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FREE NLP LECTURE: Energy Healing Psychic Self Defense and Beyond Part 1 Who Else Wants To Tap Into Their Hidden Psychic Energy Powers For Healing – Manifesting – Remote Influence and M…


Darryl Knieff says:

David, I used to do what you are teaching in “Energy healing and psychic
self defense and beyond pt1”, but I didn’t know what I was doing or how to
utilize it. You are answering so many questions I have had for many years,
and I am understandings how to do things I always knew COULD be done, but
again I didn’t know how. Thank you for all your videos and I hope to learn
more healing techniques through hypnosis and beyond.

skwozz says:

Hey David,

I love the information you teach! You have so many videos. Which
video’s/lectures on your channel you think are particulary helpful? And do
you have a website?
Thanks for the amazing free videos! Peace✌️

Sirius Healer says:

I am enjoying your videos, we have much in common with our backgrounds but
I am new to the NLP things that you are presenting that resonates with me.
How does one go further? I am located in NJ

Daniel Godinez says:

I would love to attend one of your lectures! Do you have an email in which
you can send me info on all your meetings and lectures?

Sammie Annk says:

Imagine if David Snyder joining Gregg Braden & Bruce Lipton’s humanity
project… wow!!!

Daniel Godinez says:

thank you very much for the information. are you familiar with Master Choa
Kok Sui?

eve man says:

I would love to meet you david

TheDude says:

Dude here. Subscribed, great content. So much free material, thank you
brother, it’s nice to see hard content, not just tidbits. Stay cool man, I
know that you will.

Marc Mathieu says:

Can you make a video on how to get in the zone I’m a billiard player and a
lot if your conversational hypnosis brings me to a great state of mind I
would like to go further

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