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Mackenzie Foy Takes Down Jimmy with Taekwondo

After surprising Mackenzie Foy with a mini birthday celebration, Jimmy gets put into submission when Mackenzie demonstrates one of her self-defense moves. Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show…


NYCrazyRob says:

I thought this girl was like 19 or 20. Looked her up and she’s 14. wtf

mudkittens says:

It’s the girl that’s the awkward one. She didn’t really respond back to
Jimmy; JImmy’s supposed to keep the crowd excited and interested and she
wasn’t helping or playing along like other guests do. She just kinda stood
there and ignored half of what he said

AngryMonkeyArmy says:

This wasn’t fucking taekwando!!!

Eden Hazard says:

She is 4 foot 4, what the actual fuck, I was that height when I was 7

TurdleBird says:

I don’t know who this chick is but I felt like a weird vibe watching this
video very akward what is it?

Jan Nisperos says:


ProjectofUnknown says:

Why is jimmy being so awkward with her?

Daniel Rieger says:

She should be in The Last Of Us movie

UnlistedInvisibility says:

I’m here for pedo comments. Please comment on this post so that I don’t
need to keep scrolling for them. (And you might end up in jail)

thevombaur says:

Grab my arm? Since when to people grab your wrists in fights?
How about punch me in the face? I wanna see a counter to that lol

TheRoccoroll says:


das92 says:

what belt is mackenzie

Alexis West says:

who is this girl? 

Rachella Brand says:

Omgg! Mackenzie is one of my fave actresses! She’s one of my rolemodels!!

sparkylee28 says:

She is so awkward!

ElementBlazeT says:

Wow we share the same birthday….except I’m four years older :/

jsoto2747 says:

Thats why they cast her on twilight to be Kristen Stewart’s daughter. She
is awkward as hell. (But she is a way better actress then Kristen tho) 

Melissa Ngai says:

I am the same age as her and I was expecting so many different comments
haha. I thought I was gonna see “whoa she’s all grown up” and “she’s so
beautiful” or “Twilight days are gone” or anything like that. I wasn’t
expecting this video to be seen as weird. Huh, maybe i’m weird. Nah, it’s
just that i’m used to her behavior. Seriously, based on this video, I think
she is an absolutely awesome human being (he he) and I would love to be her
friend. Absolutely. She actually reminds me of my friend who looks like
her, does gymnastics, and gah she’s just so similar it’s crazy. Anyways,
she is speaking and laughing and acting lime a normal person, so I didn’t
see the awkwardness. That was exactly how I would talk to Jimmy haha.
“Don’t cry” is definitely something me or my friends would say. I like her
humor and seriousness. Plus, she is so pretty. Child model, gosh. She is
pretty awesome in my book.

Alex Bernard says:

Lol she’s like, this guys a fucking weirdo.

Amanda Casey says:

Who is she, like what movie is she in??

supreme252627 says:

That was some awesome taekwondo……………………not ??!! You ugly
ass midget …..,

TheWek6699 says:

Fuck… I’m a year older than her

Brazilian Comedian says:

GREAT Morgan ! and i just wana SAY THAT : I Sell Fresh Monkey Brain !
someone ? 

Skrillex 99 Matthews says:

wtf how does she looks 19 the movie she looks around 8 or 9!!!

Lisa Bresler says:

It should be mandatory to learn self defence in schools! ESPECIALLY for

Tal Moore says:

He cannot possibly be genuinely scared of a teenage girl. He must be
putting it on for the cameras. I mean, he could break her in half like a

DorianYT says:

So… I googled her…. SHE’S BORN IN 2000 ! WHO’S BORN IN 2000 ?! I MEAN

Moises Montoya says:

cough was my birthday too cough cough same age cough cough im 14 too cough
Random man: No one cares.

Jerrica M14 says:

What’s weird is the way twilight edited her looks to make her look old is
exactly how she looks now, weird

madjennsy says:

Cute party hats!

jerry says:

jimmy was uncomfortable touching a 14 year old girl on national tv.
Awkwardness everywhere

Joe Blow says:

She’s gonna be a man killer when she gets older.

Douglas Huber says:

Is this the first time Jimmy’s ever interviewed a kid? He seems very
awkward about it, like he’s not entirely sure how he should be talking.

Thursday121am says:

This guy’s completely unfunny. How the HELL is he #1???

Scheurthiaume says:

Dang she’s 14?? In the movie I think Murph is supposed to be 8/9/10 …

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