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Knife Fighting 1 self-defense HQ video (+18)



Carl Gustav says:

That shit in the beginning is hilarious.

Kiran Jha says:

Is it just me or do the guys in this video seem stoned.

DoctorGreen thumb says:

Dramatic bullshit! If you tried this in real life, you would get stabd to

gekiryudojo says:

dont talk to me Yanky Doodle

Ben1987X . says:

This is the fakest shit I ever seen… Disarm a knife with a disarm “kick”
…??? Really…?

martianrowle says:

It looks really tough disarming slow seventies style homosexual men when
they’re COMING’ at you slowly & its especially impressive that you appear
to be tickling them!!!

lmatuska says:

This is terrible info about knife or how to hold a knife or even how to
stand in fight vs knife …why r ppl putting this kind of videos on
youtube,u r putting ppl in danger with this kind of shit …

Abdul Ali says:

Thumbs up if you want to buy a knife for protection.

joergus says:

Thats systema – bullshit martial arts.

El Duderino says:

exactly! you sure as hell don’t use your foot to disarm a knife/gun from

Derek Abraham says:


Rashad Nagi says:

wait a minute…is that Moti Horenstein?

Unmannedair says:

That’s why you drill. When you drill, it stops being a skill and becomes an

konfederate6277144 says:

If you are serious about keeping your family/ self safe during a physical
encounter than learn “Human Anatomy” in order to attack the most vulnerable
areas of the human body…

tactical2bagpipes says:

you can swim the pond and come find out whenever you want.

Adam21 says:

5:20- strong side foward, rear heel up…..that’s a JKD stance

konfederate6277144 says:

Why not?

Unmannedair says:

It doesn’t matter who has the best martial arts… It matters who survives.

sldrmike says:

that demonstration at the beginning looks too elaborate to be realistic
practice. fine motor skills deteriorate under stress.

Unmannedair says:

It takes two to have a conversation. I wasn’t talking to you. I was making
a general statement that I believe everyone could agree on. As to the name
calling… Yankee Doodle is a badge of honor that was intended by the
British to be a remark of disdain. Now that you have given it to me I will
wear it with pride.

John Luxom says:

All of the intro was just silly. Most of what he taught in the video was
also just absurd. His advice to keep your hand tight, and keep your thumb
off of the tang was spot on though. Somebody below mentioned that keep
their hand together, but not tight. This is bad form. The reason being that
when you leave your grip loose, when you make contact it can cause the
knife to rotate, forcing you to correct your grip. Bottom line of a knife
fight is nobody wins. You both get cut. You both probably die

konfederate6277144 says:

Always be on guard… RELAX during a hostile encounter…. THINK…

Jay_B_theOne says:

That is what I also thought at first. It has Vasiliev in the intro so it
does look a lot like Systema. Yet underneath the FIGHT logo there is the
Israeli flag. If u go fullscreen u can see it. Also his accent seems to be
more Israeli than Russian.

gekiryudojo says:

you replied to my comment fucktard!

R-Line says:

Such a bs will never work in real life

Ciel Vert says:


konfederate6277144 says:

I have been in a few fights where it was 3 on 1 odds and, I learned to
harness my adrenaline…

Emnasty63 says:

Never knew slashing could get so scientific

smkdude26 says:

First frame is what not to do when u can not shift body to the out side of
attacking arm, as u redirect in the vid u r crossing it from a safe zone
across your face not smart when every second counts.

Dan Loving says:

2:37 that’s called saber grip…and the Isralis, navy seals, and the
filipinos all do that grip…all are known for their knife fighting. This
is shit

Joshua Frye says:

Weird video, one is Systema and the other is MLK hybrid system HaganaH.
These two systems have nothing in common!

Braedon Thibault says:

instinct takes over and u do it naturally once uve trained an done it
enough. the key is to always be self aware. what happens to the other guy
will be his problem in the end. defense over attack. like he says always
keep yourself protected and worry about what happens later. fighting with
hand to hand is like playing chess always think a few moves ahead. the most
deadly weapon is human mind. he who thinks faster in dangerous situations
comes out on top.

gekiryudojo says:

this is a stolen video by Russian martial art (dot) com systema

Aikidobear129 says:

Great content and quality video! You are the only one who has mentioned the
gripping hand position and the reason not to put your thumb out there for
someone to cut. I at one time used to hold my small finger out (bad habit)
while sparring and learned the hard way to hold my hand closed, not tight
as you mentioned but all the digits together. Keep up the good work!

saif316 says:

The instructor’s name is Mike Lee Kanarek, and the system is called the
F.I.G.H.T Haganah system

R-Line says:

bc there is no control over the blade, all the stuff shown is a wrist
manipulation and any real attacker, who is going to hold the knife and
repeat stabbing will go through like a butter

Артур Сахабутдинов says:

welcome to Russian spec ops

jbtruthful says:

good luck trying to deploy a folder from your pocket while on the ground
with someone ontop of you trying to kill you with equal force. what a joke.
all that crap at the beginining is a joke. staged scenarios where the
attacker conveniently does exactly what is needed for the theatrical move
to succeed. more Mall Ninja bullshit . and an attacker being precise enough
to cut your thumb? if hes that good your screwd. only good thing is
protecting your neck with off hand. really lame video

AustinEatsRamen says:

Fuck his voice is so loud even at low volume.

Dan Means says:

its a perfect way to defend yourself when someone is “pretending” to stab

bertilfox1 says:

Never lead with the knife!In real knife attack you’ll never have the time
to apply anything!

Smiles says:

Beginning part is Systema

lycosa2000 says:

Hold on Mr. Opponent, I need to check my grip, my footwork, and half a
dozen more things that don’t work. Please don’t go all apeshit on me
because your scared shitless that one of us are going to die at the end of
this fight. Lets square off like true martial artists…. If someone is
going to use a knife, they plan on killing me. If they plan on killing me,
they’re going to ambush me. Situational awareness trumps knife skills any
day. Best way to win a knife fight is not to be in one.

Darksjeik says:

All of the intro is extremely effective….when your name is Neo and you
live in the Matrix

TheNevokgaming says:

pffffffffff you all say that it suck but you dont even know how to do
it…..when you can so these moves comme and put your bullshit

tactical2bagpipes says:

it is bullshit systema crap

acere58 says:

Too much talk. It’s supposed to be a video not an audio.

Falseflagz RP says:

great pants… he must be a ninga

Jay_B_theOne says:

1:38 Dude is explaining what a knife is made up of. Wow, really, it has a
handle, a blade and a tip of the blade. Who would have guessed. More Krav
Maga bullshit, fat guys in camo pants pretending to be real badasses,
because their buisness card says so.

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