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In this video, Ra Imhotep, speaks on what psychic attack is and how to defend yourself from it.


13signsastrology says:

yolo jodo, Mantra’s are dope. Proper meditation and the exercising of
mantra’s allows us to live off of very little sleep, (2 hours a day.)

Hawkeyes999 says:

great video !!! 

Ave Abaraxx says:

Wow, I always suspected that about Facebook, is it recommendable to delete
my FB account? Also what if I wear gloves when touching something, does my
energy transfer into it as well? Thanks for all the info, 13signs! Peace

laughy taffy says:

nothing on your site works for me

elzbieta salamon says:

whats d best way to contact u for a consultation or an aura cleansing

Emma Jones says:

Thank uou for sharing. Peace and blessings

Patrick Underwood says:

I was touched by something while asleep and a shock wave of heat went from
my head to toe it was kinda cool besides being held down. I get less scared
when they come now because I,m used too resisting it. 

Rising Sun says:

No doubt! Have been shielding by surrounding myself with mirrors, this way
I am reflecting back all energies that are coming at me. Before I do this I
state that I am allowing all energies of love to penetrate the mirrors and
reflect back all harmful energies to those who seek to harm . I imagine a
silver surfer type of reflective aura, has been working well. Have been
nearly TV free for almost four years now, gave up drinking, smoking and am
feeling much better. I am very selective in what I allow to enter my
biological computer! Advertisements are everywhere and hard to escape so
lately I have been erasing them as I drive or whenever I am surrounded by
them. I just imagine a huge eraser taking them away and they become less

DebbieLiciouce says:

your sooo right buddy!

DebbieLiciouce says:

i need to no about whos doing these attacks on me and i think its someone
in my family! could you help me out?

DebbieLiciouce says:

and i do get allot of headaches but they have calm down some!

danielav9 says:

been attacked in the internet many many times..the pain in the head used to
run like an electrical current,had terrible stomach cramps.but thankfully
am ok now..learnt to heal with crystals.

Zilic 13 Ljude-vita says:

Mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare.
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. cleans your aura ;)

DebbieLiciouce says:

how do you find out who does these psychic attacks? i have a feeling its
someone in my family!and thats very hatefull towards me?

imawesome89100 says:

i need this so much.

imawesome89100 says:

i feel like my dad is doing it to me. he did it to my mum, thats why she
left him =(… he acts so deppressed but he says his not, and trys to bring
me down all the time, his voice how he talks, just being in the same house
i can feel his negative energy, he thinks so bad of me, i know it, and he
even says it, like that i hate him? or that i do drugs, and im a bad person
when im not =( i don’t care what he does , i just want him to leave me

EMPOR5615 says:

Beam into your house and watch what your doing… Most computers have
“cameras” on them..explain a little more what u mean? I can see how the TV
can hypnotize you but how would they gather the info and then be able to
attach it to millions of different people?

Jeremy Isaac says:

as was mine 🙂

Thoth dawhite says:

i sent you a few emails dude

EynollaBagherzada says:

Thank You man

Michel Bulkay says:

Whatever.. 😛

Akiro Akino says:

is it me or this guy is extremely clear minded

Starr Seed says:

subconscious mind can also be called the higher mind

jeweldiamond101 says:

no its def 13:30 – ugh!

jeweldiamond101 says:

i have full movies in my head and a writers block so big I cant even be
considered a damn writer…they did it- cut me off and see every comment i
post to- aliens- they even done been n my crib- mirage- green dot- i felt
em and either in human body or they sent agents- this shyt is a dream- now-
im so tired i have to speak- they got me dude- plz gmtfoh this aint my life

missgirlegirl1 says:

why is there so much noise on this video? Does anyone else hear cars and
children in the back ground.

Amy Lewis says:

very good

brebre461 says:

This helped so much! Thank you!

wolfflame144 says:

I’ve heard that cats that are attached to you can defended you from these

LordDeimos775 says:

Ra, does having a preference means that we’ve been programmed?

KiKi JahDore TheStylist says:

my kitty is lazy, she just looks at them SMH

Hadassah DavidLight says:

woow! So true

jeweldiamond101 says:

damn I made that FB comment before watching this vid and BAM- what do ya
know- this is shyt I already knew but mfz been sayin Im crazy… IF IM

Raven Faust says:

i see dead people

AmarThePrince7 says:

this shit is so true i went through this shit

sorealproduction1 says:

thank you

Hyacinth Flower says:

How do you protect yourself once you have already been attacked with
psychic and eectronic weapons?

jeweldiamond101 says:

i cant afford a reading im so poor- i swear they project that on me- im
deadly- i was told once if i could play chess i would be deadly- i always
say if i was born with a body i’d be deadly but truth be known i am now i
just have to step my game up- they targeted me since birth- i c movies in
my head and dream em- u ever dream u r someone else? dream some one else
story? b/c u kno so much half the time i wonder if u are them- but y would
u tell it? smdh!!! it make a me crazy !!!!!

fiveelderarts says:

after you have made the energetic “construct”, just have faith it is
working and check on it from time to time. no need to keep rebuilding it
over n over, just check in on it. I usually don’t leave comments like this
but I think that this is a very important topic from a very advanced being
and the time is right for the people to know a little more. I mean no
disrespect. -peace n love

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