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Michael Dunn Claims Self Defense

Michael Dunn has claimed self-defense in the shooting death of Jordan Davis, but how will that argument play out after he shot into a car full of teenagers f…


rak haemet says:

This is a manslaughter case.

hagnuj says:

For a guy with hearing problems he sure heard a lot that day.

hagnuj says:

As I said about the Zimmo case…Stand Your Ground is going to be used by
people who start shit aggressively….feel like they will lose/ or lose a
confrontation then blow the other person away. This emboldens the cowards
of the world.

MERICA says:

ashkenNAZI’s want your guns. period.

Leland Somers says:

The man is a psychopath. Unfortunately the behavior of psychopaths is
becoming the norm for men in this country – from the top to the bottom.
Whole organization are organized to support the lifestyle and thinking that
is clearly psycho pathological: NRA, Gun Owners of America, Libertarian
Party, the Tea Party etc. These are organized forms of psychopathy that
have become mainstreamed. 

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