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Goshin Jujitsu self-defense techniques

Compilation of Goshin Jujitsu self-defense techniques (from punches, grabs, chokes, etc.) (


hillcrestjujitsu says:

@ronin8996 I’m not sure I agree with that, it was about joint-locks because
the techniques had to work where people were wearing armor.

TheDizzlevideos says:

awesome video! this video is part of the reason I started to study goshin
ryu juitsu! Thank you

dlvt79 says:

Look hard enough but i have to say that u dont really get down in the
street for an armbar cause it is fucking painful and dangerous also to end
with an other guy kicking your head!Also you have to put an attacker which
have some experience.No just hit with the hand extended and wait for the

fireant4000 says:


SpiralBJJ says:

I seriously doubt a woman of that size could wristlock me from a standing
position off of a hard punch, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai are the
only martial arts that give women a chance of surviving an attack. This to
me just gives a false sense of security

hillcrestjujitsu says:

Thanks! I believe they trained with him a long time ago. Not exclusively,
but they trained with him.

M3IDEH says:


CasualSoul says:

@SpiralBJJ I’m an assistant restraint & control tactics instructor for law
enforcement officers. In my experience, with proper atemi and technique
execution, this wrist locking technique (which is a Kote Mawashi variant I
think) can be quite effective in this context. A punch defense is much
different. We teach similar techniques to our students. Don’t take my word
for it’s effectiveness though, download a copy of the U.S Marine Corps
Close Combat manual and you will find it in there as well.

carnivalwrestler says:

@CasualSoul Sorry, my comment was somewhat ambiguous. I was thinking more
in a survival mode, not so much from a legal standpoint. Once you have an
assailant in an armbar, how do you let go if he taps and still guard
yourself from a further attack when you release him? Or from a kimura,
omoplata, americana, etc.? Has anyone developed any “street releases” from
locks like this that would make it safe to xition to standing without
having to dislocate his shoulder, etc?

carnivalwrestler says:

@hillcrestjujitsu I like some techniques I see in this video, things I
could apply in real life. Although most of my formal training is in MMA
(combat submission wrestling, western boxing, and muay thai, etc.), I’ve
always loved TMA’s and I have used them on the street to win fights.
Nothing fancy, just the basics. They really do work, and technique doesn’t
go to heck on the street if your techniques are good. “Slow makes smooth,
smooth makes quick.” Train hard. And peace, brother.

Sevv9220 says:


aspenrebel says:

@CasualSoul BINGO!!! You tell ’em!!! I’m also seeing alot of Kenpo in this
video. I have a black belt in Kenpo, my initital training was in that. I
have also trained in Judo, Small Circle Jujitsu, Aikido, and Escrima
(Modern Arnis), as well as others (bits and pieces, here and there),but
never actual Karate. Whatever works, whatever floats your boat. If it
works, don’t fix it.

hillcrestjujitsu says:

@smalltownman73 that’s because this isn’t 100% traditional Japanese
Jujitsu. This is Goshin Jujitsu.

vinmaster25 says:

GREAT I want to find a good class

Shadow Heart says:

nice… do you guys emphesize on peace and harmony and kindness ? first
time i see a agressive but also balanced self deffence art… a lot of good
principals seem to be present

betloski says:

The way that guy gets slammed is awesome lmao!…they should show how to do

ronin8996 says:

@toddymo Who ever said it was the other way around? Obviously judo is based
on jujitsu, albeit heavily modified. I can’t delve into the differences b/c
a judo throw vs. a jujitsu throw (and/or ukemi) – suffice to say the
assumptions are different. The is all negating the fact that jujitsu –
historically – is not about unarmed throws, etc., but rather techniques
where people armed w/ lesser weapons overcame better weapons.

Rayman77792 says:

@SpiralBJJ Do you think a 130 pound women who trained in bjj or muau thai
would beat a 230 pound man who has also trained in bjj or muay thai. In a
streetfight all martial arts give a false sense to a certain degree.

Liz Orosz says:

yea i can do all that…i wish

majin2912 says:

Looks pretty damn effective. I like that JJJ uses atemi. That’s my only
criticism of BJJ.

neil freeman says:

great training ethic, well performed and executed. Goshin all the way guys.

CasualSoul says:

@simonmafy Why should this look the same during sparring? This is self
defense training, where the attacker is exploding on you with no real
concern about his own personal safety–like a real life assault. Sparring
is about mimicking an ego based or competitive fight, where both parties
are equally motivated to harm each other and both carry at least some
concern about being hurt and/or losing. Defending against a criminal
assault, or the build-up to one, is quite a different conflict dynamic.

Machampion100 says:

@SpiralBJJ That is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever seen.
Judo and Goshin Jujitsu are taught to most military and defence forces
around the world, As well as in most Women’s Self Defence classes. Muay
Thai takes a great deal of speed and strength to be effective which most
women (unless they are athletes and train) do not possess. And Brazilian
Jujitsu causes you to end up on the floor on your back. Not a very good
position for a woman if a large man was her opponent.

SurviveYourDay says:

@ronin8996 yorue thinking Aikido

aspenrebel says:

@oldsgtmajusmc Quite True!! My training was never go to the ground, never
lead with your head, never bend over, never turn your back. Yet this is the
initial and primary thing that BJJ/MMA want to and try to do. Why? Cuz they
have Rules which save them from getting their cerebral cortex smashed or
their spin broken. But IF u are sure no others, then ok to go to the
ground. If u look at Small Circle JJ, they will do wristlock and armbar
while on 2 feet or 1 knee, and still scan.

Rizal Djohan says:

very nice moves. Most of the wazas are hard, short and not too fancy. only
0:55 and 1:26 which i find a bit excessive while only responding to classic
karate style jodan tsuki.

hillcrestjujitsu says:

@andtom251 this is Goshin Jujitsu

HermesDo says:

@ronin8996 jujutsu is not supposed to be forcefull? you dont know what
jujutsu is then my friend.

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