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LannFyre says:

Sweet lord this trend hammering from all sides has finally gotten to this channel too. Boy is it a grim dark day.

neil castell says:

looks like something antifa crowd would really like,

Dylan T says:

Can't tell if this is a joke or not, but since everyone has a fidget spinner in one way or another this isn't a bad idea

Caleb Snooz says:

Where to buy?

Absdrakt.Recon says:

They made a fidget Spinner for BATMAN !! Nuuuuuiiice !!

Survival of the Fittest says:

Jack puts actual snowflakes on the triggered comments HAHA!! You win the internet today sir LOL !! I love this effin channel 😀
But seriously guys, its a fidget spinner……a fidget spinner! Thats whats getting you triggered! Let that sink in! Oh well, in todays world…nothing shocks me anymore. Retards live in YT comment sections apparently.

Louis Becke says:

Ive noticed lately that alot of channels are doing shorter but more videos due to youtube paying less that plus being more PC about content.
Content, production and in depth analysis of products are suffering.

Kip Viteo says:

Also with a bow drill for fire.

Scowler says:

This Spinner craze is getting a little weirder every passing weak.

Meh, keeps machinists in business.

jason barth says:

It looks like it was small for your fingers..

Papa says:

they finally did it… weaponized autism.

Nelson Gonzalez says:

Ahhhhh yeah! Come get some!

Matthew Lucero says:

Calls us not so smart in comment, doesn't even use proper grammar.

Nathan John says:

Yea, for a dwarf.

w2k says:

Fidget spinners are the worst fad since tomogatchi's.

Virginia Gonzalez says:

I couldn't find that spinner at your store. Where can I get one?

cl m says:

Someone's jumped the shark.

Eric Rosbottom says:

0:07 Looks just like the Batman symbol, Hey Jack there are a lot of whiny little bitches that CHOOSE to get offended and claim to be a victim they are called snowflake Libtards! And there alt left terrorism that they do. Look at those antifa bitches and they way these retards are removing statues and plaques, Trying to erase and re-write your history Globalist sheep make me sick to my stomach! Tell me do Liberal even pray or believe in god…. Great review and Fuc the idiots that don't like it

brian barach says:

Smokey Mtn Knife Works , cool place. Nice watch.

Ritchie Bravo says:

Covert ninja claw to scale walls with

Hunter N4KE says:

Can you link me to this? This is perfect for school especially in my area, thanks in advance

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