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Self Defence MYTHS Women Believe… that DON'T HELP

Do you think Striking or Grappling matters more in Women’s Self Defence? Comment in below. This week we look at how women should train for Self Defence. We discuss what matters more for women when it comes to defending themselves in the real world. About Us ELEVATING YOUR FIGHT IQ: Videos blending Martial Arts, Crime Science, and Psychology. Presented by Dr Mark Phillips Criminal Psychologist, Security Consultant, Martial Arts and Defensive Skills Instructor. An expert in Organised Crime, Hostage Taking, and Offender Profiling. Martial arts experience includes Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling, Boxing, San Da Kickboxing, and MMA. Weekly Self Defence and Martial Arts video releases every Wednesday. Topics Covered: Coping with Criminal Behaviour, Self Defence Techniques, Street Fighting Tips, Mindset Preparation, as well as general tips on how to defend yourself. CONNECT WITH US! Instagram ► Facebook ► VISIT OUR ACADEMY LWCA ► OUR BLOG ►


Mouldy CPU says:

Yes, grappling skills are great for self defense, but you need to focus on no-gi grappling and know how to handle punches. On top of that, you must be accustomed to 'dirty' fighting as well.

hob976 says:

Maybe I'm an asshole for saying this, but even these "sober" non-BS takes on women's self defense feel unrealistic. When I started jiu-jitsu there were several girls in the class that out ranked me ( one of them was taller and outweighed me ) and one of them was even a black belt in BJJ. If I'm being honest, not one of them would stand a chance in a violent conflict with 29 out of 30 of the white belts in the class. [ because there was one dude who was 5'3" and extremely over weight – the black belt could pry take him ].

The truth is that girls should carry a taser, or better pepper spray, or better a gun and ABOVE ALL don't be wear violent assaults happen.

Don't be in that parking lot alone. Don't be in that ally. Move out of the bad neighborhood. If you can't afford to relocate, how can you afford $120 per month combat lessons? That will just give you false confidence.

I know that attacks are possible under any circumstances. But what I just said is a little more realistic than starting 10,000 hours of jiu jitsu. Working within the constraints of reality is everyone's best bet.

Eobard Ferguson says:

This is problematic. I am trans and I identify as a man. I don’t appreciate you assuming I’m not as strong or capable as a ‘biological male’.

My pronouns are he, they and it.

Down with the patriarchy.

grnhrntskato says:

I have run women's courses for decades. Much of what is said here is true. I also learned a great deal from my students. You can't just bring a bunch of vulnerable women into a class and start physical training. For many women, the mere close proximity and smell of a man are debilitating. They often freeze. Many reasons for this but the most significant is being raised from birth to adhere to societal norms. Raise to be polite and respect their elders which usually means males in their family, religious and social circle. It can take several hours of deconstructing these beliefs to bring some of them to the point where they will accept the premise that they are ALLOWED to learn how to defend themselves. Learning about victim and predator behaviour is essential for them to understand how to assess risk and avoid situations that will then require physical combat. Women's self defence instructors need to be well versed in the mental aspects of defensive tactics as they apply to women as well as how to leverage their strongest assets and most extreme/violent techniques in close. MMA techniques for a regulated environment can help, but that takes a long time t o develop the skills. Airways, eyes, groin are fair game when you fear grievous bodily harm or death. The life of your attacker no longer is your concern. Unless they’re family. See how fast that got complicated?

54SCV8 says:

This all very true. In my police academy class, we had smaller female who was fit and practiced bbj. She never had sparred with a much larger partner. I was ask to wear the red man suit. I am 6'7 260lbs for reference. Her and several other cadets had never thought that they could be so picked up and slammed so easily. Even with her training I was able to put her to the mat and hold her with 1 arm and a knee, at one point I even took out my mouth piece with my free hand. Always try to train with the largest person you can find.

Barry B says:

Lol that clip where the woman was learning to box, even there the woman was training like a joker, look at those punches, no drive, push though, no snap, no proper synchronised coordination, no hip rotation, no shoulder twist, no surge. SMH …. Nice cardio class.

YoniNadi says:

All women should be carrying a tiger claw for their own self defense!

Nick Montanaro says:

Krav Maga is a joke. It isnt a real thing.
For people shilling Krav Maga you are not helping anyone here.

Don Skiver says:

My mother in law defended herself from a man who posed as a ups/fed ex delivery guy. He forced his way inside and pinned her to the ground. She bit, hit, and tried to gouge his eyes out and did serious damage to his eyes. Luckily, my father in law came home at the right time and ended up beating this man senseless. They both did karate, she was trained in self defense and while what she managed to do on her own was admirable, if her husband hadn't come home when he did, I'm certain he would've raped her and then killed her for fighting back (he had a knife). This is why I taught my wife firearm safety and how to shoot. She's a very small woman, like her mother, but firearm is a hell of an equalizer.

Sam Turner says:

I knew I liked this guy

Nick Montanaro says:

This video means well but in the end it's all nonsense. If you live in a country where you aren't allowed to carry a gun then move.
This is all ridiculous. The real reason women are being assaulted is that people aren't allowed to defend themselves properly.
If criminals knew there was an 90% chance the woman they attack is armed with a gun, assaults would drop by 90%. Instead pansy liberals want to take our rights away from us. Women should have a gun, a taser, a knife, pepper spray and anything else they want to carry. This is not attacking the root of the issue. This is fantasy.
I am 6'4" 310 lbs. Over 99.99% woman alive could not stop me from beating or choking them unconscious if I was truly determined. People need to be able to arm themselves. In england you can't even carry self defense items let alone a gun. That is where you protect people, change the damn laws.
Here in the states my state of New jersey you can be thrown in prison for using a knife on an attacker who is trying to kill you.
Even if the assaulter is an ex boyfriend who has repeatedly attempted to hurt you. Even if there is a RECORD of him repeatedly attacking you. You are still not allowed to use a knife in self defense.

Democrats are the reason woman and children are assaulted and killed every day.


Dig out an eye or two, and watch Joe Pesci in "Pen scene" – "the rest" is mentally training, because you need to want to attack, since he almost always will be stronger, so defence can only slow him down, while attack can/should stop him – good…

President NotSure says:

I recommended the backwards headbutt. You have to break his nose. That will deter most. As soon as that nose cracks, start giving it everything you have to get away and grab a weapon. Handful of sand, a rock, hell, a pencil.

gxtmfa says:

Striking helps manage distance, but you gotta have some BJJ for if you land on your ass

Auggie says:

A gun would work better

Islam İslam says:

Old fashioned self defence, get a man that can defend you and also avoid dangerous situations.

ShadowJoker says:

With all my respect for wrestling and grappling, no amount of drills are gonna save a woman from an agressive MAN, maybe it could help against a skinnier drunk and its useful to know, but let's drop down the femminism and say it – you wanna be protected – have a MAN beside you 😉

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