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Ninjutsu self defense basics – Joseph Arlettaz – Global Combat Reaction

Global Combat Reaction – Introductive lesson about self-defense based on Ninjutsu (忍術) combat method, held by Joseph Arlettaz near Rome (Italy). This video s…


taihuu25go says:

By the Japanese knowledge, Ninjutsu is not a martial art.
In Japan, the person telling ninjutsu as a martial art is sneered at as “an
ignorant person” by people.
The school telling ninjutsu as a martial art is a stupid fraud.
In sensei of such a school, other martial arts ranks are low level, too.
There is not ninjutsu in Japan as martial arts.
Therefore the fraud makes martial art ryuha only for oneselfIt is the
ninjutsu school as the martial art.
Therefore they raise the lie certificate which they made with oneself.
And, as for them, they train more ninjutsu frauds to get much fraud
franchise money.
The pioneer is Ashida Kim.
The most stupid one believes only Hollywood ninjya and is students who
believed their lie

Brian Craigie says:

This is Krav Maga 

Villey Korpyah says:

Krav maga? Why then he’s t-shirt ”Ninjutsu”. Uses Krav maga guys normally
Ninjutsu T-shirt?

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Krav Maga is like Ninjutsu, this combat system was born in 500 B.C. and
called Ninpo, firmly established in 1500 A.C. that is the traditional
concept of techniques of the ancient period that later evolved in actual
form, the modern Ninjutsu. The first European men who went to Japan to
learn the traditional combat system werent’ Americans as most people think,
but Israelis.

Matteo Montereali says:

grande joseph!!!!!!!!

Albert Ahmad says:

ninjutsu is like krav maga

Jack Marci says:

Krav maga

Alessandro Timmi says:

Thank you Mat. Stay tuned, more videos soon! 😉

Alessandro Timmi says:

Se hai trovato interessante questo video, sono sicuro che apprezzerai
ancora di più quello che ti riporto qui (sostituisci il punto perché non
posso inserire link nei commenti): youtu[PUNTO]be/O7LtNh2Hy3E

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Really thanks!

Mat foremetoknow says:

Student of ninjutsu here, this is a great video! Thanx!

Joseph Arlettaz says:

The first is related to the sphere of the traditional Japan feudal era
called Sengoku Jidai , the second is an evolution of its principles in the
modern era , given to the condition of present days. This is evidenced by
the fact that even some special forces are trained in this system.

smithh104 says:

Good showed, you can follow every move!! 🙂

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Hello , first of all I would like to clarify one thing: the techniques
presented here are based (as the title says) on principles applied Ninjutsu
, reported in self-defense techniques and anti-aggression , are not
presented proper purpose of Ninjutsu I studied Ninjutsu and Ninpo for many
years, and I can guarantee that they are not the same thing, also the
meaning of the two terms is very different.

Agim Veliu says:

Firstly, In this video i can see some quite effective close combat
techniques, but except for the name ninjutsu on T-shirts there is nothing
else that tells you that is ninjutsu. Secondly, Krav Maga is nothing like
Ninjutsu, they both are martial arts but they are so different from each
other. Thirdly, overall good self defense close combat course for those you
want to learn how to primarely deal when facing with those threat
situations. Gambatte.

anubi1983 says:

pure nel krav maga facciamo le stesse (quasi identiche) cose.quindi queste
tecniche sono prese dal Ninjutsu oppure sono un mix di varie discipline?

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Muchas gracias 🙂

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Ti ringrazio, molto gentile! 🙂 😉

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Ovviamente come tutti i sistemi di combattimento nati sui campi da
battaglia e nelle zone da guerra, ha tutti quei principi di base come la
velocità, reattività massima ed esplosività proprie anche del Krav Maga,
solo che studia diverse scuole, ognuna specializzata in un particolare
ambito, dal corpo a corpo, al combattimento in tutte le sue forme, armato e
non, contro singoli individui o avversari multipli. Importantissimi sono
soprattutto la preparazione fisica e l’aspetto psicologico.

Alessandro Timmi says:

Thank you! Stay tuned for more!

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Ciao, intanto ti ringrazio per averci seguito sul canale! Ti spiego in
breve: la disciplina denominata Ninjutsu originariamente era ed è
conosciuta come Ninpo, ma mentre quest’ultima è rimasta fedele alla
tradizione giapponese nata nel 500 a.c. e cristallizzatasi con le tecniche
proprie del 1500 (epoca Sengoku Jidai), il Ninjutsu si è adattato fino ai
tempi moderni ed è un sistema che viene utilizzato da vari corpi speciali,
tra cui la S.A.S britannica.

CBSenpai says:

Karv ma?

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Thank you for your support!

Hamdi Dhahbia says:

Ho trovato questo video per caso.. uno dei pochi video che circolano su you
tube ben fatto, tecniche reali di difesa personale e non tecniche
fantascentifiche. Sei un vero professionista. Ti faccio i miei complimenti
e ti invito a visitare la mia pagina…OSU. Francesco Romano; Master
Francesco Romano Self-Defense

Joseph Arlettaz says:

2: Krav Maga is not Ninpo , but applies ALL the principles of Ninjutsu ,
the first Westerners that travel to Japan to study an effective fighting
system from the battlefield were not Americans , but Israelis. In addition,
Krav Maga has in it principles and shots of Boxing , Karate (Japanese ) and
Ju Jitsu (also Japanese ), taking a little knowledge by all; as you surely
know Krav Maga is born at the beginning of the XX century.

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Krav Maga has the same bases of Boxe and Jujutsu, but the Jututsu martial
art, has its roots in the traditional Ontai Tagaki Yoshin Ryu Ju Jutsu, one
of the most remarkable schools of Ninpo.

Alessandro Timmi says:

Thanks! More videos soon! 😉

Alessandro Timmi says:

Caro Maestro Romano, ti ringrazio a nome mio e di Joseph Arlettaz per i
complimenti. Se hai gradito questo video di invito a dare un’occhiata ad un
altro che ti riporto qui (sostituisci il punto perché youtube non permette
di inserire link nei commenti): youtu[PUNTO]be/O7LtNh2Hy3E E’ il primo
episodio di una serie sulla difesa personale. Spero ti piaccia, a presto.

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Grazie EdgE!

Joseph Arlettaz says:

Thank you very much Mat 😉

Joseph Arlettaz says:

The Ju jitsu is nothing but one of the oldest and main schools of Ninjutsu
and Ninpo and this is its evolution to date: Ontai tagaki Yoshin Ryu Ju
Jutsu -> tagaki Yoshin Ryu Ju Taijutsu -> Ju Jutsu -> Jujitsu -> Brasilian
Jujitsu I tell you this also as an instructor of Krav Maga so I haven’t no
doubt on what I am saying and what I teach, but if you want clarifications
I’ll be happy to give it to you 3: Sorry, but I do not understand your
third point

Ovidio Di Gianfilippo says:

Molto interessante!!! Bravo.

Angel Tejeda says:

wow es muy interesante 🙂

Mattia Divi says:

Questo non e ninjutsu..per carita’ sei bravo niente da dire ma non e vero
ninjutsu e un insieme di AM e sport da combattimento spacciato per ninjutsu

alloutstreetcombat says:

Das ist kein ninjutsu!!!!

Valentina Lou says:

Viva il ninjutsu insomma ♡


Viva il ninjutsu insomma ♡

Alessandro Timmi says:

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