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Miss USA winner Miss Nevada talks self defense Nia Sanchez

Miss USA Nia Sanchez Miss Nevada talks self defense.


Garrett York says:

How dare she attempt to empower women! We need to be teaching men that rape
is wrong because we’ve taught people for decades that drunk driving is
wrong and that is clearly no longer a problem!

Piotr Nowacki says:

We should tell people to defend themselves! That’s blaming the victim!!
Instead we should tell rapists, thieves and murderers to stop what they are
doing, it will surely work!! :/

MaharlikaAWA says:

To encourage women on how to defend themselves first know how to defend
yourself. Judging from her movements in the other video and on the news on
yahoo video she clearly cannot….and a women’s self defense class better
be long term and not a 3 hour seminar if a woman really wants to be able to
defend herself.

She has a good heart and good intentions, but sadly her skills and
knowledge of martial arts are seriously lacking. But she is cute soo I
guess thats why the media eats it up. 

Felix Dzerzhinsky says:

Really can’t see anything controversial about this. She isn’t saying you
deserve to get raped unless you take a defense course, however the point is
that anyone can be the victim of a crime and learning self defense can give
you better odds of success. There has always been and will always be rape
and while I don’t condone it I also don’t condone the idea that all men are
responsible for some “rape culture” bull shit. One time I fucked this girl
and then afterwards she proceeded to lecture me about rape culture. I mean
she was just repeating what someone else said but it was still weird.

CalculusVariations99 says:

I’m don’t believe that those women being critical are true feminists.
Feminists want equality to men. Well, real men know how to defend
themselves – either with bare hands or weapons. The “feminists” claiming
that rapists need not rape or need to learn better, is akin to telling a
drug user not to use drugs. Or a thief why stealing is wrong. Basically,
not understanding that their security is their responsibility rather than
placing that responsibility on the attacker – a complete victim mentality. 

Venezuela Ng says:

It’s easy for her to say, because she believes she can defend herself. She
must realize that it doesn’t matter how many black belt you earn, you can’t
defend yourself from someone who is pointing a gun at you. Remember, defend
yourself is one thing, but you must think about the location and situation.
For example: if you are alone walking to your car or on campus at night,
suddenly a rapist jump out from a bush or tree, you have no time to prepare
and defend yourself.

Akshay Shetty says:

So now it’s wrong for someone to say “Learn to defend yourself?” Wow.
Feminists my Arse. Having a rape free society is a wish, but being able to
defend yourself is a practical solution.

iamIMHO says:

Did someone actually block out the sound on the end of this? Crazy! I
don’t GET people!! The comments on twitter are frustrating. Nobody will
ever eradicate evil – kudo’s to her to encourage women to protect
themselves! It’s not like she says all women should carry guns or
something like that – but to learn to PROTECT themselves against the fact
that there will always be bad people doing bad things to others. No matter
how much you try to “train them”

llort100 says:

Middle Class white women getting extremity butt hurt about this. Shut up
white women you’re the most privileged people on the planet. Most victims
of rape are poor and people of color. You’re not part of the “1 in 6”

SuperJsims11 says:

What is controversial about this? All she said is if you know how defend
yourself you will be safer. Fact is bad people do exist in the world, you
can’t teach away bad behavior, so all who call for teaching men not to rape
are ridiculous, everyone intrinsically knows it is wrong. She didn’t
victim blame, the blame is always on the rapist, but self defense is a
good way to make sure the rapist fails… similarly if your house is robbed
it is the burglars fault, but if you used some form of self defense
(firearm or otherwise) you could prevent it. Not controversial in the
least… anyone who says otherwise is deluded

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