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How to Block and Dodge a Punch for Self-Defense

Here’s my advice for learning how to block and dodge a punch. Take a look then sign up for my 7-DAY MARTIAL ARTS CHALLENGE! It may sound strange, but the secret to self-defense is not defense… it’s offense. Why? Because no one can block and dodge forever! That means your goal in training shouldn’t be to get good at blocking and dodging, it should be to force the bad guy to block and dodge YOUR punches! And the sooner you do that in a self-defense situation, the better. The old masters of Karate and Kung Fu knew this. That’s why they didn’t waste time time passing down “blocks” in their forms and kata. Yes, many movements LOOK like blocks, but they’re actually strikes, grabs, traps, locks, and breaks. Am I saying you should never block or dodge in a fight? Of course not! Just don’t focus on it. Instead of worrying about how to block a punch, train to keep to deliver a punch safely and intelligently. Good habits like dropping your chin and keeping your hands up will allow your body to defend itself automatically as you fight back. To be clear, if you’re sparring just for fun or competing in a combat sport, you may block and dodge as part of your gameplan to tire your opponent down or give yourself time to catch your breath. But in self-defense, you don’t have time to play games! If you’re fighting for your life, you can either go down swinging or go down blocking. I’d rather go down swinging. How about you? THANKS FOR WATCHING! For more tips on martial arts training, self-defense, and living a happy life, check out these links… ►SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: ►Get FREE Email Updates on everything I do: ►Listen to my PODCAST on Martial Arts Living: ►TRAIN WITH ME in person, online, or at a seminar.
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King Chubz says:

do u have a dojo or do u just teach randoms??

Freestyle Tae Kwon Do Federation says:

Great stuff Ando. You cant just block forever. Even blocking does chip damage until your guard breaks.

Carlos Zanini says:

To me the real key is awareness. The ability to go preemptive if you must or just know when run away for safety saved me a lot of times. Thanks for the videos.

Raiwat Sagdeo says:

1:39 nice acting !!

Dr Zeus says:

amazing video I've just watched like 10 of your videos at once today and written some short notes. was kinda wondering if you'd maybe do some street weapons videos? like how to use a pen if you're on the ground fighting for your life or just how to improvise in the street? hope that's a good suggestion 🙂

Randy Brown Mantis Boxer says:

Stop punching kids! Use joint locks, they don't leave marks! 😉 That was good delivery though. Very funny!

Clorox Bleach says:

"Trust me on that I punch a lot of kids" Hi welcome to a watch list

FRICKvonARC says:

"Trust me, i Punch a Lot of Kids" hahahahaha

Timothy De Vita says:

Thank you, once again, for the good advice. I miss martial arts and these videos remind me about some good things that I've thought about and other things that I haven't considered.

Pete Richie says:

My thoughts as well.

Richard hartness says:

Agree, good advice, thanks Sensei.

Jakob W says:

This is one time when it's a compliment to say that you're OFFENSIVE! And while on the subject of offensive attacking, how do you respond to a FLURRY OF PUNCHES using your philosophy here? 🙂

Grigor Mortis says:

Good advice. I wish you showed how to properly block though. There are ways to simultaneously block and attack that most boxers and MMA fighters don't seem to know about. Please show those in your next video. (I'd change the title of this video too.)

J ATats 77 says:

good point. attack until they fall

Mystical Dragon says:

Thank you sir and great video! It makes perfect sense and gives me a better understanding!

Dvsone2012 says:

Roman Gonzales went down swinging

John Rey Robin says:

Nice vid sensei! Hey can you do a video about KMF… Really wondering about it. Thanks. 😀

Vijayanandh Saravanan says:

super concept

Zeeshan Ali says:

nice tips with a pinch of humour

Greenninjadjh says:

Good work again.

Francis Maxino says:

I have found a very effective way to stop an attack consisting of punches and strikes (some people punch so fast that you can't block or 'dodge' in time when in range and in that case you need to know how to move with the blow so that it is less impactive) is to move in close, immobilise, grab or trap the arms of the assailant and use joint manipulation or throwing, it is odd you do not mention this as another alternative to 'dodging' but I guess you're not a Jiu Jitsu or Judo or wrestling sort of guy ?

bolo dork says:

Are you a real ninja?

Billy Ramadandi says:

Thanks Sir! nice vid

Kasyap Krishna says:

A very great advice sir keep on!! I was always blocking and protecting my head while in a fight and because of that I couldn't fight back and the enemy would just throw a wave of attacks at me but this video taught me so much once again thanks

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