good thing if compulsory education
were abandoned, but you need to make that argument. It is important that
kids learn to read and have basic arithmatic skills, but you don’t need
professional teachers to do that.

Barbara Looneytunes says:

Look, there is plenty of evidence that we are genetically modified by off
world visitors and Darwin’s theories were just that: theories. 

Robert Sundström says:

People know that they don’t know and when you remind them of that then they
get anxious and potentially angry.

They don’t know how the world really works and that makes them feel bad so
they suppress that train of thought. That is how they dont come to the
philosophical conclusions.

Not to forget that they aren’t encouraged to think and reason about reality.

Some, however, come up with egotistical explanations for what they care
about and come to see that as the ultimate truth.

patricesez says:

Forgotten about Global Warming/Climate Change already? @ 39:55 SM: “The
good thing about the ‘sciences’ is there’s no Political-Correctness in the
answers, right?” Um-m-m, NO! The “geo-sciences” are probably as politicized
at this point as any other. There may be less “talking politics” but look
at the first hit when googling “Geoscience”: Princeton University’s opening
page for Dept. of Geosciences, “Climate, biogeochemical cycles, and
planetary tectonics are the three basic processes that shape the
environment. Geoscientists face a unique challenge in seeking to understand
the complexity of the Earth’s physical and biogeochemical systems.”

Magnus Bojaxhiu says:


All physicists should just go be engineers and build you an iPad, right? So
why are you complaining when someone loves their technology but doesn’t
give a rat’s ass about the ideas?

An iPad is hardly even cool, it’s a little tracking device that should come
with a pair of real handcuffs instead of the digital ones, then you could
at least maybe spend some time seeking out a sexy dominatrix while also
gettin’ brutally slammed in your universal backdoor by the phantom cock of
a licensing whore as evil as Jobs. Wait… that may or may not require
multitasking. Better buy two iPads. The NSA will probably appreciate the
additional camera angle in any case.

Maxwell’s equations are cool, the theory of semiconductors is cool, quantum
mechanics is cool. They give us shit WAY cooler than iPads. Give some
credit, man.

Assaf Koss says:

You can’t get understanding and sense from stupid people. You will,
however, get upset and stupefied.

Find the smart folk, join them, and keep a compassionate mind for the rest.
After all, we all start stupid.

facereplacer says:

This kid is great. He writes better than the majority of so-called adults I
work with! Very inspiring, Travis! Stay strong.

sambking says:

“SLAVERY….that’s just black and white thinking….” Good one.

Calvin Smith says:

Most people cannot think, yet they will be able to follow the
non-aggression principle? hmmmm. Maybe people don’t follow the
non-aggression principle because they cannot think. So maybe a society
cannot be based on the non-aggression principle.

John Strabismus says:

Whenever I hear a teacher say they could get more money working in the
“Private Sector” I tell them they should do it. I always tell them to do it
right away. 

Sharkie Boardman says:

Stefan was pro Iraq war!? Thats like saying Bill Gates was a bankrupt
greengrocer ten years ago. Its kinda motivated me 🙂 

bob beckey says:

Talking to a school kid is kind of like talking to a child. You have to
know your audience. moreover you have to know how to talk to people
generally. As a libertarian I can honestly say that most high school
anarchists and libertarians talk like douche bags wear strange costumes,
and are fairly elitists in their attitude, and convert more people away
from libertarianism than anything, don’t be like that. If you find that
people aren’t receptive to your message change the way you deliver that
message or stop talking to those people. Not everyone is meant to be a
spokesperson. If you still feel the need to express yourself find an
audience. I am interested to know where and when the non aggression
principle comes up in your daily high school conversation. 

PHadrianus says:

Yes idealism is practical just look at …, oh wait there are no examples
of practical idealism. Ok then!

Tiwaz Ansuz Ta says:

I am very very pleased that I have been a complete social outcast taking up
the opposite position as contrarily as possible and fed it down the throats
of every authority figure from teachers in grade school on to employers and
I am very pleased I spent my life talking to politicans as the servant boy
with a towel over his arm he truly deserved Yep I am very pleased to have
been the asshole of assholes repulsive labelled and outcast WOW you people
suffered more than I did for your training for I rebelled a long long time
ago in the back rooms of private tavistock mind control training Thank the
stars lol I got no social skills but a whole lot a freedom of mind

Well prepared not to fit in but its very strange and odd to me to hear
people like you pop up via the internet Hmmm —

Derek Schwartz says:

Lol the black and white fallacy. People tell me all the time I see the
world as too black and white. I just respond with, is rape under any
circumstances ok? They respond with “no, of course not”. ” But you’re
being black and white”

Allan Poe says:

I got SMS from deFOOed mother and then I went to “debate” some socialists.
I know what I did and it feels kinda funny. I think I’ll gather anarcho
capitalist minded people from that web page and meet them on IRC in the
future. That is my plan.

