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Episode 7 – Self Defense (Plus a message to all HYBRIDS)

Evan and Vin discuss some very basic concepts of general / unarmed self defense.


Merry Winchester says:

Slendy in the window be like “ooohhh lookie at dem moves!!” >_<

Calamity Productions says:

I wonder if they just learned these self defense techniques just to make
this video convincing.

primeEmu16 says:

for some reason im getting a its always sunny in philadelphia vibe from
this vid.

Jinx Quinn says:

I was paying too much attention to the actual video to notice someone
moving by the window 

AmyUnamazing says:

“biting his throat out”
okay then Evan. . . 

matthew billings says:

why use bear hands when you can use BEAR CLAWS!

GabrielSyler33 says:

Anybody else hear a Dragon Ball Z reference at about 2:45 or 2:46?

strawgirl12 says:

These videos are actually helpful. So I can be watching out for Slender and
learn to defend myself. 

Alex Grimes says:

I’d go to Evan’s classes.

Skelecaine :3 says:

Why did Evan yell at the end?

PureNeptune says:

Did anyone get that yoga based prize?

IIEasyLivingII says:

I love the way Evan’s brutality is introduced so early within the series

Derp Derpington says:

that last second tho

hudson serrit says:

People always forget Evan is a martial arts teacher he has gained ten
badass points

Asia Z says:

left handed

Spike Mov says:

9:16 wtf Evan?

BandGeek Productions says:

Always avoid a fight if you can, never get in a fight for something stupid
(those people who do that have no technique; I could beat them with a
broken arm without the cast), and never fight if the attacker wants you to
fight because then they won (unless your life is on the line, of course)

Mystery#535 says:

I feel so sad watching this while eating kettle chips XD
If Slender gets me I swear I will just die, just die.

no says:

This video does NOT come directly after episode 6 fyi. Watch “_ _ _” if you
haven’t yet. The wiki has the proper order.

Michael Lamberto says:

I’m fat.

Aron Lin says:

Evan: “Second step, find something bigger than a knife.”
Jeff: “Like a grizzly bear!”

MultiLpsgirl says:


Ash Martinelli says:

What If The Attacker Has A Pointed Stick?

IDontKnow090 says:

The health and fitness as well as Slendy are just a cover. This is really a
documentary about all the different awesome shirts Evan owns.

Alex Mason says:

Or you can just press the counter knife button and take the guy’s tags!

MugiwaraNoLuffy says:

punches?nah gear second will do enough lol

logan wilhide says:

Lol at the fight club reference

Ryu Lightorb says:

kicking never almost happens…..if i get in a fight am i the only one who
uses kicking instead of punching (my arms have always been weaker then my

Nanni garcia says:

0:05 …wut…

LunaDude1996 says:

I wonder if I’ll use these to defend myself against Slender Man, The Rake
or one of HIS proxies. Will they work?

Cheese Sandwich says:

Am I the only one here actually learning stuff?

BandGeek Productions says:

In my Tae Kwon Do class, I learned that nobody wins in a knife fight
uninjured, even if you’re the one with a knife. Also, don’t just cover your
head, protect your chest (with your fist over the middle of the rib cage)
and with the other arm out in front of your head, not on your head, in
front of it (I wish I could show you all a picture of this).

Charlie Blunt says:

Screw punches

Karla Doell says:

4:57 Did Evan just say “and I eat him”?

bellathestrange says:

I like how the camera man’s name is Jeff and they’re demonstrating knife
fights. Just sayin’.

Oliver Antal says:

0:01 YTP :D

Phyankord says:

im not trying to be rude here. but this isent the best type of self
defence. there are alot more things you can do and train yourself to do so
you done have to put of precautions such as “put your shoulder up like that
so it protects your face” with a little bit of wit and speed you can easily
turn that punch into a block… not to mention your neck is still
completely moveable so keep it going

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