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Is senior self-defense a scam?



Steven Edmund says:

Great video.
I would meet an 82 year old man from China in a park early in the morning every day.
He didn't speak English but spoke with his eyes.
He showed me what stillness and continuos movement really meant and is.


Bryan Partington says:

What about if you have no friends? many elderly people are alone, husbands or wives die,, and they end up alone. Or even if you have pals, they cannot be with you all the time, there will be an occasion you will be on your own. The good thing about America is you are allowed a gun, in my country (England) you cannot carry a side arm. Unless your a copper or military .

Horace Hogsnort says:

Martial arts for this 75 year old consists of an FNX-9 semi automatic pistol loaded with 18 rounds of 150 grain hollow points.  It's not a 100% guarantee of safety (nothing is) but at least I'll have a fighting chance if I practice situational awareness.

SE Michigan Andy says:

One other way to win a street fight: Don't be there. But sometimes trouble finds you anyway. This will annoy several people, but so be it. I live in a state in the US where we can, after spending a lot of money taking some courses, a test, and passing a background check, legally carry a concealed handgun. And I do, most of the time. The cartilage is gone in several locations and sarcasm doesn't always work. Pepper spray is my first choice but there is an alternative and after considerable reflection I chose to make that path a last option.

Michael Buelow says:

Karate, with narrow stances and low kicks is great for older folks. Krav Maga too; no high kicks or crazy throws. However, actual self defense is maybe 7% fighting and 93% not being where the trouble is. Stuff like avoiding bad places; knowing how to spot a problem early and run from it; securing your home from invasion; and being careful when in a parking lot.

gentlegiant6585 says:

My Hapkido head instructor/ grandmaster was 70 and still doing light sparing and could still do the splits. Hope to be close to that at his age.

Izzy says:

The best martial art for seniors is marksmanship.

Anthony Ng says:

Ramsey, I heard that bengay cream solidifies after a while if you don't shower. What do you think of the technique where an old citizen doesn't shower and when an assailant comes at him, he/she pulls out a clump of solidified bengay from his/her butt crack, crushes it into powder and throws it into the assailant's eyes? Much like Chong Li did to Frank Dux in Bloodsport? I know it takes significant grip strength to crush a solidified bengay tablet, but as long as the assailant hasn't trained by grabbing Koi fish from a pond blindfolded, this should work right? Can you test it out with resistance?

Anthony Ng says:

What about a cripple in a wheelchair doing a wristlock against another cripple in a wheelchair?

Kent Peterson says:

What's the best self defense for dwarves. I tried to look it up but no luck.

Robert Neale says:

Nice video Ramsey I always say carry a set of keys make them count or even a pencil or pen perfectly legal as long as reasonable force is applied that's my advice especially for people in wheelchairs unfortunately that's the society we live in I condone anyone picking on the weak and disabled they deserve to be able to defend themselves no matter what the consequences are for is it not a greater crime for the criminal to pick on the vulnerable because they can't fight and defend themselves so there easy targets take care and be safe

Karimson Safehold says:

The farm dirt hasn't been depleted of minerals in China yet, especially given how close to the mountains many are in. Eating food that is getting its minerals from depleted soil, isn't doing much.

Casteformn says:

Here in Chile, in my university, we have a taichi teacher who remains in a very good condition despite being old, but he always says that a young opponent with good physique can defeat him (because being fit is very important in a fight), so at his age it is better to go accompanied if he goes to dangerous places
. He also make us fight to practice the movements and understand the intention of each.
Greetings from chile, and thank you for your videos :3

Fonduman says:

One of the best constructed video titles ever – how can you see "senior self-defense" and not click on it? I hope there's a demonstration video somewhere…

Soul Chicken says:

Age is age. Health will always be relative to ones age. The best way to keep seniors safe is by creating a society that respects them to the point that attacking an elderly person is unthinkable. That being said, knowing what you can do is better than nothing, but if you're old, you'd better have a gun and know how to use it. Thats just real life.

nagy zoli says:

Well.. depends on the senior. My grand great parent lived 102 years, lived through both WW as cavalry guy(fought in first, almost had to fight in second). At 90 years, he had more stamina than me and my father combined :). I am not talking about movement. I am talking about cutting 1 hectar of fucking vegetation with a scythe. He had arms like granite, benched me in arm wrestling. At 70-80 years old EASY. Lived his entire life out in the field working/farming. Think stopping a nervous horse by grabbing the harness. So for that kind of old person, I see no problem. Especially if spear/stick is involved

David Burt says:

The McDonald mcdojo

Adolf Adolfsson says:

Whats up Ramsey!
(love your channel)

This is a little of topic, but if your an older person you need every aspect right to maximize your potential.

I'm from way long up North, Scandinavia to be more exact, so english is not my native tung.
That said lets get this a try 🙂

I have trained alot of diffrent Martial arts in the past of and on as a youngster(approximately between 6-7 to 15).
I'm natrual a gentle and loving person but maybe at 11 I began taking to the streets for fighting("respect" from bullys, girls, buddies etc), partying/girls alcohol and alot other drugs.

I lived that life to I was 21(35 to day) and after many arrests as juvenile some jail time and later on prison for a wile, and a massive lot of other problems causing from that lifestyle.
Now days I change my self totally become only about love and not war.

But one thing I notice back in the day was if your on some drugs(and not only AAS/steroids) but manly stimulants like ephedrine, amphetamine or cocaine will get you to push much harder, see what's coming faster, better reflexes, fighting without fear and hesitation, even a LITTLE amount of alcohol(preferably mixed with benzodiazepines) will get you more relaxd and battle ready.
I remember even psychedelics had a huge benefit for grounding your self and see how/what you really are and feeling "connected" to every thing aroud you which every aspect toghether actually helps you in all of life, and even the fighting game.

I'm not promoting drugs here at all, because I'm instead a ferm beliver much of that can come natural as well with the perfect mind set and probably endless practice of both mind and body.
But here in the western world most people only take the short road instead sadly.

But in Asia or maybe by the shamans in the deep jungels of then amazons, the spiritual and mind training is much more popular and widely used.

Have you learned so to speak how to awaken your self mentally more in Asia, perhaps by a buddhist munks(not necessarily in a tempel) or a guru of some sort to reach that inner "high" of calmness and inner strength?

And how long in your eye must you practice the inner mind and soul before you can preform better in a street fight or a No Holds Barred fight?

Is the learning curve so high that the practice will take like 50 years or could(if possible at all in your eyes) the goal be reached in like only a couple of years for especially a semi older person that needs every advantage they can get, and even perhaps for a young upcoming MMA fighter?

Thanks for eveything, much love from up North, your a gold mine!

symbolsarenotreality says:

The $cam is the monetary system itself, ie capitalism.
It's all based on arbitrary, relative exchange values.
The $ymbol has abstracted reality.
Imagine if the purpose of your work was the actual work itself rather than earning this $ymbol.
Only the truly valuable roles of society would remain.

Bry Bridge says:

Like you say it is sad but age does limit us sooner or later Being 60 even staying in shape their is no way i can do what i did in my 30s or even 40s I remember as a cop seing old men my age that used to get in fights all the time realllllllllly change and then they lost too many times and wised up . Even with a PR-24 handle batton or a cane at one point you better not miss on the first hit cause it will be your bad . Life gives us a time limit and we cannot forever be what we were in our prime . Thank you sir again well explained truths

Bug Gatewood says:

Spot on my friend, very spot on. You know what you were talking about.

KWRM says:

Giving all the tips to the Oap street fight clubs.

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