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Mother of 2 fatally shoots alleged intruder, claims self-defense The mother, who asked not to be identified, told TMJ4 News that she was in the shower when she heard her 12 and 14-year-old children screaming from the living room.


W Smith says:

When seconds count. The police are minutes away.

Hudiburgh says:

Outrageous that they arrested the mother and questioned her for several hours! What is this country coming to?!

Lee Kallenberger says:

If you come breaking into someone's house, Well, in this case, you get blown to hell! It was Logical,…. and SMART!

Yolanda Wainwright says:

Great job! She protected herself and her family.

Spiral of Divinity says:

Good for her.

#STOP.THE.CAP! says:

When a childs safety is in question open fire.

Michele Otero says:

I love a happy ending

dre hunter says:

Can't believe she was arrested somebody come in my 🏠 sorry but i know where they can be picked up at 👍 Super Mom protecting her family (KILLWAUKEE STAMPED

steve smith says:


Topdog86 says:

I say identify him and put him on a shirt for all the future home invaders to see!! Salutes mom u a SHERO!!

Topdog86 says:

Only part of death that makes me smile!!

Superlative CG says:

It's payback time.

MewGaming827 Chu says:

Good! Got to take care of her family!

HogFanstuckinBama says:

1 Good job mom.

2 Stop sticking that nasty stuff in y'all's faces.

Bob Sackamano says:

Chicks with guns are cool uh huh huh huh.. yeah! Yeah! Boioioioioioioioioioing!

Truth Hurtz says:

LeBaboon Shames strikes again

michele111 says:

Good for her!!! Thank God she had a gun for self protection.

meganmbleed says:

If he was in her home, than he deserves what he got. Sending you energy ✌🏻

Ti Di says:

Good shoot….. did the right thing….u do what u have to do…glad mom and kids ok…. protect your self by any means necessary. …. good shoot.

Former Marine says:


40acresandatractor says:

Never want to take life, but it needs to be done sometimes💯

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