Ethan Diamond says:

It really is like the matrix. Once you wake up, you can’t go back…even if
you want to. And you want everyone else to wake up too, despite the fact
that you spend your days frustrated with reality. You try to wake up your
friends and family, because it kills you to see them imprisoned by
ignorance, but is it the ‘right’ thing to do to break them from that spell?
Are they better off? Or is reality always better than fantasy? AHHHHHH!!!!
Help, Stefan!

Henry Toliver says:

At 30:00 you had me almost fall out of my chair!!

ivoman7 says:

no slavery = idealistic. hahahahaha

MasterX117 says:

“Humanity’s greatest fear, is that the truth is absolute” should sum up
this video :)

Bagman451 says:

It definitely sucks living in an area where intelligence is statistically
low. The best I’ll usually manage is to have someone hear me out, then I’ll
allow them to speak their predictable piece.

I’ve noticed part of intelligence isn’t shear mental capacity and power,
but something of a habit. To “meta”, our humbly condider alternatives,
reflect,and question. “Stupid” people tend to not do this, so any given
perspective they adopt or have is essentially absolute for them – same goes
for the motivated reasoners that engage in bias.

The intelligent people I’ve known change perspective often, yet can espouse
a rightful confidence in any given perspective whilst striving,and knowing,
change will occur. As such, the lack of change is quite boring here.
Witnessing the same conversion between two people for the hundredth time
makes you feel like you’re repeating days. 

Kon Berner says:

Well said at 6:30 … I think a little more precise is: they don’t want to
feel the discomfort they would feel if they confronted the fact that they
are in hell… This can be quite painful, so it isn’t surprising.

In any case, as usual, humans (among other lifeforms) like to get away from
discomfort, and place high on their value scale those things they think
will reduce their discomfort–even if fleeing from reality is causing even
more discomfort than they would otherwise feel, which is the real tragedy.

I think this is a really key point to understanding the deep existential
fear (of reality) and longing (for peace and justice) that is so common.

Rene Kejlskov Jørgensen says:

“Would you like a banana ? … ” ROFLMBFAO

Plural says:

Aw, RIP Bob Hoskins

mclmrtn says:

I know exactly what you are talking about Stefan. My mother has been an
educator for 43 years. She has never stopped acquiring degrees, training,
and bettering her methods. She was the co-author of the i-search method of
writing thesis papers. She always put in 2 hours on average more than was
required each day for her students after hours. She taught summer school.
This year she retires. The crop of teachers replacing her are substandard
compared to her example. Our kids are in real trouble. My mother is a
major proponent of the privatization of schools, and she has been a teacher
under both systems. Don’t assume all teachers are just horrible idiots.
Some of them are very dedicated and good at what they do. With those
teachers, the kids are the reason they got into the job. My mother was
able to do it this long through more than one debilitating illness, we need
people like that. Those are the people who garner the high wages that
America’s public school teachers clamor for.

OutlawUniverse says:

Excellent conversation. 

Void Geometry says:

Ha! No politicizing in the sciences. You’re in for a treat. 

jo-ann Hardy says:

SM – It is not interesting to hear a debate when both sides agree with each

Nivo UF says:


Gouky says:

FU Stefan!!! Summer breaks FTW!!!!
Pay check is a Test in your fantasy world, not this one!!

Michael Samhan says:

at the end he says he cant believe that people are swayed by this emotional
crap.. this should come back to the beginning of the video when Stef says
that most people are unable to think and they dont know they are unable to
think.. politicians know this and they understand that if they appeal
directly to the emotions, the masses will not understand that is what is
happening and that everything they are feeling is being injected into them
through lies.. so you have a population that is basically high on emotions
being injected into them through politicians and our job is to get them
into rehab and attempt to make them think.. otherwise we have to play the
same game as the politicians and inject them with our emotions and that is
what we call psychological war fare.. intelligent evil people vs.
intelligent good people battling over the emotions of the masses

Bel Rick says:

Intelligent people must overcome two major opponents.

1. Peer pressure. The urge to be part of the group, the urge to accept the

2. Personal acceptance that these people are your enemies. You want them to
like you, you want to be ‘nice’, you don’t want to be disliked because of
your views.

But you know what? Decent people take stands, those that by their beliefs
harm you are not your friends, they are your enemies.

Jacob B says:

But my Big Brother told me 2 + 2 = 5?

Don Carter says:

I wish I was as insightful as this kid is when I was in high school. High
hopes for the future!

Sam R says:

Smart kid. He certainly got here a whole lot faster than most of us.
Although, I think (hope) that’s more of a trend these days, what with the
nature of the modern internet and folks like Stef, Kokesh, Tom Woods, etc. 

spinnerpete says:

Its not what will not happen if you dont, Its what will happen if you dont.

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