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MMA Fighters try Women’s Self Defense: episode 8 (featuring an actual woman!)

Can a slap to the carotid artery knock you out? Can women phase through solid objects? Will arts and crafts channels ever stop making bad women’s self defense videos featuring techniques that they have obviously never tested against live humans? Find out in episode 8!


Never Fail says:

All this effortless escapes don’t seem to work. It’s almost like you'd actually need to learn how to fight 🤯

James McNary says:

Them slaps had to hurt. You’re neck turned red instantly 😂. Not effective but you’re still tough to say “hey slap the shit out of me”.

Shuffari Aboy says:

Ramsey ,iron body hihihi

xPixey ;:D says:

Who would win a fight between lebron and connor McGregor?

gingercore69 says:

Great video ❤️
Ive seen a video of some guys who seem to be soldiers, and one is saying "that would never work" and the other guy said "then let me try it" and when the guy does, he does more like a judo chop and the other guy seems to get dizzy and fall back… I dont believe it really works, but at least seems better than a slap… I think that hit on the chin could be a ko strike if done correctly… So even if it wouldnt end in a ko, that hit on the neck would hurt alot (the one in the video i saw)

Sōsuke Aizen says:

Looks like a fake woman to me. Probably synthetic.

sleepymom _ says:

Wish you would use the keywords 'vintage woman self defence' in youtube search and give it a review ..the show was maybe a favourite and a hit for the ladies at the time

blockmasterscott says:

I have not tried this so I am not 100% sure about this, but what about swinging your hips first and using that for momentum on a palm strike to the side of the neck with the striking area being the heel of the hand instead of the entire palm?

right now I'm hitting my arm with the heel of my hand and it hurts. Could the same thing be done to the side of the neck?

Capsy Dash says:

Well, I haven't see her footage about it, but I have see people knocking others out by hitting them on their side of their necks with the side of their palm.

Capsy Dash says:

Would you teach me how to hadouken people on the streets?

Joshua Noble says:

That must've been a helluva phone call. "Hey Karl; it's Ramsey. I was just wondering: do you maybe want to come over later and choke me from behind? No pressure. I'm just trying to work through some stuff."

Thormod says:

Great job on the video description. xD

Kevin Gooley says:

Need to see more of Nils! "Yah, you just break it". Wow, what a simple common sense approach to self defense.

Anon Z says:

A friend once hit the side of her neck on a filing cabinet and nearly passed out so a "chop" to the artery likely can cause some people to go unconsciousness (but not reliably). Women generally have less muscle protecting the artery so that was probably a factor.

Groteskfull says:

The comment at 4:10 Lol!!😄👍

The Idiot Reviewer says:

Ramsey's neck is turning red, so you know that she isnt pulling any punches with that slap..

aron Gomez says:

I like all your videos, one of the best fighting channels. This has nothing to do with self defense. I am Hispanic from virginia usa. In my opinion boxing is one of the best fighting styles. Growing up i looked up the best boxers, Tyson, pacman etc. What do you think, why is boxing the most payed. Thanks

TheBoredJuan says:

Captain you're a human, not a vulcan.

Chris Capoccia says:

it's also like the 5 minute crafts bear hug guy has no objective besides hugging. he's not taking her down or abducting. just hugging

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