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instant karma – bully fail – self defense – instant justice – Episode 108

For bully fail instant karma fails compilation, instant justice videos. The ultimate instant karma compilation please subscribe to our …


Mark mac says:

THe bus driver was the best

Riga Fraction says:

4:56 Well, I can quit the internet now, that just won the ultimate prize.

mike stradling says:

LMAOOO tattoe'd fuckin pussy thought he was a badass,, they all think they are badass's but nothing but pussy's so go tattoo your fagget face's

GrumpyOld Bugger says:

Nice sucker shot.

Zayd Shakur says:

To the chick on the bus…if you hit a man like a man, and then tell him "c'mon let's go", you're going to get yo ass kicked! Don't try to be what you aren't…it'll get you hurt every time. And to those dumb ass girls that were screaming at him, you should have been telling your girl to chill instead of egging her on.

Trey Wright says:

I wish he would've connected with that golf club. You ruined his day so he ruined yours and you have the nerve to think he's wrong.

Krystine Adams says:

canadians…  buddy got aggressive and socked you ok

Marik 444 says:

@8:43 What a bunch of pussies.

Jay Nickerson says:

That last one though! Haha! I hope it's very expensive! 🤣🤣

dav00ss says:

this video is so racist it shows mostly black ppl committing crimes on cctv footage, if you are serious about this YT channel than you will put in the work spending many hours going thru footage to find the white ppl crimes in the sea of black criminals that are everywhere carrying out the majority of all crimes.

Justin Whittington says:

I can't help but notice the thumbnail every time. The old golfer on the left looks like a skinnier version of my step-dad.

rejecter 01 says:

Thats priceless the text says the guy in the blue hat and there,s actually 2 guys in blue hats then the guy with the camera films mostly the wall and his finger. Then to top it off he misses the main action, Why would you even bother to put that in your video.

BanielDrown says:

That last one is fake as shit!

occams99 says:

You ever want to fuck with some asshole's golf game all you need to do is move the flags. They get real pissed off.

Faded Visions says:

4:00 must be California

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