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PLEASE Don't Compare This To Self Defense

The LA Times released a piece titled “What If Abortion Was A Form Of Self-Defense.” Just to clarify, babies are not a threat, but the left is selling a different narrative. 1️⃣ Click here to join the member exclusive portion of my show: 2️⃣ Become a DailyWire+ member to gain access to movies, shows, documentaries, and more: 3️⃣ Watch the full episode here: Ep.1763 - 👕 Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: 🔴Today’s Sponsors🔴 Switch to PureTalk and get 50% off your first month! #BenShapiro #TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #abortion #prolife


Melany Montes says:

Men talking about abortion is so funny to me. Like yeah go on and talk about a topic you can’t even experience and think that that’s something rational.

Elizabeth Herschleb says:

I think maternal mortality is caused by not having medical or nurturing maternity homes. Women have no where to go if their pregnancy becomes difficult to carry due to health issues that may require bedrest. Women who require bedrest to have a successful pregnancy and they have been left abandoned by family or don’t have anyone in their life that can support them financially or physically can’t help 24 hours a day; women are left with no options. Many are left with only abortion to address the difficulties. These are babies that could be born normal and all women need is extra support and care, but in our country women are told the only way to help a woman who is having a difficult pregnancy that abortion is it. The only thing that can help. We have a country that does not help pregnant, but will pay to mutilate children, neglect elderly and disabled people of care, poison drug addicts by ignoring our boarders and letting poison to cross over. We pay to support immigrants, but ignore women’s medical needs to save their baby. Hell; we live in a country that can’t even define what a woman is. How can they really help us when they won’t even protect our privacy in public?

Berserk850 says:

But did they lie 😮😮😮

Nunya Beeswax says:


Samlovesjam says:

There are also like 100 million more mothers than there are police officers.

FinnLIVE says:

im canadian

Pretty little Penny says:

Hi, me again, uhm question…if this mortality rate is for LIVE BIRTHS, then how does that account for non live births (stillbirths) pregnancies that abort naturally, and those who miscarry before 3 months that don’t even know they are pregnant (yes it happens) if ALL pregnancies were innately dangerous, life threatening then that skews the numbers doesn’t it? Just wondering

RunfastLady says:

We'll see if advance AI will help with unborn children's genetic defects and mothers health

ShellyD says:

Self defense, homicide they can call it what they want 🤣

rbc y says:

Too rational for progressism little brains

Napoleon Bonaparte says:

Hey Ben. So I am not Jewish, and know very little about ur people, religion, culture etc, but one of my pro choice Jewish friends (yes I have those) told me the following: the Jews celebrate the bar Mitzvah of a child 13 years after his birth, not conception, and therefore birth signifies the begining of life, and not conception. Can you please address this or something?

GeckoWingman says:

To be honest Ben I don’t think it’s remotely acceptable to kill a baby even at risk of mother. Half of “life threatening births” are actually not reality. Additionally it is not the decision of the Baby to risk teh life of the mother completely different from a criminal deciding to do something. Killing a baby for your own life is heinous selfish and sad. Jesus nor God would never approve of this ideology. I respect you a lot Ben love your show. 🙂

VeganMetalhead says:

Pew Research Center, Reuters, The Associated Press, and The New York Times are much more credible sources of information than this silly far-right nonsense. Unfortunately, a lot of uneducated Republicans will be triggered by this comment.

TheClumsyCake says:

Always excuses for them to be irresponsible,

Sidecar 771 says:

Conflating morality with the law is not a winning argument.

Kimberly Jardines says:

Abortion is a right and it’s sad that USA is one of the only developed countries that took that right

Kimberly Jardines says:

Pro lifers love to spreads lies 🙄

Nelly Presolska says:

If any of you 'professional physicians' actually speaks with a gynecologist about the life- threatening medical conditions, which may occur during a pregnancy and lead to an abortion, of sometimes a desired, planned and long- anticipated child, may be you wouldn't be so quick to judge and comment on a subject you're not all familiar with. Conditions, such as Preeclampsia, are often developed during the pregnancy, despite women being in perfect health prior getting pregnant and it's very ignorant to claim such medical complications only occur with women, who have previous diagnoses, as this is not always the case.
The pro- life bill (and a lot of people in this comment section) suggest even women, who are having a spontaneous miscarriage (usually in the first trimester of the pregnancy), should be refused medical help, even though if a miscarriage has begun, the fetus cannot survive… To give you a perspective of the numbers, 12 to 24% of early pregnancies end up in spontaneous miscarriages. Not because women have induced them, but because sometimes this is nature's way of ending a pregnancy across all mammals. Now, according to Republicans, these 12- 24% of the cases, when pregnancies end naturally, should result in mothers dying along with the fetuses. And this may come as a shocker to some of you- but rise in maternal death rate does not lead to more children being born.
The example with the spontaneous miscarriage barely touches a tiny portion of the problems in regards to the medical side of this matter. There is a really good video of a American ObGyn, which explains in details the problem with the US abortion ban-
To put it simple, no, unborn children should not be treated as criminals. But pregnant women should not be treated as criminals sentenced to death either… And the defense part comes here. We're not defending women from unborn children, we're suppose to defend women from men, most of whom cannot even name the parts of a female reproductive system, but despite their lack of education and basic culture, still have the audacity to treat women like imbeciles, who should not have the right to make decisions for themselves. To me, the conclusion is very simple- anyone who is pro- life hates women and wants women's death rate to increase. Granted, many people are pro- life due to lack of understanding, but unfortunately, ignorance is not an excuse.

