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Does this TRICK Pre-Emptive Strike WORK in BAR FIGHTS?… REACTING to Self Defence Videos

What TRICKS WORK in BAR FIGHTS? This week we react to a video titled ‘Preemptive Strike Tactical Self Defense Trick’. We discuss the idea of playing submissive is a good idea in a bar fight for self defence. It’s referred to as the Submissive Surprise Attack. Credit: About Us ELEVATING YOUR FIGHT IQ: Videos blending Martial Arts, Crime Science, and Psychology. Presented by Dr Mark Phillips Criminal Psychologist, Security Consultant, Martial Arts and Defensive Skills Instructor. An expert in Organised Crime, Hostage Taking, and Offender Profiling. Martial arts experience includes Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling, Boxing, San Da Kickboxing, and MMA. Weekly Self Defence and Martial Arts video releases every Wednesday. Topics Covered: Coping with Criminal Behaviour, Self Defence Techniques, Street Fighting Tips, Mindset Preparation, as well as general tips on how to defend yourself. CONNECT WITH US! Instagram ► Facebook ► VISIT OUR ACADEMY LWCA ► OUR BLOG ►


John Reeves says:

Best way to deal with a drunk guy, grappling.

minnesotabirdmites says:

Yup buy him a drink….a kiddie cocktail, extra Cherries. Then laugh…😆

Thomas Crockett says:

Being a former bartender in local bars where I was on my own, that means I was the bouncer as well: if you have to go to a bar, go early, leave early. If you take a date to a small bar with lots of testosterone, you will be a target because you made your date a target. Again, 90% of fights happen between 10 and 2pm, leave early if you have to go. As soon as you see predatory action ( behavior) from a group, leave. If your date….and I have seen this more times than I've wanted to…insists you take them to these places…they are putting you in harms way because they enjoy putting you in harms way.

Stitch Jones says:

Being first is very important, or alternatively knowing how to slip, roll and counter punch.

327 Chevy says:

If your defending yourself you've already lost. The word defense means you are losing period.

Ray Purchase says:

In the age of CCTV, any pre-emptive strike you make will make YOU the aggressor in the eyes of the law.

Ray Purchase says:

I've always found an unexpected head-butt will surprise and destabilise the other guy.

Metro State says:

When people thing you are tough, some wanna see how tough!

King says:

If You go with that disarming smile at the end.. the guys gonna buy YOU a drink

Lakshan Chinthaka says:

At the end of this video you said, "thanks for watching " but I always have to say thanks for teaching these things. You are so modest as a sifu. The points and the realistic scenarios that you've always explained are very important and I haven't seen explain by anyone else

Ray Purchase says:

I've been watching old Kung Fu episodes, with Kwang Chi Caine.
Lots of bar fights.

Antoni whyyousocraven says:

Exactly Mark personally I always look them eye to eye .
Confident is a defensive attribute in itself ( not arrogance ).
Folding my left arm loosely with my right hand scratching my ear chin head not in an agitated way.
Looking calm usually with the intentions of de-escalting but prepared to do what I have to.
Nothing will go exactly but prepared for possibly is good.

mark findlay says:

Don't go into a bar best defence!

Aaron Hawk says:

25 years of instructing, agree and appreciate your breakdown!

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