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Lessons Learned From Two Preventable Robberies

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boobio1 says:

Invite the 3rd world get the 3rd world.

Dallin Durrant says:

bruh houston becoming america’s brazil😭

jaketheghost says:

I'm sure it's already been commented but that second one was definitely an employee or ex-employee. If not the grab man they were in the other car. Damn. That screwed over multiple levels of people. Think about the kids man!!

Michael Planchunas says:

I've told my wife and adult daughter until I'm blue in the face, to have the house key in their hands. Don't wait until you're at the door to start digging in the shoulder purse.

Pamela Davis says:


UrZ Fight4URight says:

Common… that was a Inside Job
A Gas Station with excellent CCTV. The Bag is on the Silver Tablet for the „ Robber“… and the Lady „ Runs“ after the „ Robber“…
Common use ur Brain

Neil Van Buskirk says:

When your dog has more situational awareness than you.

vanderley3 says:

Wow Houston is the new Brazil

Mark Lieberman says:

Always put a TILE ( a really nice bluetooth tracker) on your valuable things. If someone took my backpack or something id be able to track it down as long as they dont remove it.

Anier 15 says:

I hate thieves!

YTube targets Conservatives says:

I totally blame that useless "guard" Dog, didn't even bark 🤔🐕

Bongo Bob says:

Thx for your work 👍🇺🇸👍

Carl Du Plessis says:

That second guy is an absolute idiot! Get in your car and chase them!! Believe it or not, your car is much quicker than you are on foot. FFS.

Edward Nutter says:

Pillage before you burn. Gas up before you withdraw the cash.

WiIdbiII says:

It's Houston , it's a work truck. I'm 100%sure they're day laborers ( immigrant workers) they do everything in cash and under the table.

DaRealDeal81 says:

Sometimes I wish a random man would potentially try to rob me at a gas station. I'll just stare him down and see if thats enough to scare him off lol

Dale Kerr says:

People get paid in cash?

zeke thefishgeek says:

The second guy would have been out of luck with me… I am just going to leave it at that…

ennui says:

Kill 'em all.

scott h says:

Lol! If you aren’t paying your employees by check or direct deposit they aren’t paying taxes and you’re a chump and your employees are criminals.

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