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MMA Fighters try Master Wong’s self-defense

In spite of having made a dozen videos about the rear naked choke, Master Wong has yet to learn how to apply the technique correctly. We show you (1) exactly why Master Wong’s chokes don’t work. (2) How to escape a standing rear naked choke in real time against full resistance (3) and we test out Master Wong’s techniques (ie: attempting to strike, bite, and eye gouge your way out of a choke) against 100% resistance at full contact.


Deth Kok says:

ok uhh im just considering getting a gun and combat knife because 1.gang members lie when they want a 1v1 they all jump you so you cant really face them all. 2. its kinda hard to use martial arts against groups of people knowing the street fight custom is just a bitch punch slap and then back away while trying over again until they land a good hit then they rush you at the same time.(btw i live in the hood so i have and am bound to run into these types of situations again)

Gunnar Neumann says:

Wong doesn't spare so he doesn't know what he doing

Taz Baz says:

master wong is real fun to watch and all, but i think Ramsey is a litle different since he used/or is a professional fighter.

Howard Li says:

this is a good video. works for a lot of bullshitdo martial arts. Please do more videos about useless moves, like tai chi, systema, wing chun, and all the out dated martial arts.

Al says:

Excellent video, i like how you demonstrated escapes from multiple attackers non stop.

Klaani K says:

Damn that's a very nice gym😎👍

Btw when i was little i started hapkido and it was just BS! All the instructors showed these techniques that wouldn't work…. then we trained just couple moves for the 'belt test'… then we quit our training about 5 mins earlier so we could meditate. We could have just used that time for sparring. Oh yeah and about sparring… there was none lol couple times we had some wrestling and funny thing was i didn't use any of the techniques from hapkido and i always 'won' against others who used hapkido😋

Pre-Jordan Basketball fan says:

You sound like Randy Orton

Street boxing UK says:

The technique you should be testing is the drop weight method because most other escapes fail once you're being yanked back and off balance and most likely the victim is smaller and weaker and won't have the composure through panic to be able to recollect anything resembling a sequence. Wong's stuff is just crazy, I think we can all agree on that.

varanid9 says:

Is it me or is that Jordan kind of a joker? Seriously, you have some great students, Ramsey.

Z Z says:

Do you have an Instagram Ramsey?

Bruce Wayne says:

In my opinion his techniques work if you are quick enough to prevent the choke from being secured and lock in. However if it’s fully secure, there is little that can be done to escape. Great video explaining the truth!

Helicondrummer says:

Thank you for doing this. I just saw one of his videos last night and commented how the escapes would not work. I'm interested in the differences in technique between how you do your choke and they way I do a rear naked choke. I see your version of it used frequently in bjj. I am a brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt myself and apply the same choke differently. The non choking arm comes to my own head like talking on a phone and my upper chest is used instead of the arm behind the head. I apply my choke using more of the lats and pecs by by squeezing the elbows and bringing them down to the chest. I just find it interesting that there are two versions of this choking amongs bjj practitioners. I've also had the discussion with many other practitioners over the years about how utterly hard this is to escape once it's sunk in. From a standing position the two escapes that i'm using and teaching the most are hip throw with option of dropping to the knees to avoid possibility of cranking your own neck. Secondly turning into an o soto gari. I find they can be applied quicker than finding and pulling down the hand that may be behind the head. I'd love your prospective and opinions what these differences.

Andrei Popov says:

Friends of master Wong have the arms so thicc they can't even do a naked rear choke properly

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