Secret Moonshine says:

So, if my child’s (or spouse’s, for that matter) has high medical bills that make me feel threatened or “unsafe” then I am justified in killing them? This slope gets more slippery all the time.

Joshua Hansen says:

Whoever came up with this argument was watching too much Family Guy sorry ladies but most babies aren't Stewie

Tom Barry says:

Why bother, you claim to be against abortion except for saving the life of the mother. Since that’s your standard you automatically would never consider any argument

unstrung studios says:

Pregnancy is like all medical conditions are dangerous so are abortions a lot of deaths from that too and these male Drs than experiment on the refuse for medical youthing blood funds from American medical Association by mostly shrines Drs.

unstrung studios says:

So tie tubes or get a vasectomy..

Hannah Z says:

Ridiculous argument. I almost died because of postpartum complications over a week after delivery. I was in good health, had an excellent healthy pregnancy and was actually recovering very well until that point. I’m blessed everything worked out the way it did, but had things gone another way it would still be worth it to have brought my son into the world.

clayton steele says:

We often see youtube videos of heroic fathers or mothers protecting their children from falling or getting hit by a car or any other harm. The measure of heroism of the parent saving the child is often measured by how much risk to their own life the parent underwent. A parent will sacrifice their own life for their child and we see that as the ultimate love. If a child is in the parents womb and the mother is at risk of dying if she gives birth to the child, wouldn't any caring mother sacrifice their own life to make sure the child lives? Our military goes to fight in foreign countries, often giving their lives for our freedoms. Police will risk being shot by criminals to save an innocent victim from taking the bullet. We are SURROUNDED by examples of the ultimate sacrifice of giving your life for another. Women and children are to be protected, children first above women, then women next above men. Just like when the Titanic was sinking….women and children on the lifeboats first. It all boils down to a mother and her baby. The importance should always be the baby above the mother. A husband would sacrifice his life for his wife, shouldn't the mother sacrifice her life for the child inside her? Currently the womb is the most dangerous place for a baby because of abortion, it should be the safest place.

Jaden Clark says:

My child was aborted 4 months ago against my wishes as the father. Never felt so helpless or angry. I named my child Azari and got to bury them.

Spent a year with the woman, had the hard conversations, thought we agreed that if pregnancy happens, the child stays safe but when it happens, she had a abortion behind my back. I felt real darkness and the things that came out my mouth shocked me.

Excuses for the abortion were she's scared, her mother doesn't like her dating a white guy, she wants to finish her degree, she doesn't have a full-time job etc.

We'll she finished her degree a month ago; 4 months after the abortion with a 2:2, so she was never studying hard , is living back home with her mother who doesn't know about me, and has not applied for any job, dispite the 'freedom' she wanted that resulted in an abortion. Every excuse she used has shown itself to be her own laziness and the lies malicious.

Some women view abortion as a form of contraception or an easy escape which is immoral, unkind and malicious, especially when the father has expressed wanting the child, even being the sole parent to make sure the child's life is preserved.

As a man, there was nothing legally I could do, even if my religion forbids abortion. It has left a mark that feels beyond rage to the cowardice of women who manipulate men, demonise father's and accepts Western Freedoms over Religious morals and Motherhood.

For those wondering, as a man, I love Mothers; the greatest gift and best job you will have is being a Mother and that's something Men respect highly above all.

Ashbringer85 says:

I wouldn't cal it self defence, it might be an action that has to be taken to save a mother but the baby isn't choosing to attack her. I am not totally against abortion in all circumstances but they have to be pretty serious and it should never be taken lightly, people act like its nothing these days and i find that horrific.

SeaTurtleNinja Gaming says:

I could beat Ben Shapiro on this topic. Abortion is self-defense, that was a lousy "SHRED" from my guy.

Redwrx says:

7 years ago I got my girlfriend at the time pregnant and we both decided to abort my child and not a fucking day goes by that I don’t feel like a selfish piece of shit I’m ashamed now I’m not trying to lecture anyone all I’m trying to do is warn people cause I guarantee that they’re is more people than you think that are regretting making that choice you just don’t hear much about it cause it’s very hard on many levels to admit and talk about it so not all couples that choose to abort the baby will feel guilt but a lot will so if you don’t want to have a child then take the simple steps to keep from getting pregnant and guess what if the female doesn’t want to take birth control then use a rubber it’s just something to think about I wish everyday I did

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