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Rorion Gracie – Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Street Self-Defense Vol. 1

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Street Self-Defense Vol. 1.


TopControlBJJ says:

@k00lkane There’s a lot of leverage there in that throw. You can pick up a
lot of weight. Of course things aren’t so simple against a resisting

Robert Dornel says:

Hay una vieja leyenda en China: se dice que una vez, el animal más débil de
la Tierra era el tigre… acosado por todos le pidió al gato que le
enseñara a luchar. El tigre se volvió tan bueno que no solo venció a todos
sus enemigos, sino que quiso matar a su antiguo maestro; el gato se salvó
subiendo a los árboles. Como dicen en China: NINGÚN MAESTRO ENSEÑA TODO LO

Ramon Medeiros says:

É indiscutível a contribuição e o talento dos Gracie. Agora esta saida de
pescoço abaixando a cabeça é escolher uma joelhada no rosto ou um soco na
nuca…. Tem técnicas muito melhores…..

JJI6881 says:

Thank You 🙂

Kane Steggles says:

Im doubtful that the throw at 17:18 will work on attackers of any size?

Bruno Bártulitch says:

excelente! uma honra ter essa aula com esses grandes mestres! Obrigado!

Dann Mann says:

when you bring your hand up to free the pressure on the neck, why not do it
uppercut style to the chin instead of messing around with a throw that may
not work? That’s more street real!

30Maicky says:

This is what I call Hi Tech….!!!!

Linus Griffin says:

I’ve learned a lot of wrist grabs controls ect, but this is much of this is
simpler to use I’m going add these to my training!

Ian Guerra says:

Rorion is just an all out badass

TheSkullCrossbone says:

basically it’s every other sport.. meanwhile..

IamVeryFrozen says:

@superfootdan It is not reliable. Not everyone has boxing abilities. You
can also hurt your wrist or knuckles.

Xrayplays says:

What about the ground

Bastiat90 says:

I have all these on VHS somewhere… thanks for putting them up

Jeider Moraes Damm says:

Super simple, but very effective techniques. And by the time it was
recorded, these probably had been improved since then. BJJ ftw!

Tata Graciejj says:

@brunobartu Valeu Bruno, sempre que possível vou colocar essas

SpinrOfficial says:

good techniques, basic but very effective, thanks for the upload

Lindsey Loewen says:

old school awesome 🙂

Taekwondo Itf says:

Get better recorder

Jose Gomez says:


Ian Guerra says:

relax martial-arts police. It should be blatantly obvious for those with an
IQ above 80 that these are all done in a controlled environment, and he
doesn’t have the other hand up so that the viewers can see the positioning
of the other arm in relation to where you want to break the opponents.

Ian Guerra says:

the violent streets of the 90’s…

Julian Moreno says:

Am been wrestling for 8 years

Daniel Bodnar says:

1:47 Knee

Robert Dornel says:

Gracias hermanos brasileños por regalarnos la alegría, la samba, la bossa
nova, el fútbol muy bien jugado y el Gracie Jiujitsu. Un uruguayo que los

lancermeat says:

Some people seem to forget (thanks to sport bjj and mma) that gracie jiu
jitsu is first and foremost a martial art to help you fight in a street
fight. The basic self defence system is built up of simple, easy to
remember techniques that rely on using effective leverage so you can defeat
a bigger, stronger more athletic opponent. The reason it so effective is
the fact it doesn’t have as many moves as kungfu or karate. Therefore it’s
easier to build up an automatic response. Even Japanese JJ has

Paulo Guarnieri says:

Mas a joelhada pode ser bloqueada com os braços, e pode ser quedado ainda,
e até o outro dar o soco na nuca vc já tá vertical de novo! O perigo é no
rosto mesmo! Guarda alta sempre.

אריה בניהודה בן יעקב says:

Obrigado por dividir essa relíquia


Some real good techniques.

Tex6073 says:

Audio is terrible. Vids ok

haffoc says:

fascinating. the technique shown at 1640 is the same as in an Italian
martial arts manual written in 1409.

pacificimporters says:

so it’s basically Japanese jujutsu

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