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Robbed at Gunpoint & Pirate Self Defense Discussion

We discuss getting robbed at gun point a few weeks back which naturally leads to a discussion on how to defend yourself from pirates while sailing & cruising the world. Some links mentioned in the video: Pro’s & Con’s of safety bars on windows:
Pros and Cons of Bars on Your Hatches
Hatch Safety Bar Details (links below are a amazon affiliate links and we get a small commission from the brand if you buy it or other things linking from it. It does not raise prices for you or cost extra) Bear spray: Home defense spray: Cattle prod: Mag flashlight: Support us on Patreon: Floorplan tool: Our Instagram: @jessicaandryansailing Arya’s Instagram: @arya.samoyed Our facebook page: Feel free to send us any questions to: [email protected] Music by: David Cutter Music –


RCD566 says:

You might consider any of the many types of paintball guns, that have high capacity ammo hoppers and there are some self defence rounds (pepper balls etc.) available. It could be very effective in deterring any attempted boarding, or in dealing with someone how is already on board. As for being an effective and painful deterrent, just ask anyone who has been shot at close range several times.

Nigel Pickin says:

Is this a joke video? You guys might be better off joining the US Navy if you want to mix boating and weapons 🙂

Yohan Butterbong says:

Spear guns!

SilverDrake83 says:

Definitely a handgun and maybe a shotgun, but asides from that, spearguns, which should not cause a problem, my dog and a few other measures like teargas and gas masks and passive defensesystem like stroboscopic lights, video surveilance and automated transponder alarm system. But mainly avoid certain areas and countries. also floating nets which can be thrown in front of pursuers in order too destory their engines

zrRyan2 says:

Google this "Caribbean Safety and Security Net" and educate yourself… fortunately, these types of events are VERY rare.

You are 100% spot-on about bear spray and the risks of having a gun on board.

People should educate themselves on the rules of carrying weapons in foreign countries. And the pro-gun crowd will not like this, but, if you shoot an intruder (in some countries), even though you believe it is in self-defence, you are STILL GOING TO JAIL. The rules of the USA do not apply outside of the USA.

In all cases of piracy, or burglars… the KEY is to keep the bastards OFF your boat.

Sure Deal says:

Assuming that you see them approaching and that you believe that you're lives are in danger I would consider, and be ready for this.

Keep small bottles of fuel handy i.e. molotov cocktail. Throw a bottle of fuel on to the deck of the pirates boat and then shoot a flare into their boat. They now have a fire onboard and while they are dealing with that you can try to escape or buy enough time to get other defence mechanisms in place. If nothing else it buys you time. Obviously this should only be used in situations when you think that your lives are at risk.

Barbed wire around the perimeter of the boat is something others have used. Spearguns. There are perimeter alarms that you can warn you when another vessel gets within range of your boat. Good idea to turn it on while you are sleeping. Water cannons might be worth looking into. You just need one powerful enough to generate the required pressure.

Check out 'The Nautical Prepper'

Don'tBeEvil says:

How about fake and laud AK-47? When they are close, you can shoot into the sky as a warning? Downside is, when they are determined but they didn't want to hurt you… after fake shots, they will want to hurt you.

Don'tBeEvil says:

That's a great topic! I don't know why manufactures ignore this problem. Every blue water yacht should have a cabin, with bulletproof doors and windows and ONE HUGE RED button which puts yacht into "defence mode" – meaning, instantly close all important locks (like lock to get to the engine), electrifies lifelines etc.. it is not even an option

flatbyfour says:

If you can't safely visit your car at 9 pm, change living quarters before you dream about a $250k boat. Priorities!!

Keith Frost says:

I hear a lot of people talk about crossbows for self defense, and it's just not realistic. if you haven't fired one, then go to an archery range(or sporting goods store that has a range) that sells them and ask to try one. even under calm conditions the load/reload time is prohibitive. in a panic they would already be on your boat and on you before you would be ready. a low end compound bow is a better ranged weapon. as you point out everyone needs to be able to draw it. it breaks fewer laws and if it is confiscated, you're not out a fortune. still not perfect, but better than a crossbow.

Steve Trouble says:

Spear guns are legal but if you are afraid of Pirates secure your cabin. One thing I know someone does they have the triple fishhooks on fishing line they string across the transom in the worst areas at night and when sailing alone leaving the boat, when not alone they do the same as Delos and post a watch with a spotlight and take shifts.Better to have the best radio aerial and signal and call them as soon as you see them and describe their boat "SV Blah Calling the blue 30 foot powerboat blah blah (description of boat cabin radar etc) coming from the (direction) and your GPS location as they approach." They do not want people to know where they, what hey look like and what they did most would radio back saying fishing etc and pass you by for someone who say's nothing and you can ask weather forecast or harbour info as reason to call.Piracy is pretty rare when in those areas buddy up or form a small fleet. Better to look secure and not advertise what you have (air tanks on deck etc) and they will pass you over for something that looks like they will get more out of it. you are more likely to have stuff on deck stolen.Leaving someone on the boat is also an option and done regularly in harbours.

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