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MMA Fighters try Women’s Self Defense: Pt 5 Aerobic Self-Defense

We try 1980’s aerobic self defense techniques at the JX Fight Club, and shockingly… one of them actually works!


Phil Glover says:

You guys are having WAAAY too much fun! I love it!

Flo says:

Hahahahaa :Da

Fail Kaboom says:

I mean, I played hockey for years and, ya, hip checks can be pretty effective at creating some distance. haha

Vojkan Trifunovic says:

hahahaha good one!

Ivan Velickov says:

it so obvious that u letting him escape on purpose 😀

CrissemD says:

Ramsey's got them moves!

deach69 says:

I've got my black belt in Pelvic Thrusting.

Daniel Peer says:

That video is so bad…

Felix Frozen says:

Omg 2.29 looks so professional 😂👌👌

Liam Nek says:

I laughed so hard… thanks n please make new ones

Chaos Omega says:

The buttocks is an underutilized weapon! Atomic butt drops all day!

Necro Macro says:

Now try to do that technique in public without looking supergay

Karimson Safehold says:

The Judo one from the old days was better.

Per says:

Wasn't the last one part 5 though?

bednar23 says:

This is my favourite one of these you've done lmfao

ExT Jora says:

try telling bas rutten that slaps to the back of the ear don't work. If done right might be even better than a punch especially on a opponent that is not expecting it.

Eva Nederlof says:

Thanks for this, it made my day 🙂

Aaa Bbb says:


Also: "reverse thrust of freedom". 👍

Schwartzbruder1 says:

Would be pretty solid if these aerobics girls learn to do crossups from football and basketball in addition to running

George Leonard says:

ok im in tears I cant even watch this whole thing im laughing so hard I lost my breath!!!

Maret Hyu says:

that guy in the yellow suit is my spirit animal

Joseph Dewey says:

You should add this 80's music on top of all of your videos whenever you start a technique.

AFK man says:

I had a good laugh this episode.
You guys should become comedians.

Bill Buck says:

Please do more videos with yellow guy the merciless. He really swaps you from philosopher sensei into goofy doofus mode. It's the funnest thing i've seen in a while!

Ramon Wong says:

The Benny Hill theme song was playing in my head while Ramsey and co was running on the mat

MrLyramion says:

All these months following your Videos and a self defense actually worked. A time to celebrate.

Kyle A says:

Hahaa man, I love these so much.

Schwartzbruder1 says:

Idk. I think you can ward off most hetero male attackers by girating your junk at them. And you're missing your leotard and leg warmers.

Tom H says:

On the whole I think this would be the most effective out of all the examples shown because it can make you a fitter person. Thing is tho, can you actually count this as a technique, scrabbling about and slapping is the natural way most unprepared women would probably react anyway, and the main benefit of the "style" is the aerobic exercise part, so.. Just do some exercise. Technique wise I think first thing should be biting, eye attacks, ball attacks, using any weapon u can get ur hands on, ur house key poking out from between ur fingers is a vicious weapon.. just make them realise they're within their rights to fight dirty

MrKannibalus says:

Injured my back and can‘t go out there and train. So I binge watch your videos which are awesome and great!

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