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Ex-Swat Cop Breaks Down Self Defense Shootings

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@hard2hurt says:

Go check to see if your gun and light combo is available at LAS Concealment

@scroogemcduck4765 says:

Dude honestly, some of these seem like split second decisions and I dont know how to feel about it. I agree with most of your takes (boringly), but Having the judgment to diagnose a situation quuckly while stressed seems incredibly difficult. The great shoot example is wild. My ass would probably have died

@_Pauper_ says:

Despite how anti-gun I am I’m glad I watched this. Even feel just slightly better about SOME folks comments here who might have a gun but aren’t complete sociopaths.
– all love from Detroit

@StratRider says:

the worse part of these comments is that these folks could be on your jury. Hopefully someone with experience would be there to straighten them out.
#7 – This passenger never pointed the gun and (without hearing what he was saying) he may have just been doing the dumbest thing and pulling the gun out to put it on the dash.

@a.k.a.billthebusboy1996 says:

Was the distinction making the porch shooting good that he was being creeped up on his own property? The couple times i watched it i wasn't sure if the stalker had a firearm. If not, context?

@lulospawn says:

Not american. My country doesn't have much of a gun culture. All I know about gun laws and shit is from channels like this and ASP, and pop culture, so I'm ignant af.

Here's my list (only good or bad calls, no maybes so I'm taking chances)

1. Bad (seems pretty obvious to me)
2. Good (she was retreating with a gun pointed at the guy and he kept coming)
3. Good (it went real fast)
4. Bad (dude was running away)
5. Good (tits probably knew the guy was not going to be merciful)
6. Good (I think the guy with the mask was drawing, too?)
7. Bad (I'm sure I'm wrong with this call, but it feels wrong. Here's my ignorance)
8. Bad (I know the dude was outnumbered but it didn't seem at the time that he needed to shoot for the rest to go away)
9- Bad (it seems like the car guy keeps his gun as a tool to use in his own escalations)

All these calls minus the first one were made before Mike made his own.

@danielaraujo1238 says:

Interesting you didn’t add the LA self defense shooting that was all over the news, especially because of the political effects it had afterwards.

@Jestylor6 says:

So with this before you made your decision I essentially came to the same conclusion on all of them except five that to me is more of a clear-cut good. Because that's where we're going along I was also thinking about the situations although I was trying to go more good or bad but the fact that they were like okay and stupid also was more correct because it's not a black and white situation. The only reason I say that five was just good instead of probably good is you have a guy who is in his space and someone else comes into it with a camera behind them and then starts swingin. This was a stupid decision, now it could be he came in and the guy was with his girlfriend or somethin but I also can't just make up scenarios of what might be the case…

@bdub0983 says:

Truck kicker: very bad
Santa v cop: bad (should have waited for backup if she couldn't detain him)
Off duty cop: fake
Bieber v shaw: very bad shoot
Chubby guy vs puncher: good shoot (if it's his home)
Black hoodie guy: great shoot (he could have come through the door, good shoot)
5-0 v passenger: good shoot
Green hoodie: bad shoot (he was able to flee and wasn't being attacked at the time. People get trigger happy instead of showing force by drawing down)
White shirt v Camry: bad shoot (in commie states you'd be done)

@punygod7235 says:

Regarding the truck kicker, I think it should be okay to defend your property even if you have to do it with a gun

@MrRawryorawr says:

1: Horrendous, there isn't enough time to truly describe all the better options.

2: I don't want to get called sexist, but that's a situation that can go from bad to horrendous for a female. I agree with the meh, but I am definitely leaning more heavily towards the 'good' category. I don't find a taser to have been a possibility in that situation and the officer giving ground could lead to a much worse situation.

3: I agree I feel the video is either fake or staged, but if real – a good shooting.

4: One thing I like to throw out with stuff like this, generally the cell phone videos aren't happenstance. They started filming because things were getting out of hand. Without appropriate context, what I gather from that video is two men who have some sort of contestation instigated between them. The victim of the shooting was the first witnessed being physically aggressive, but the shooter successfully defended themselves as soon as the victim ran. That's the crucial moment where it goes from potentially good shooting to bad shooting. Regardless of the prior happenstance.

5: I kind of am okay with this one, only because I agree with the premise that the shirtless guy was probably chilling in his area.. HOWEVER, I am assuming that guy is probably in the wrong initially given that he's hanging out somewhere, shirtless, and has a gun in his pocket? I feel like if I'm chilling shirtless in my house I may not just have a loaded ready to go firearm in my pocket unless I know something I've done/am doing has potentiated a fight.

6: Yeah, great, amazing reflexes by the guy.. He could have 'ran inside' but it looked to me like that other guy may have had a firearm and I honestly don't want to be rushing INTO my home with someone chasing me from behind. I got kids, I'm stopping you at the door in that situation.

7: Yep, good shooting, unfortunately given the field you have to assume that individual is going to aim to take your life.

8: I generally don't find that when a group of people is chasing one individual, that one individual is in the right. However, they did not seem to be purposefully chasing the shooter AFTER he jumped the wall, just seemingly stopping him from going elsewhere. Even after the shooting the 'mob' didn't seem to give chase. Agreed, bad shooting.

9: Yeah, your statement of 'legal way to murder someone.' In my mind you made the decision to stop. I'm calling bad shooting.

@josephshamosh9577 says:

1. Bad
2. Good
3. Good
5. Good
6. Good
7. Good
8. Bad
9. Bad

@seranonable says:

4.) Beiber vs Shaw: I'm leaning towards justified. Kid is cornered, assaulted, grappled, yeah the dude starts running when the shots start but that's a pretty typical reaction to being shot at. Kid didn't chase him or anything and the whole volley only lasted a second or two from what I can tell. I do know that if I was him I'd be very nervous about that other camera angle though in terms of going in front of a jury; but I get nervous trying to plan breakfast and a haircut in the same errand, so I might not be a good example.

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