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Miss USA vs Feminism | Is Self-Defense Against Rape the Answer? [email protected] Nia Sanchez, formally Miss Nevada 2014, winner of Miss USA 2014 and…


vargulf19 says:

I used to get called names, people hitting me, ice and rocks thrown at my
head, knocked down and beaten. Parents didn’t help, Principals didn’t help,
individual citizens didn’t help. Me swinging back and choking one of those
SoBs out is what stopped it. No one single thing will solve the problem,
but confidence and fighting skills solves a LOT of them lol.

Ian Shankey says:

Teaching all people not to ‘Murder, Cheat, or Steal’ sure is working out
well…I’m sure the same results will be had from trying to tell men ‘Don’t
Rape’…..Oh, and I really appreciate Feminists attitude that rape is
somehow MY fault just because I’m a man. I wonder how badly it would go
over if we tried blamed gang violence on say..Race? Or tried claiming a
woman was a prostitute just b/c she had a Vagina. It’s the same insulting

Loathomar says:

This is a rather complex issue full of lies or half truths. The statics on
rape are not done even remotely like any other crime statics and the
meaning of rape is NOT what people think when they think of rape. What most
people think of as rape is a stranger violently attack a women and forcible
raping her. This is both physical and emotionally devastating to anyone who
has had this happen, but this also accounts for less then 8% of women who
are raped. Also, the term rape when used in statics, included attempted
rape, so when a guy tried to rape Miss USA and gets his ass kicked, she is
now a victim of rape, by how rape statics are done. So, what else counts as
rape, this physical and emotionally devastating crime, well
any penetration. Two teens in a make out section, guy put his finger in her
when she didn’t want it, she says stop and he stops, but now she was raped
and he is a rapist. Was it ok that the guy put his finger in her? No, but
is this what anyone means when they say rape?

Then there is the whole “self defense is not the solution to rape”, it
not. It will not “solve rape”. It might decrease it significantly but it
will not “solve rape”. Nor will self defense solve assault, robbery or
murder, but that is not to say learning self defense will not reduce people
risk of assault, robbery or murder. And to be far, we teach people not
to murder, but people still murder. We teach people not to rob people but
people still get robbed. And no matter how much we teach people not to rape
people but people will still get raped. So we teach people self defense to
prevent assault, robbery and murder and no one ever objects to the idea but
suggest the women who want to reduce their change of being raped should
learn self defense, you are told you are being sexist. There is a reason
for this, feminism wants women to ALWAYS been seen as the victim. Teaching
women self defense suggests the women can and should have power, that women
can stop rapes, which they can, but this removes power from feminism, who
get power from political and cultural beliefs. Feminism looks to
control cultural and society rather then empower women. Look at the ban
bossy campaign. Bossy is a word, according to the campaign, used on women
to stop them from being in control or in places of power. Assume that is
true, so now there are two good ways to change this, women can own the word
bossy, ei tell girls to be proud when people say “you’re bossy” and there
be take control of the word bossy. Gays with quire, blacks with nigger and
such. Or they could and did reinforce the words meaning and try to control
other actions reinforcing the idea that women are helpless victims. It is
said to see feminism fight so hard against their ideals of strong women,
but they do so far to often.

SMART * Fitness Makeover says:

I thought feminists were supposed to be on women’s side, so why do they
berate the desire to learn how to defend ourselves from sexual predators?
There is no way that anyone can persuade rapists to change their behaviour
anymore than anyone can persuade a lion to become vegan. It’s just the way
it is and the only thing we can do is learn how to defend ourselves and we
might just be able to stay safe in the event of an attack. Kelina Powell
hits the nail on the head, well said! –

Feminazi buster says:

Good video. Unfortunately, in a feminist world, it’s “rape culture” the sky
is falling, every time a person has an opposing opinion against a feminist
one when it comes to rape.

You would only expect this attitude from a bigot, which many feminists
pretty much are.

MotherNatureisBiased says:

Be careful, for if you dare to stray an inch from feminist rhetoric, then
you must be a brainwashed traitor for the Patriarchy, according to
Feminists. I hope they don’t kill any pets you may have like they did to
Erin Pizzey.

Deborah Allison says:

At some point people started to believe that someone else should take
responsibility for their well-being. I was born in the sixties. We were
brought up to take care of ourselves and others when possible. It’s funny
because the feminists would probably say they are empowering women and all
they have done is perpetuate this idea of the helpless female that needs to
be coddled.

warhawke223 says:

The truth is that the only tool of the feminists is their ability to BLAME
men for rape (or whatever else they decide is a stepping stone to power).
Every rape of a woman is another bullet in their arsenal to be fired at
men. They only seek to empower themselves and if uncounted woman and girls
must suffer for them to achieve their power so be it. 

Charlie Wildish says:

Well said Kelina.
Respect to you and respect to to Nia Sanchez. Go ladies!

Urban Warriors Krav Maga says:

#missusa #elisabenson #cosmopolitan #niasanchez #rapeculture #YesAllWomen

paul scothern says:

excellent video, well made argument

Alex L says:

nice one :)

Locust Pilot says:

Is self defense THE answer? Well, it’s a better answer than “Teach men not
to rape” as if men have never heard of the idea that they shouldn’t rape.
If I’m not mistaken, most self defense instructors put a little more into
their teachings then just the physical side so even if punches and throws
don’t work (and I’m not saying they don’t) there’s still the rest of it.
There’s a lot of “Hey, don’t get drunk in seedy bars” and “Hey, trust your
instincts” and so forth.

2:37, oh that’s priceless. Don’t learn but educate yourself. Don’t take
steps to protect yourself but respect yourself.

Do you by any chance teach people how to face palm hard enough to knock
themselves out? B/c I need that right now.

2:51, yeah, self defense is ‘icky’. Getting raped? Oh, that’s not icky at
all. But self defense? Icky. Oh, my bad, she’s saying that PRETENDING that
self defense is the answer is icky. Well, I’m wondering how many black
belts get raped. Something tells me it’s a lot less than “1 in 4” or
whatever number I’m supposed to believe.

Oh, you’re trying to reason with feminists. Well, good luck.

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