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Octopuses are Masters of Self-Defense

Octopuses are some of the smartest animals on earth! Special thanks to Pindito, Museum Victoria, and Steve Childs for their footage. To see more, visit: The INSIDER team believes that life is an adventure! Subscribe to our channel and visit us at: INSIDER on Facebook: INSIDER on Instagram: INSIDER on Twitter:


AnimeArtist life says:

Ocean spiders

Majestic potayto says:

I find 1:32 very funny for sum reason

maxel's channel says:

Can lots of boootys subscribe to me

Brendypoo ! says:

Now i want to be an octopus

Im the only one okay ;-;

Journey says:

Why couldn't they be the 'dominant' species?

Little Trickster says:

Oops, the title said: Octopuses Master of Se… And I was like did they really make what I think they make. Hands up if you thought so too.πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–Anyone!?

Megan Saper says:

Ik I worked with them in my aquarium and they were the most annoying animal to take care ofπŸ˜‘

Ava Broinowski says:


Roblox Gamer says:

Yes but they still cant defend themselves from asians eating them raw

Idk Bro says:

Can it help me do my homework

Diamond says:

You spell as well as my sister…. She's 10…

Master of Sales says:

…Tell me that aliens aren't already here on earth!?!?

Aliekat 04 says:

I kind of thought it was octopi…

Welp, what do I know?

BriPlayz-Gaming&More says:

I just found my new bodyguard!

Virtual Space Manipulator says:

Anyone else have read "self-destruct"?

Jonah Safern says:

Thank you for using the CORRECT plural form of "octopus".

Preixy says:

hope one wont sneak up my a$$

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