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Extendable Pocket Staff – Batman Self Defense Tool or Nah?


Matt says:

Good for detering a person unaware maybe

Old-world Ghost says:

Carrying an old cap-and-ball revolver would be a better self-defense weapon than this 😂

ian gove says:

Well, firstly, you held it by the wrong end, so of course it's gonna break if you hold it like that and hit it on something. Secondly, you can easily tighten it (and thus strengthen it) by twisting it clockwise (or counterclockwise, depending on the direction the manufacturer coiled the spring-steel). And thirdly, it's meant to poke and jab at your attacker from a distance, not to club them like it's a baseball bat.
> It's used for self-defense against an attacker with a knife (poke and jab from a distance until you get an open-window of time to flee).
> It's used for intimidation against an attacker with bare fists (they have both hands free and able to grab or parry the staff, so that's why it's only for intimidation in that situation).
> But if the attacker has a firearm pointed at you, you'd be an idiot to even reach your hand into your pocket to try to grab this. 😂

bleach_drink_me says:

Do i think its good? No. Do i think i would like to be hit with it? No. Would someone be better off hitting them with the phone they likely have on them? Maybe. Would a good right/left hook do more? Absolutely. Would a pewpew do even better? You betcha.

Jamie Del says:

You aren’t using it correctly. You’re not supposed to swing it, you’re supposed to jab it. It’s not structured to be able to handle a swing, only a thrust

SensaiRyu says:

As a reusable weapon? No. As a one hit wonder disposable weapon? Eh, better than nothing.

Andee says:

Use it as a pokey stick and it might be more durable and effective

Johnny's Videos says:

the only thing that staff will protect is your virginity

x.a.n.a says:

You use the wrong end I feel like you are supposed hold the middle like a bo staff instead of a baseball bat but I dunno

X Y says:

After you extend it, just place a another long rod like object inside of it

Lawgx says:

Better than with hands

ManicRespawn says:

You just need to get one good SHWAP!

[message family styled] says:

I wonder what material would be needed to actually make it a viable weapon, I also wonder how heavy it would be.

Tanner Aaron says:

I mean if you hit me that hard with a stick, wether it breaks or not, i would definitely at least think of it’s worth it or not

Lynn Woodward says:

It's a magician's appearing cane
Literally a magic trick NOT a weapon
It's like hitting someone with an empty paper towel tube.
It's a total con job

GreyBlackWolf says:

Humans are not made out of jello. They have bones. If you hit even a skinny guy with this. He will laugh and then beat your ass

PeriodWater says:

I mean, it's good for at least one hit lol. maybe you could just pretend like you know what you're doing with it and they'll get scared

AnonWatcher says:

My unregistered firearm is better.

SomeBasementNerd says:

I mean I wouldn't fuck with the guy who just pulled a staff out of nowhere.

Rex Redmon(Walking in the Word) says:

Maybe if you tack welded a nice nail to the end and then you just let it loose right in somebody's face

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